
Showing posts from June, 2013

animation - Moving (comet tail) effect of particle emitter without actual moving -

I have a sprite in my scene and inside this sprite there is a particle emitter. Therefore, when I use the Phantom (Move Action), then I can see the animation running for both phantom and particle emitter. The deletion animation did not affect the old particles (which was emitted before the animation) and I can see something like a tail, just like comets, everything is fine. Now, if I take the action for the phantom and move it, then say, make an action with 100 pixels up and down the emeter for 100 pixels, then the emitter will be inspired by 100 pixels, but relatively live on the screen. And there will be no "comet tail" effect, therefore, that means the exhausted particles are not related to the phantom, but for some more then my question is that I am "comet tail" How can Rbav am, without actually moving screen? Or imagine, I have a layer with sun emission and at some point I will decide to move this layer (scroll) and my sun emission will also scroll with t...

python - efficient way to compute numpy.ndarray internal multiplication -

I have two matrix A and B with the same size: a = Np Ndarray (size = (3, 2), dtype = int) b = np.ndarray (size = (3, 2), dtype = int) and I should multiply internally They like: 1 2 a = 4 5 7 8 9 8b = 6 5 3 2 And the result should be 1x2 ndarray: [1x 9 + 4x6 + 7x3 2x8 + 5x5 + 8x2] It is similar that we are computing the scaler dot product of two columns matrix . What I am doing now: np.diag ( (np.transpose (a), b)) But it's not efficient and it's calculating many other things I do not need. My metrics are much more than these, so it is important to find a more efficient solution. You can do simple multiplication first and then zodiac on the axis = 0: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A = np.array ([[1, 2], [4, 5], [7, 8]]) gt; & Gt; & Gt; B = np.array ([[9, 8], [6, 5], [3, 2]]) gt; & Gt; & Gt; (A * b) .sum (axis = 0) array ([54, 57])

ruby on rails - How do I use Simple_Form with Nested Resources? -

मेरे पास 3 मॉडल हैं: फॅमिलीट्री, नोड, टिप्पणी। परिवार ट्री पर प्रत्येक प्रविष्टि एक नोड है । एक नोड एक टिप्पणी हो सकती है। मॉडल निम्नानुसार हैं: FamilyTree.rb # == स्कीमा सूचना # # तालिका का नाम: परिवार_ट्रेट # # आईडी: पूर्णांक नल, प्राथमिक कुंजी # नाम: स्ट्रिंग (255) # यूज़र_आईडी: पूर्णांक # बनाया गया_डेट: डेटटाइम # अपडेटेड_ैट: डेटटाइम # क्लास फ़ॅमिलीट्री & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस attr_accessible: नाम is_to: उपयोगकर्ता has_many: सदस्यता, आश्रित:: नष्ट has_many: सदस्यों, के माध्यम से:: सदस्यता, स्रोत:: उपयोगकर्ता, निर्भर: नष्ट has_many: नोड्स, आश्रित:: नष्ट / पूर्व> नोड.आरबी # == स्कीमा सूचना # # तालिका नाम: नोड्स # # आईडी: पूर्णांक नल, प्राथमिक कुंजी # नाम: स्ट्रिंग (255) # परिवार_ट्री_आईडी: पूर्णांक # यूज़र_आईड: पूर्णांक # मीडिया_आईड: पूर्णांक # मीडिया_प्रकार: स्ट्रिंग (255) # निर्मित_ैट: डेटटाइम # अपडेटेड_ैट: डेटटाइम # सर्काः डेटटाइम # आईआईएममेंट: बूलियन # वर्ग नोड & लेफ्टिनेंट; ActiveRecord :: बेस is_to: family_tree belong_to: user belongs_to: media... - Reading data from Excel First Sheet - C# -

There are 2 Excel Sheets - FileA & amp; FileB Only a sheet in the FileA contains the data & amp; No shelves hidden to make sure the name is kept Sep '. There are 3 sheets in File B in the first one & amp; The name of 'Sheet1' is named. To test with the file, I wrote this code and it works fine. While examining the FileA schema in the code that was encountered with FileB, I see that the 'SEP' is shown as a line. Therefore, it is written to get the name of the first letter string firstestname = dtSchema.Rows [2] ["TABLE_NAME"]. ToString (); But for FileB, Sheet 1 appears in the schema as the first line. Why is it different for different sheets? What should I write, so that I can always get data from the first letter with the data. Private Zero GetDataFromExcel () {DataSet dsExcel = null; If (true) {OleDbCommand cmdSelect = null; OleDbDataAdapter daXls = Null; OLDBConnection xlsCSV = Faucet; Datatelle dtSchema = null; {Xls...

ios7 - How to force launch images instead of launch screen on iOS 8? -

How can I disable the launch screen for my app for iOS 8? If this is not possible, how do I show my launch screen.exe right image based on the device? If you want to use pictures, remove the launcher.exeb. Under Images.xcassets , when you create LaunchImage , you will be able to specify your static images. And yes, delete the value in the launch screen file selector in your target settings.

qt - What is button property "tooltip" used for? -

I am writing a test application to know what QML is offering. I have created a simple button and tried to make tooltip on mouse hover event. I find many solutions already how this happens () and this is not a problem. In the documentation, however, I have had to face a button property called tooltip . Now I feel that if there is such a property in an underlying component, the tooltip is automated, obviously there is no such thing as nothing has changed by defining the property; tooltip . The question is, what is the property actually used for? button {id: myButton x: 10 y: 10 text: "click me" tooltip: "some tooltip"} Tooltip needs to be received to get the mouse hover event and it is possible only if your button has any other MouseArea The following example shows the fine tooltip on OS X and Qt 5.2.1: Import with hoverEnabled property is not equal to true QtQuick 2.0 Importing QtQuick.Controls 1.1 Rectangle {Width: 360 Height: 360 Text {a...

