html - Prefixfree-min.js not working with external css -

Hello I was making a webpage, and was using internal CSS. I copied the entire CSS code into an external file and added it with my HTML.

Earlier, prefixfree.js was working fine, but as soon as I copied it into external CSS, prefixfree.js stopped working with Chrome. Firefox is working but Chrome animations and transitions do not run. Thanks

Thanks to Alex Wilson, unfinished link stylesheet can not work locally in Chrome and Opera Are there. Firefox (and IE?) Have local locally supported XHR, so prefix-free will work locally with them. To enable local XHR for Chrome, you need to run it with the flag - To enable local XHR for file-access-to-file-file opera, you have to go to Opera: config # UserPrefs | Allow the file XMLHttpRequest, check that option and save.


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