ode - How can one use scipy odeint to obtain multiple solutions? -
I use should be the exact solution I used the X & lt; Set a starting point in the field 0 (given How to get this solution by solving the odeint ODEs of SciPy as you comment on , But the Schroedinger equation is a PDE (partial differential equation). You can isolate spatial coordination and treat it as a system of coupled OD, but according to the general perspective, solving the same problem is to find eigenbasis of the solution. Scipy in
odeint to solve ODEs Learning to do Now I am trying to solve the Springer equation with a semi-infinite capability:
V (x) = -v (x <0) V (x) = 0 (X> 0) v> 0-F '' (x) / 2 + v (x) f (x) = energy * f (x) -v and lt; Energy & lt; 0
c1 * sin (x) + c2 * cos (x) (x
f (x0), f '(x0), x0 <0> ), but the solution I have received is always in x (x) X (X) area but exp (-x) is more meaningful in physics.
odeint ?
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