active directory - Get organization Job title in AD using powershell -

I'm searching everywhere, and tried many different combinations, but I can not find it How to get the "Job title" from the part of AD's organization. Here are some of the things that I have to try. get-aduser -filter * - searchbaby "Bob.banker" - Samata sAMAccountName, title-acquisition-identifier " Bob. Banker "-Filters * -Party Title | Group Title - NewElement In addition, as a bonus question, how would you determine the job title? Thank you all for your support. In your example, if the user's username is Bob, then use the banker: P> received-educator-filter {sn-eq "barker"} -properties sAMAccountName, title

r - How to replace even or odd colums in a matrix? -

उदाहरण के लिए, अगर मेरे पास मैट्रिक्स था: realmatrix = matrix (1 : 16, ncol = 4, nrow = 4) यह कौन देगा: [, 1] [, 2] [, 3] [ , 4] [1,] 1 5 9 13 [2,] 2 6 10 14 [3,] 3 7 11 15 [4,] 4 8 12 16 और मैं चाहूंगा एक ऐसा समारोह बनाने के लिए जो एक निश्चित मान (उदाहरण 1: 4) के साथ दो कॉलमों को प्रतिस्थापित कर लेगा, यदि इसके पास एक भी संख्या में colums हैं, तो परिणाम कुछ ऐसा होना चाहिए: [ , 1] [, 2] [, 3] [, 4] [1,] 1 1 13 13 [2,] 2 2 2 14 [3,] 3 3 3 15 [4,] 4 4 4 16 और अगर मैट्रिक्स में अजीब संख्या वाले कॉलम हैं, तो फ़ंक्शन केवल अजीब कॉलम को बदल लेगा, जो कि मध्य एक कहने वाला है: यह अजीब संख्या के साथ मैट्रिक्स है कॉलम: realmatrix2 = matrix (1: 12, ncol = 3, nrow = 4) अंतिम परिणाम: [, 1] [, 2] [, 3] [1,] 1 1 9 [2,] 2 2 10 [3,] 3 3 11 [4,] 4 4 12 बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! fun2 & lt; - फ़ंक्शन (चटाई, वाल) {स्टॉपिफोनॉट (लंबाई (वैल) == एनरो (चटाई) ) () (एन / 2, एन / 2 + 1)] & lt; - val} else {चटाई} # 1, 1 1 1 13 #, छत (एन / 2)] & lt; - val} चटाई} आनन्द 2 (व...

C++ building error for a simple code using armadillo and hdf5 libraries -

I am quite new to C ++ and Armandillo, and I get stuck with a building error described below. I am trying to check the following simple code to save an Armadillo matrix in the form of a HDF 5 file: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; Armandillo & gt; using namespace std; Using Namespace ARMA; Int main () {mat A = Random & lt; Mat (240,320); ("A.hdf5", hdf5_binary); Return 0; } When compiling, I get the following errors: /usr/include/armadillo_bits/hdf5_misc.hpp:131:  «undefined reference arma_H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE » /usr/include/armadillo_bits/hdf5_misc.hpp:131:  «arma_H5Tcopy a undefined terms» obj / debug / main.o: «function bool Arma :: diskio :: save_hdf5_binary & LT; Double & gt; (Arma :: Mat & LT; double & gt; constant & amp;, std :: string const & amp;)  »: /usr/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp:1299: undefined reference« arma_H5Eset_auto  In »/ usr / include / armadillo_bits / diskio_meat ....

c# - IDbAsyncEnumerable not implemented -

I am trying to create FakeDbContext with FakeDbSet for unit testing. But I get the error (see below). I am increasing the DBST so IDbAsyncEnumerable should generally be implemented. And when I implement it, it says that it has no use. Exception: System. Resident Operation Exception: Source IQueryable IDbAsyncEnumerable & lt; Conexio.Data does not apply to Entities.Conexio.ConexioContact & gt; The only sources implementing the IDBSync Enimereble can be used for the unit framework asynchronous tasks. For more details see FakeDbSet Class: Public Abstract Class FakeDbSet & Lt; TEntity & gt; : DBSET and lieutenant; Tentity & gt ;, IEnumerable & lt; TEntity & gt ;, IQueryable, IDbAsyncEnumerable & lt; TENTity & gt; Where tementi: unit, new () {#region Private Fields Private Redonially Observed Collection & lt; TEntity & gt; _items; Private Readonly IQueryable _query; #ndriven private fi...

html - Prefixfree-min.js not working with external css -

Hello I was making a webpage, and was using internal CSS. I copied the entire CSS code into an external file and added it with my HTML. Earlier, prefixfree.js was working fine, but as soon as I copied it into external CSS, prefixfree.js stopped working with Chrome. Firefox is working but Chrome animations and transitions do not run. Thanks Thanks to Alex Wilson, unfinished link stylesheet can not work locally in Chrome and Opera Are there. Firefox (and IE?) Have local locally supported XHR, so prefix-free will work locally with them. To enable local XHR for Chrome, you need to run it with the flag - To enable local XHR for file-access-to-file-file opera, you have to go to Opera: config # UserPrefs | Allow the file XMLHttpRequest, check that option and save.

jsf 2 - JSF 2.0 Primefaces -

I & lt; P: selectOneRadio & gt; is using Boolean (wrapper class) property, so while the property is displayed with zero, the radio button is unchecked (which is correct), but when clicking on the save button, the default On choosing any option (yes / no) by false, it is also set in the property and after saving, 'no' is being selected. Below is the code (primefaces 4): & lt; P: selectOneRadio value = "# {myBean .hasMyBooleanProperty}" & gt; & Lt; F: select item item label = "yes" item value = "# {true}" /> & Lt; F: select item item label = "no" item value = "# {false}" /> & Lt; / P: selectOneRadio & gt; "post-text" itemprop = "text"> answer this question here Given: (see Answer to Balsus) Add-Dorg.apache.el .parser.COERCE_TO_ZERO = false Fix it in your system properties Will do it. Make sure Boolean property is boolean type and not old. ...

visual studio 2012 - Why my mouse wheel vertical scrolling step resets to "1"? -

Every time I set up Visual Studio, my vertical scrolling settings for the mouse (and in the form of a touch pad Also, is not attached to that moment) Reset "1" from "3" I have set the scroll step "3" and after coding, testing and debugging some lines, scroll step size "1" Resets again. Any thoughts? System Info: Samsung Notebook, Windows 7 Home Basic, Visual Studio Express 2012. Note: I do not have anything in my code with the mouse or any other hardware. This is an accurate solution, for which it is in the form of a precise solution, as the phrase But first of all I have to understand the main reason; But I've just removed the bug by removing the mouse driver and letting Windows manage the mouse through the normal driver.

