vbscript - How can I make a vbs file which can press arrow keys? -
I am using a voice command software and its still in beta, but really the only thing that is good I have a big problem in navigation in folders and files
So I thought I would create a VBS script that would start with my voice. For example: I say that VBS files are left who presses presses arrow right
I just need the code for keystrokes
Once again, the arrow Press the highlighted folder by pressing the key I
Itemprop = "text">
it may help you to create scripts
'shell script object Customize key storks and scroll WshShell = set Word screen WScript.CreateO Open bject ("WScript. Shell") shell = wscript.CreateObject ("Shell.Application"). Open the "C: \ export \ scripts" WshShell.SpecialFolders ( "C: \ export \ scripts") WshShell.specialFolders.item (0) WshShell SendKeys "{LEFT}" WScript.Sleep 1000 WshShell.SendKeys "{LEFT}" WScript Ksleep 1000 WshShellksendkeys "{right}" Wskriptksleep 1000 WshShellksendkeys "{down}" Wskriptksleep 1000 WshShellksendkeys "{down}" Wskriptksleep 1000 WshShellksendkeys "{down}" Wskriptksleep 1000 WshShellksendkeys "{right}" Wskriptksleep 1000 W ShShellksendkeys "{right}" Wskriptksleep 1000 WshShellksendkeys "{right}" Wskriptksleep 1000 WshShellksendkeys "{right}" Wskriptksleep 1000 Vshsellksendkeys "{right}" Wskriptksleep 1000 WshShell SendKeys "{left}" Wskriptksleep 1000 WshShellksendkeys "{sub}" Wskriptksleep 1000
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