How to browse & display excel sheet in web browser using -

I want to browse the Excel input file & amp; Display it on a web browser & amp; It should be editable on the web browser, I am using C # for coding. Any help will be gr8 in advance thanx I think you have the option of HTML table or Google spreadsheet / Microsoft Excel Online. For more information:

objective c - How to make UIImage shown as the size of the UIView -

UIImage * image = (UIImage *) [info valueForKey: UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage]; NSLog (@ "% f% f% f% f", (image.size.width / 9), (image.size.height / 16), (568 / image.size.height), (दौर ((568 / Image.size.height) * image.size.width))); यदि ((image.size.width / 9) & lt; (image.size.height / 16)) {imageLoad.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, 320, round ((320 / image.size.height) * छवि size.height)); } और अगर ((image.size.width / 9) & gt; (image.size.height / 16)) {imageLoad.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, गोल ((568 / image.size.height) * छवि। Size.width), 568); } और {imageLoad.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, गोल ((568 / image.size.height) * image.size.width), 568); } NSLog (@ "% f% f", imageLoad.frame.size.width, imageLoad.frame.size.height); ImageLoad.hidden = नहीं; ImageLoad.image = image; मैंने UIImageView * imageLoad का उपयोग करके CGRectMake का आकार बदल दिया और मैंने सोचा कि UIImage * image UIImageView * imageLoad के आकार के रूप में दिखाया जाएगा। हालां...

ios - Is there a code only version of "Size Classes"? -

I'm writing my iOS 8 constraints in the code instead of IO Oh, for a number of reasons, There is no way to write the constraints of the "sections", as you can do in the IB. I think I can look for changes in the screen aspect ratio and then reset the obstacles, but is there a more documented way? Thank you! Henry check UITraitCollection and UITraitEnvironment . Contains UITviewController to UITraitEnvironment which means that you can hold it at UITraitCollection and when it changes through code, the response is also > TraitcollectionDidChange: In the UITraitCollection displayScale and userInterfaceIdiom with horizontal and vertical sizes.

aes - Encryption Algorithm returning different value in php and javascript -

PHP में & lt;? Php $ token = 'uid = pratik @ gmail कॉम | ts = 1412917909 | हैश = r1xWbgfHUxDLlppGYuOKQJdIM1MTrkryEArkMQx9ERw = | url = http: // '; $ कुंजी = 'a1cbbb6eb5cb2c1c27a9f02a4434d3af'; $ टोकन = mb_convert_encoding ($ टोकन, 'UTF-16LE'); $ BlockSize = 16; $ पैड = $ ब्लॉकसिस - (स्ट्रेलन ($ टोकन)% $ ब्लॉक आकार); $ टोकन। = Str_repeat (chr ($ पैड), $ पैड); $ टोकन = mcrypt_encrypt (MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $ कुंजी, $ टोकन, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $ iv); $ टोकन = बेस 64_एनोड ($ टोकन); गूंज "\ n यह टोकन $ टोकन है \ n"; ? & Gt; आउटपुट -: यह टोकन है TXz3UEgAdjGhyriNGcMJBUk4QcW3dA7rttzjbKztw19X8bSIMDZt8s6uSQy2OP5QcSpJuReKv73wFXzPyCXt05CNY6XWlx9Lfrv6Nosj0 + 4mHdD7 / Wvx0QWqxuuv5qv4sgtgSif59Wy / ZAoYhfH8yzN / 3hWnx6zzOrV6jxyDttmffk1zcBwtJ3X41mMVbPLOd1 / 2K3ZYxCcJ1VxESFDNB4N1okvGMRkCM0tL77oZiKv + n6CP9FEgKivCfvytFB8JWc9K ++ 8vbLdV / iGgkEa7h0pfAZtYpryQQjFzqLx8NSQ = जावास्क्रिप्ट में 'सख्त प्रयोग'; Var क्रिप्टोजएस = की आवश...

php - Codeigniter join 2 tables data with new column for id value -

I'm new to Codeigniter and PHP , just learn I Searched for it but did not find the correct answer. I have a table in which there is some data, call it post and in this table, I have category_id in each post. I have categories There is one more table and I have 2 columns in this table: id and name . I want to join two tables which I will get the result post as well as another column called category_name categories. Name . . function getPostsWithByCategoryID ($ numberOfRows, $ start, $ categoryId) How much time was it so far? {$ This-> Db- & gt; Choose ('*'); Order - ('id', 'character') from $ '-' ('post') -> - & gt; Range ($ numberOfRows, $ start); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('category_id', $ categoryID); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Join ('Categories', 'posts.category_id =='); $ Query = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; get receive (); Return $ query- ...

ios - Call method hierarchy in Objectiv-C -

मैं एक वर्ग विधि घोषित करता हूं: + (int) widthScaled: (UIImage *) छवि अधिकतमहेइट: (पूर्णांक) अधिकतम {इंट चौड़ाई = 0; चौड़ाई = (image.size.width - (((image.size.height - अधिकतम) * 100) /image.size.height) * image.size.width) / 100; वापसी की चौड़ाई; } एक ही कक्षा में, मैं इन उदाहरणों की तरह एक उदाहरण की घोषणा करता हूं: - (शून्य) generarVistas {if (...) {.. ।} Else {for (...) {... // मुझे क्लास मेथड यहां डालनी है, लेकिन अगर मैं इस तरह क्लास पद्धति को कॉल करता हूं, तो अंतर चर = [[स्व वर्ग] चौड़ाई वाला नहीं पहचानता है: छवि अधिकतमहैइट : अधिकतम]; ...}} मैं क्लास पद्धति को उदाहरण विधि में डालने का प्रयास करता हूं लेकिन काम नहीं करता। क्लास विधि को पहचानने के लिए मुझे किस संदर्भ का संकेत देना चाहिए? आपको जो समस्या आ रही है वह यह है कि [आत्म वर्ग] एक रनटाइम कॉल है जो रिटर्न परिणाम को रनटाइम तक नहीं जानता है। संकलक यह नहीं जानता कि यह किस वर्ग की है। आपके द्वारा लिखे गए कोड को हमेशा एक निश्चित श्रेणी से लागू किया जाना चाहिए, इसलिए ऐसा न करें। यदि वर्ग FooClass है, तो इस फ़ॉ...

recursion - How do I write a recursive delay function in C -

As part of the fun coding session, my friend was working on writing delays in C, I mainly The program does not work in C, although I used to do it, I wanted to write one to use recursive but whatever I wanted to do was not quite capable of achieving .... which is delayed , Say 20 milliseconds. I think I have some logic missing here. How do I write a delayed function using recycling. Currently my code looks like this, it must be addressed by the second range in milliseconds. #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Zero delay (unsigned long * d) {while (* d--> 0) {delay (d); }} Int main () {unsigned long del = 200; Delay (& amp; Dell); Return 0; } It looks like a very bad idea in general; In most environments where the meaning of busy-looping makes sense, you can not really afford the stack, it is only going to be consuming for delay. He said, I think it has failed to make index-oriented zero delays (unsigned long D) {if (D>...

SQL update inner join trouble with oracle request -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 13 जवाब ओरेकल डाटाबेस हाय दोस्तों, मुझे ऑरेकल सिंटैक्स के साथ परेशानी होती है और इन्हें अपडेट में शामिल होने में परेशानी होती है, लेकिन मैंने ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश की लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता "एसईटी कीवर्ड लापता" तालिका 1 के रूप में अपडेट करें t1 INNER तालिका 2 के रूप में टी 2 ऑन टी 1 पर .id_description = t2.id_description SET फ़ील्ड = '।' WHERE t2.code = 'XXXX' और t2.status IN ('VALUE1', 'VALUE2'); thx बहुत यह SQL सर्वर में काम करता है, में ओरेकल एक और वाक्यविन्यास है UPDATE table1 t1 SET फ़ील्ड = '।' जहां मौजूद है (चयन 'एक्स' से तालिका 2 टी 2 WHERE t1.id_description = t2.id_description और t2.code = 'XXXX' और t2.status IN ('VALUE1', 'VALUE2'));

Migrating the backend from MS Access to SQL Server -

Client needs to convert the backend of current application running on MS Access 2007 to SQL Server 2005. For this, I tried to use an exception wizard to create a .adb . My Problems Almost all the complex questions are throwing the error Do the questions really need to be raised? If so how do I have no clue How the last application will appear in the end? Where should the questions be kept? (Some people say that queries can be made in visual or stored workflow in SQL Server) nothing is happening in my mind and I feel bothered. Can anyone add the whole process, will be migrated other than all tables and how? Please help me in advance thanks You can use the ODBC data source And you can keep all your things as if they ... As you know, the recent version of Microsoft Access does not support access project files. If you want to update your MS office, best to use the Odvc data source, it will take your table to SQL Server but will keep everything in access and you ...

c# - DLLImport works in VS but not in IIS -

We have SOAP websites that use third-party DLLs. In Visual Studio, when I run the program, it works perfectly but it can find dll but when I put this project in IIS, then the webservice DLL can not be found. Here is the DllImport part below. [DllImport (@ "/ dll / y1d431_mit.dll", EntryPoint = "Y1DPackG", SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)] Private Static Extern Zero Y1DPackG (Reference Integer ErrorNumb, Ref Integer ErrorMsgs, String RegCustomer, Integer RegPassword, Integer CostOptim, Integer IgnoreLast, Integer EffortLev, Integer ReduceLays, Integer PrefShort, Integer DiffStocks, Integer DiffPieces, Integer ReusLength, Integer GapItIt, Integer GapItEnd, Integer GapGripEnd, Integer OptimTime, Integer IterMult, Integer LayByMark, Integer RunMsgMode, Integer ReservInp2, ref rounding stoc KGrLth, referee integer StockGrCst, referee, less StockGrQty, referee integer PartGrLth, referee integer PartGrMrkID, referee partGrQty, referee integer critsum, refere...

javascript - Get value of specific css class from selected tr -

I have an html table with several rows, all of which are equally structured. The row I click through JQuery, but now I want to get the value of a certain field with the CSS class "book" that line the line within $ (function () {$ (document) .on ('click', '.book_listing', function () {$ (this) .css ('background' , 'Red'); // is the code that I tried to get val console.log ($ (This) .find ('book'). Val ());})}}) & lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Stuff 1 & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Stuff 2 & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Stuff 3 & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Thead & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; Tr class = "book_listing" & gt; &...

responsive design - Border around full background image -

I am trying to create boundary / frame around a full screen background picture. I can use this limit but I could not make a space between the border and the frame. The other thing is to make a hole on the lower part of the picture. If you give any advice, I really appreciate it. Richard I can not help you about the hole but you can And in order to make space between the border and the end of the screen, you can set up padding and magnificin with CSS in your image.

javascript - Newline added when appending elements to a div -

The output of the code below produces one line of text and then produces a button below the text. How do I button next to the text? var count = document.createTextNode ('My Text:'); Document.getElementById ('container') appendChild (count). Var f = document.createElement ('form'); F.setAttribute ('method', 'post'); F.setAttribute ('action', 'test'); Var text = document.createElement ('input'); Text.setAttribute ('type', 'hidden'); Text.setAttribute ('name', 'text'); Text.value = 'Hey! - hidden value '; Var s = document.createElement ('input'); // input element, submit button s.setAttribute ('type', 'submit'); S.setAttribute ('value', 'hey!'); F.appendChild (text); F.appendChild (s); Document.getElementById ('container') appendChild (f). S.onclick = function () {f.submit (); }; jsFiddle: The default display of the display ...

ode - How can one use scipy odeint to obtain multiple solutions? -

I use Scipy in odeint to solve ODEs Learning to do Now I am trying to solve the Springer equation with a semi-infinite capability: V (x) = -v (x 0) v> 0-F '' (x) / 2 + v (x) f (x) = energy * f (x) -v and lt; Energy & lt; 0 should be the exact solution c1 * sin (x) + c2 * cos (x) (x 0) I used the X & lt; Set a starting point in the field 0 (given f (x0), f '(x0), x0 ), but the solution I have received is always in x (x) X (X) area but exp (-x) is more meaningful in physics. odeint ? How to get this solution by solving the odeint ODEs of SciPy as you comment on , But the Schroedinger equation is a PDE (partial differential equation). You can isolate spatial coordination and treat it as a system of coupled OD, but according to the general perspective, solving the same problem is to find eigenbasis of the solution.

php - Zend framework https request -

I am trying to request an https request using the Zend Framework 1.11, as well as http everything being working properly , But when I am in the request URL, I am not more capable of receiving feedback. I was reading like a manual like trying: $ uri = ''; $ Adapter = New Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl (); $ Client = new Zend_Http_Client (); $ Customer & gt; SetUri ($ uri); $ Customer & gt; SetMethod ('post'); $ Customer & gt; SetAdapter ($ adapter); $ Adapter-> Set Config (array ('curl' => array (CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER = & gt; wrong))); Log :: Notices ("URL:". $ Yuri); $ Response = $ client- & gt; SetRootata ($ xml, 'application / xml') - & gt; Request ('post'); I have already activated php_curl.dll in php.ini. That's why only https is not working, maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing. Thank you. Potentially invalid certificate. If you can not validate the serve...

Managing unmanaged string across C++ / C# boundary with P/Invoke -

मेरे पास निम्न स्ट्रक्चर घोषित (सी ++) हैं: struct नेटिवऑपरेशन रिज़ल्ट {const INTEROP_BOOL सफलता ; // INTEROP_BOOL = char const char16_t * const त्रुटि संदेश; निवासीऑपरेशन रिजल्ट (कॉन्स्ट नेटिवऑपरेशन रिजल्ट & amp; c); / * विभिन्न कन्स्ट्रक्टर, संक्षेप के लिए छोड़े गए; अब, मेरे पास एक निर्यातित फ़ंक्शन परिभाषा कहीं भी है: extern "c" __declspec (dllexport) नेटिवऑपरेशन रिजल्ट वापसी फेलरव्यूथ मेसेज () {रिटर्न {INTEROP_BOOL_FALSE, "टेस्ट "}; } मेरी उम्मीद है कि फोन को कॉल करना है ReturnFailureWithMessage (अगर आप सोच रहे थे तो एक परीक्षण विधि) सी # से पी / इंवोक द्वारा। नेटिवऑपरेशन रिजल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर में, यह "टेस्ट" की एक प्रति लेता है और इसे ErrorMessage में डालता है। नेटिवऑपरेशन रीजल्ट का char16_t का स्वामित्व है * इसलिए मुझे इसे हटाने की आवश्यकता है जब संरचना नष्ट हो जाती है। यह कोई समस्या नहीं है, लेकिन मैं मेमोरी को हटाना नहीं चाहता इससे पहले कि नेट सीएलआर को स्ट्रिंग को कॉपी करने का एक मौका है। सच कहूँ तो मैं कहां से हटाना ...

angularjs - Edit ng-repeated item using ngclick -

I am learning that angle and trying to make bits and bobs for learning. Ive tried to explain myself as far as possible - any help would be greatly appreciated. Example: I have made myself a bit of this data $ scope.people = [{"personID": 1, " "Alan", "Last name": "Van Shure", "Atting": "First name": "Sam", "Last name": "Stimpson", "Attting": false}, {"personID": 2, "First_name" : True}, {"person id": 3, "first_name": "Lindsay", "last_name": "van shoor", "present": wrong}]; I have created an output in my view like this: Now I'm stuck on that. I want to be able to click on a person and update my existing field on the wrong side. I think I can use ng-click like this $ scope.isAttending = function () {alert ("Attending"); }; But there is no clue about how I will update...

php - Checking for new posts on Facebook -

Is it possible to check new posts on Facebook page (Fan Page or Personal Page)? I need to recognize the new post on page every x minute, what are my options? Are there ways to do this without Facebook API? And what is it possible to do with the API? Thanks It is possible with the Realtime API: You can connect it For a page or user profile, it is better to check yourself with the cron job (for example), because Facebook will kill your callback URL on every change, so that you will never kill the rate range. I think it is quite fast, new entries are recognized after them at least 30 seconds later, where change is made, and sometimes even faster. BTW, this is not allowed without the API, which will be scrapping and Facebook does not allow scraping:

mysql - Top 3 results from each player and sort by total -

I need to come up with results that show the sum of the top 3 results from each player and to sort it Yog Example Table: David = 12 Mike = 17 John = 20 Bill = 20 David = 12 Mike = 16 John = 18 Bill = 20 David = 11 Mike = 15 John = 16 David = 10 Mike = 14 John = 16 David = 10 John = 15 The results need to be shown as follows: John = 54 Mike = 50bill = 40 David = 35 I have to Place Ranking for all the events from the Le (simple): SELECT playerName, SUM (`EventPoints`) DESC I have PHP code Thinking about the following: Create a table named top3Events Truecover Top 3 Avents at Startup On the table event, the above query Read through the results Use the counter and reset the new player name to each INSERT in the top 3 events when cou nter & lt; = 3 Run this query: SELECT playerName, SUM (`eventPoints`) Order by 'playname` from' Top 3 Events Group ' (`Event Points') DESC To ensure that this is the correct way to go with it ...

objective c - Core Data: Database migration causes duplicates -

Reports of some customers compared to after main data migration, their database entries resulted in duplication. The database we opened was sent to us and actually the entries are repeated. We restore backup and convert the database again, but we can not reproduce this problem in the office. Migration only works. What could be the reason for this repetition? Is it related to the structure of the model, or something else? This model is light migration using mapping core data databases are based on mysql. Thank you After the fight for a while, the solution is enough for us was clear. Since it is sometimes only very , it was difficult to find a repo (and also hard to find the reason). It appears that the app sometimes uses mid-migration (for unknown reasons). We are using the Define file names for destinationURL in - [NSMigrationManager migrateStoreFromURL: ...] as appdata.sqlite -model_version_2.3 . We were not checking the existence of the destination before m...

matlab - Unique combinations of a beaded necklace -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब तो मैं एक लिख रहा हूँ एक मनके हार के अनूठे संयोजनों का निर्धारण करने के लिए कार्यक्रम, लेकिन मुझे यह सही नहीं लगता। नियम हैं कि आप वही हार आगे और पीछे नहीं कर सकते हैं, और आप एक ही हार के साथ दूसरे मोड़ के आसपास एक मढ़ा के साथ नहीं हो सकते हैं। मैंने स्पष्ट करने के लिए कुछ तस्वीरें संलग्न की हैं I मैंने इसके लिए कोड लिखा था, और मैंने सोचा मैंने जो हासिल करने की कोशिश कर रहा था मैंने उसे प्राप्त किया था, लेकिन यह ठीक से काम नहीं कर रहा है। n = [1 2 3 4 2 4]; % हरा = 1% नीला = 2% पीला = 3% लाल = 4 पी = पर्म (एन); कुल = अधिकतम (आकार (पी)); मैं = 1 के लिए: अधिकतम (आकार (पी)) q = p; क्यू (आई) = []; जम्मू = 1: अधिकतम (आकार (क्यू)) के लिए यदि असमान (पी (आई), फ्लिपलर (क्यू (जे))) कुल = कुल - 1; एथीफ असिमल (पी (आई), सर्कशीफ्ट (क्यू (जे), [1, 1]) कुल = कुल - 1; एथिफ असेंबल (पी (आई), सर्कशिफ़ट (क्यू (जे), [लंबाई (क्यू (जे)) - 1, लंबाई (क्यू (जे)) - 1])) कुल = कुल - 1; आखिर अंत (कुल) अंत अंत तार्किक रूप से, यह मुझे समझ में आता है, ...

ios - How To Init A UIView That Exists In Interface Builder But Also Requires Init In Code -

यहाँ मेरा दृश्य वर्ग है class V_TakePhoto: UIView {var _takePhotoClallback: (iImage) - & gt; के लिए मान्य नहीं? आवश्यक init (सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलनेवाला aDecoder: NSCoder) {super.init (सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलनेवाला: aDecoder) _takePhotoCallback = शून्य} @IBAction समारोह takePhoto (इस: AnyObject) {println ( "! ये हम चले")} initWithCameraCallback ((iImage) समारोह - & gt; शून्य) {}} यह वर्ग एक UIView उपवर्ग है इंटरफ़ेस बिल्डर में मैंने ViewController वर्ग को चुना, और उसके बाद उसके ऑब्जेक्ट को चुना। मैं इस दृश्य वस्तु को V_TakePhoto सौंपा। ViewController वर्ग है, जो मैं C_TakePhoto वर्ग के लिए आवंटित में, मैं V_TakePhoto वर्ग init करना चाहते हैं। आप देख सकते हैं, मैं यह चाहता हूँ कॉलबैक वैरिएबल रखने के लिए कि यह रन टाइम पर पारित हो जाता है हालांकि, क्योंकि दृश्य पहले से ही इंटरफ़ेस बिल्डर से आरंभ हो रहा है, init (coder) को पहले बुलाया जा रहा है। जैसा कि यह अभी खड़ा है, यह हैकी लगता है कि मुझे 2 init फ़ंक्शंस होने की आवश्यकता है। एक जहां इंटरफ़ेस बिल्डर इ...

typing exponents on trig functions from sage latex command -

कमांड प्रिंट (लाटेक्स (पाप (x) * sin (x))) कुछ देता है इस तरह $ $ \ sin (x) ^ 2 $ $ हालांकि, मुझे यह पसंद है कि $$ \ sin ^ 2 (x) $$ के बदले कुछ लौटाना चाहूँगा मैं ऋषि के लिए नया हूँ और मुझे लगता है कि ऐसा करने का एक सही तरीका है। कोई भी मदद बहुत ही सराहनीय होगी। यहाँ एक जवाब है जो बताता है कि इस समय यह संभव नहीं है:

java - Using HTTPClient in Grails 2.4 -

Trying to use HttpClient from Apache to use it on new and unity tests for Grails. Therefore I have this dependency: / P> Dependency {// Here, specify dependence here under 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scope. E.g. // runtime mysql: mysql-connector-java: 5.1.29 '// runtime' org.postgresql: postgresql: 9.3-1101-jdbc41 'test' org.grails: grails-datastore-test-support: 1.0-grails- 2.4 "Compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents: httpcore: 4.1.2' Compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents: httpclient: 4.1.2' build 'org.apache.httpcomponents: httpcore: 4.1.2' build 'org.apache. Httpcomponents: httpclient: 4.1.2 'test' org.apache.httpcomponents: httpcore: 4.1.2 'test' org.apache.httpcomponents: httpclient: 4.1.2 '} in build .config and test such as class MyControllerTests GroovyTestCase {@Test void testApacheHttpClient () {def client = new HttpClient ()}} Can no...

html - Remove navigation arrows from embedded Flickr image -

I hosted images on Flickr and used the following HTML code in the survey capacitor so that one option can be used as an option. Can be shown in the section Questions: & lt; Iframe src = "" width = "75" height = "31" frameborder = "1" acceptable screen webkitolofloscreen mozolovolskscreen ollofulskry msolowolescreen & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; Although the image appears, a set of arrows appear on the image - they look like scrolling arrows. For some users, after loading images, the arrows appear in a nutshell and then disappears. However, for other users, image loads and arrows are loaded and steady - they do not go away. This is not ideal because the arrows cover the image and do not make them visible. This does not appear to be a browser issue, because users have tested using both Chrome and IE8. Did anyone have a similar experience with the survey monkey? Any...

c# - Query to SQLite returning signed int16 but was defined as unsigned -

I ado Using SQLite for Net, properly nat v4.0 binaries I have had a problem while trying to populate the data of a class based on the content to be removed from the database. Reflection code: var type = this.GetType (); Var Properties = Type. GetProperties (); Foreach (properties in properties) {property.SetValue (this, line [property.Name]); } However this throws an exception: The type of object 'System.Int64' can not be typed 'System.UInt16'. The value is that trying to populate it is an ushort . In order to form a table initially in SQL, that column is defined as 'unsecured smiling', which I understand as the C # ushort . Create SQL- Make Table [Monster] ([Monster] Unsaid Smalling Faucet Unique, [Rajanam] VARCHAR (50) No, Zero, [Elementmask] Unsigned Tinet Unsigned tinet faucet is not there [arc] Unsigned tinet faucet is not there [int] Unsigned tinet faucet, [cone] Unsigned tinet faucet, [SPD] is not countless tinet faucet, [imaged...

cep - Esper: "time_order" seems not working -

I am using Esper (Event Processing Engine), the EPL query is: Select * for event * .ext: time_order (timestamp_event, 10000 minutes) where duration & gt; 10 But "Taimstamp_ivent has not ordered output by": id int = 1, Taimstamp_avent = 1412686800000, duration = 30 ID Int = 4, timestamp_event = 1412685900000, duration = 70 id int = 2, timestamp_event = 1412688600000, duration = 45 id int = 3, timestamp_event = 1412689500000, duration = 60 id int = 5, timestamp_event = 1412636400000, duration = 15 I think the problem is on the asap configuration, let's consider a simple query: Code> select * to : Time (10 seconds) ) [Id_event By order code "upate" method UpdateListener: public void update (Iventban [] new events, Iventben] Old Event } {EventBen Event = New Avant [0]; System.out.println ("id int =" + event.get ("id_event") + ", timestamp_envent =" + ((long) event.get ("timestamp_event...

magento - HTTPS broken up site? -

When we use our home page with the https url site, I think because CSS, JS load from http & amp; ; it's not safe. But what should I do to run my site in http and amp; Https Why does this happen? For example Any help appreciated You also need to set up https for unsuspected base URL to get CSS load for https. I know that in both cases you want to load the site i.e. http and https, but using both the URLs will reduce your website SEO. The reason for this is: There is to be indexed as two different URLs in the http and https search engines. The decision is up to you, whether you want to use http or https.

objective c - Loading UIImage in UIAlertView -

I am trying to load UIImage which is the Images.xcassets Labels Secret walls . The image is a .jpg file and is 500x500 I believe the problem is with the CGRectMake frame, and that I'm starting it incorrectly, but I There is no way to fix it. Currently UIImageView will just load the @ "Image" title and the @ "OK" button. UIAlertView * alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Image" Message: Zero Representation: Cancel Null Strategy: @ "Finished" Other Button Titles: Nil]; UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (110, 80, 66, 66)]; NSString * path = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: [[[NSBundle main bundle] resourcepath] stringbapping path comparison: @ "Secret Walls"]]; UIImage * bkgImg = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path]; [ImageView set image: bkgImg]; [Warning addSubview: imageView]; [Alerts show]; Is CGRectMake initialization incorrect? Or is it somethi...

c - Issue with do while loop -

I have participated in a problem while looping for a rock, paper, scissors game that I have written. It never breaks out of the loop. I have tried to do everything, but nothing seems to work. Everything seems logical, but maybe I'm missing something, do anyone have any suggestions? Although I understand that adding a break to each if statement is a simple improvement, I should understand why loop itself does not work. #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Int main () {int round, win, max; Do {printf ("3 out of the best 2 or 3 out of 3 best? (3 or 5 enter) \ n"); Scanf_s ("% d", and round); Printf ("% d \ n \ n", round); If (round == 3) {win = 2; Max = 3; Say ("OK!"); } And if (round == 5) {win = 3; Max = 5; Say ("\ NOK!"); } Else {printf ("Please enter a valid option. \ N \ n"); }} While (round! = 3 || round! = 5); System ("pause"); } I have tried everything...

Lightswitch HTML Client Date Data Display. Locale Aware in I.E. Not Locale Aware in FireFox -

HTML client with row list containing date data. I.E locale is aware (N-NZ) and shows that for the 6/10/2014 6th October. Firefox displays 10/6/2014 What is probably some HTML that will force me to use Firefox to use our locale to add default HTML. (App territories are unlikely to be transferred). Thank you If there are not many simple improvements, then this code is: contentItem.dataBind ("value", function (value) {if (value) {$ (element) .text (value.format ("Dd-MM-yyyy"))}} }); Add it in the postal order of the date and it forces the browser to display in the correct format.

recursion - Computing Array Determinant for NxN Recursive C# -

Well, this is giving me a real headache, I am creating a matrix determinant function to calculate the NxN determiners Am, and I'm using recursive. Logic is working fine, but I can not calculate the final value correctly. Here is my code for matrix detrimental: public fixed double assessor (double [,] array) {double det = 0; Double total = 0; Double [,] tempArr = new double [array.GetLength (0) - 1, array.gate lang (1) - 1]; If (array.GetLength (0) == 2) {det = array [0, 0] * array [1, 1] - array [0, 1] * array [1, 0]; } Else {for (int i = 0; i & lt; 1; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j & lt; array.getLength (1); j ++) {if (j% 2! = 0) array [i, j] = array [i, j] * -1; TempArr = fillNewArr (array, i, j); Det + = determinator (tempArr); Total = Total + (date * array [i, j]); }}} Return; } And about the fillNewArr method, there is a method to trim this array, follow the method: P universal double stable [,] FillNewArr (double [,] original arrows, int row, int colle) {doub...

javascript - Running a function everyday midnight -

walk.on ('dir', फ़ंक्शन (dir, stat) {uploadDir.push (dir);} ); मैं नोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, और मुझे यह कार्य मध्यरात्र पर हर रोज चलाने की ज़रूरत है, यह संभव है? मेरा मानना ​​है कि आपकी आवश्यकताओं के अनुरूप होगा सामान्यतया, आप अपने सर्वर कार्यों को शेड्यूल करने और चलाने के लिए तथाकथित चाहते हैं। नोड-शेड्यूल के साथ: आयात शेड्यूल 'नोड- अनुसूची 'schedule.scheduleJob (' 0 0 * * *, () = & gt; {...}) // आधी रात में हर रोज चलती है

vbscript - Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 - Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed -

I have recently started a new job and I am getting the error below when I wrote a script written by my predecessor Run I did not get this error when I ran on the old laptop of my predecessor which is running 32 bit window 7. I get this when I try to run the script on my desktop which is running 64 bit window 7. I thought it could be an issue with compatibility between 32 and 64 bit versions. Error: Provider not found. It can not be installed properly. Code: objConnection.Open "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & Amp; _ "Data source =" & amp; File path & amp; "," & Amp; _ "Extended property =" "text; HDR = yes; FMT = limited;" ";" I found some other posts with the same error, but their fix did not help me, it was the only one who gave the approved answer: I installed the provider Done and changed, but I got a single error. Thanks for the help! If it is a 32 bit problem then try 32 bi...

java - Check if result is unique -

I want to draw a number 3-5 length from the text The pattern below works for all my cases. Pattern Pattern = Pattern.compile ("(^ | [\\ D] |. * [\\ D]). (? & Lt; number & gt; [0-9] {3,5}) ($ | | [\\ D] | [\\ D] *) "). // Example of working always returns 111 / Matcher m = pattern.matcher ("XX 111, YYY 371240 9 1"); // Matcher m = pattern.matcher ("XX111"); // Matcher m = pattern.matcher ("X111"); // Matcher m = pattern.matcher ("111"); I have only one problem when the pattern, as I believe, should find many matches according to the example below (111, 123), instead of just 123 Matcher m = pattern.matcher ("XX 111, CCC 123 YYY 37124091"); While (m.find ()) {System.out.println ( ("number")}} How can I identify that the pattern matches 2 times, or Why does it not match for 111 and 123? The only problem I get when patterns, You need to relieve the * quantifers instead, because I be...

mysql - where to save file when trying to load into database -

I am working with the database, and I want to play with the ability to load the file contents in a table . I am currently using a host server for a website, and using phpmyadmin to interact with mysql. My question is, if you are not using a local host, how can you save the file that you want to load? Everything I read with local hosting, but what if I have a file that I have saved on an external server? I thought 'table name [name of the table] will work to do anything like' code LOAD DATA INFILE 'URL, but instead I get an error. Do I need to save it locally to my computer and then somehow read the file from the local route? I'm not sure this is done normally. option 1 If you have SSH access to a MySQL server machine, in the machine SSH Log in and MySQL Client to - local-infile = 1 mysql --local-infile = 1 -U Username-P yourdb Load the file (assuming it's in your current directory) in the table Load data local INFILE 'namelist.csv...

c++ - C ++, OpenCV : Cannot include imgproc library for Cvtcolor function -

I'm new to opencv and when I write I want to use the CvtColor function & lt; #include opencv2 / imgproc / imgproc2410.hpp & gt; It says error 1 error C1083: File can not open include: 'opencv2 / imgproc / imgproc2410.hpp': any such file or directory Do you have Have any suggestions? Thank you. There is no such file which: & lt; #include opencv2 / imgproc / imgproc2410.hpp & gt; Change it with #include & lt; Opencv2 / imgproc / imgproc.hpp & gt;

How to stop or limit indexing in IntelliJ 13? -

My intelliJ 13.1.5 consistently indexes my project which actually slows down my machine. When I rebuild my project, as well as when I start my Jetty Server, does anyone know how to disable or at least limit that behavior? It was not so often in the previous version. Actually, I came to know what was wrong. Once the target folder was excluded from my module and it was always generating IntelliJ for the index and since that module is large, it will always take it to the index. Solution: Go to "Project Structure" - & gt; "Module" and all target folders are not included.

ruby on rails - States that password_required? is an undefined method -

I have installed the Dyes and OmniAuth according to the rail. I understand that they are of little time, although it was all working till I tried to sign up now. W / o using my universal twitter feature I get the error NoMethodError at / users / sign_up Exceptionist method `password_required? ' In my user.rb 1 def password_required? 2 super end; Provider.blank? 3 end I tried to transfer it to a userhalfer file. Not working This is my ARB file 1 17 & lt; / Div & gt; 18 & lt;% end% & gt; You should call this method by the resource example: & lt;% if resource.password_required? & Gt%;

ios - load viewcontroller within a tabbar control -

I would like to display or pop up another view controller on the visual debilod of any of my tabbar view controllers. Here's my code if (_history.count == 0) {// [self display CQU with identifier: @ "empty history history" sender: self]; UIStoryboard * sb = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName: @ "main" bundle: zero]; MSAEmptyHistoryViewController * PopupController = [SB Instant Viewer Accessibilityfire: @ "Control History"]; [Self-present ViewController: Animated Popup Controller: Not Complete: Zero]; } Load the view controller at the top of the tabviewie controller. I need to display this scene but still the user is allowed to see tabbar buttons. If you try to transition to another view controller in viewDidLoad Problems you should either switch the controller to see the child of the tab bar controller, or you can submit a subview in one of the child view controllers.

r - Using dates on axis in persp -

I am trying to plot dates on the X-axis of a particular plot, but there is no way to do this Can get it . This is where I am: x =================== ================================================== The =============== (By Jeff Ryan): The alpha code for the above article is the following URL: This is a download of R code, so I intentionally left the http content: If you code, you can see how he did it.

Basic C++ SFML Display Window Error -

I am a beginner C ++ programmer who is currently using SFML I use Eclipse CDT with Minzid GCC, and I am trying to make the original window using the source code I found. I put the code inside, and apparently it does not work. I tried to include libraries, linker paths, include paths, incorporating files and everything, but it does not work for me. Code: Include # & lt; Sfml \ graphics HP & gt; # Include & lt; Sfml \ window HP & gt; # Include & lt; Sfml \ System.hpp> Int main () {sf :: Render Window Window (SF :: Video MOD (640, 480), "SFML Application"); SF :: Circle shape shape; Shape.setRadius (40.f); Shape.setPosition (100.f, 100.f); Shape.setFillColor (SF :: Color :: Cyan); While (window.isOpen ()) {sf :: Event event; While (window.pollEvent (event)) {if (event.type == sf :: Event :: off) window.close (); } Window.clear (); Window.draw (size); window display(); }} My console is giving me errors such as "window" is not defined i...

Weka - no class and no cluster assign -

I am working on a file to predict the treatment methods for patients diagnosed with diabetes (level) Is 1 to 10). There are 8 different treatment recommendations (256 possible outcomes) and I have to cluster them (I have 21 features from the original file.). So I used SimpleKMan with 1 with 1. The problem is that I have been given "no class" for some groups; Also, when I classify it for evaluation, I have a similar problem, "no cluster" is not assigned to the class and I also lose some data. For example, there are 940 examples but I have 876 after classification . But the illusion matrix displays the exact number. I do not know that it is related, but it can help solve the question. I have used AddCluster method because all my properties are numeric and I need an extra column from the original file to display "treatment cluster" (22nd attributes). That's why I run simple Cayman and Cross-Validation with this new extra feature which is my c...

PHP Try Catch in Exception Handling -

I have database class dbconnect.php, and processform.php. Inside the dbconnect.php is a way to connect to the database. If there is an error, how can I throw an exception? Where do I put cache blocks in processform.php? People say that I should not resonate an error directly from inside the class. Here's an example: & lt ;? Php // dbconnect.php class DbConnect {public function open_connection} / / should I do this? * / $ This- & gt; Conn = PDO ($ dsn, $ this- & gt; username, $ this- & gt; password); If (! $ This-> conn) {new exception throw ('Error connecting to database.'); } / * Or such like * / try {$ this-> conn = PDO ($ dsn, $ this- & gt; username, $ this-> password); } Hold (PDOException $ e) {echo 'error:', $ e-> GetMessage (), '& lt; Br> & # 39; & # 39; }}? & Gt; // processform.php & lt ;? Php require_once 'dbconnect.php'; $ Pdo = New DBCnet ($ host, $ username, $ password); {$ Pdo-...