
Showing posts from May, 2013

android - ok glass is not displayed in contextual voice menu- google glass -

यह मेरा कोड है @Override सुरक्षित शून्य पर क्रिएट (बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {सुपर onCreate (savedInstanceState); । GetWindow () requestFeature (WindowUtils.FEATURE_VOICE_COMMANDS); requestWindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); setContentView (R.layout.activity_sample); } @ ओवरराइड पब्लिक बूलियन क्रैक पैनैल मेनू (इंट फीस आईडी, मेनू मेनू) {if (featureId == WindowUtils.FEATURE_VOICE_COMMANDS) {getMenuInflater ()। फुलाएँ (आर.मेनू। मेन, मेनू); वापस सच; } // सेटअप टच मेनू से सुपर तक पहुंचें। वापसी सुपर.कोनटेटपैनेलमेनू (फीचर आईडी, मेनू); } @ ओवरराइड पब्लिक बूलियन ऑन क्रेट ऑप्शन मेनू (मेनू मेनू) {getMenuInflater ()। फुलाएँ (आर.मेनू। मेन, मेनू); वापस सच; } @ ओवरराइड पब्लिक बूलियन ऑन मेन्यूइटम चयनित (इंट फीस आईडी, मेनू इटैम आइटम) {if (featureId == WindowUtils.FEATURE_VOICE_COMMANDS) {स्विच (item.getItemId ()) {केस // शीर्ष-स्तरीय कुत्तों मेनू आइटम ब्रेक को संभाल ; डिफ़ॉल्ट: वापस सही; } वापस सच; } // सुपर ट्रांस्लेशन के माध्यम से पारित करने के लिए अच्छा अभ्यास अ...

sbt - Why are new dependencies not picked up by Play 2.3.4 project in Eclipse? -

I insert my project in build.sbt with some dependencies along with the following lines Updated: libraryDependencies + = "mysql"% "mysql-connector-java"% "5.1.33" libraryDispension + = "org.springframework"% "spring- jdbc"% " 4.1.1.RELEASE " classes_managed was added to the square path, but the directory does not exist and the lbs are not present. I deleted the Clear ad project, all errors (including all references to classes in managed labs), compile , but still directories and lbs Are unavailable. SBT It seems that the Libs do not have to download ... it is not sure what I am doing. dependency managed by SBT ~ / .ivy2 / cache (this is) Ends in When you declare a project dependency with libraryDependencies you should execute update (clarify your project assembly such as package or assembly or any other order that is pulling them down (via code, is update indirectly). There may be a war...

c# - The best way to pass SDF objects between forms -

I want to find the best way to pass the object from SQL Server CE database into my desktop Winforms application to reduce memory. Am use I have a local database connected to the project by a .sdf generated DBML. In addition I have 4 forms: Mainform - A main parent form with the button to select the product object. ProductSelectForm - Form to select the product from the database. > Main Product Format - MDI children displaying information and charts about the selected product and button to edit this information. ProductForm - The form can add or edit new product about the selected product. I see two options: either to pass the item ID or pass the item object. Based on the example given below, by ID or by object: What would be the best way to pass the information between the form? Perhaps other recommendations? M Ann form: Public ManForm () {Initialize Component (); } Private Zero ProductSelectBarButton_ItemClick (Object Sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) {P...

Excel vba macro to connect to a particular webpage - search and retrieve data -

I have a column, called column A, in which there are 1500 rows of each string (hexadecimal encoded) Connect is to paste the string, press on the decode, copy the result and paste it back into column B. Any help would be very helpful I am new here Example :. String in column A: 5468616e6b732061206c6f7420696e20616476616e6365 To search the website: Then hit to decode Copy from Excel cell and paste in the tab (under heading)> Finally my Paste back into Excel Sheet in Column B. is moving forward for an answer. Thanks a million in advance. Are you doing it as an exercise to automate the browser? It seems as if you can more easily do this directly in VBA: sub-tester () Debug.Print fConvertHexToString (_ "5468616e6b732061206c6f7420696e20616476616e6365") End Sub Public function fConvertHexToString (strHexString string as strings) String dim intLenOfString integer dim intCounter integer dim strBuild string 'hex string must be as valid as that ...

php - get the value from URL using number sign # -

Hello if I have an href with # test = 10 , then I How can I get Codeigniter? Example: I have what it is possible to get the value of the test Try to use PHP $ url = Parse_url ("http: // domain .com / # test = 10 "); Copy $ url ["fragment"]; If the URL fragment test = 10 then explosion () $ e = explosion ('=', $ url Use) ["piece"]); Echo $ E [1]; or use Javascript warning (window.location.hash); And divide it for more: -

ios - How to use private framework's .h file in XCode -

I am trying to use the SBSRemoteNotificationClient.h file of the SpringBoardServices infrastructure downloaded from GitHub I am I dragged and dropped the SCSRMOM authentication client HK file into XCode and tried to compile it. But I am facing down error during compiling. Undetermined symbol for architecture armv7: "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ SBSRemoteNotificationClient", referenced from: objc-class-ref in MyClass.o ld: mark (s) not found for architectural armv7 clags : Error: Linker with Command Failed Failure Code 1 (Use -V to view invitation) I added "SBSRMot Notification Client H" to my MyClass.m file. I also added the path of SBSRemoteNotificationClient.h in the build settings - & gt; Search Path - & gt; The user header is facing the error mentioned above like / user / accessor 006 / desktop / iphone-private frameworks-master / springboard services / . Is this the correct way to use .h files of private framework? This is a linky error header ...

How to install a ruby gem in Jenkins? -

I'm looking for a way to install ruby ​​ , mani And finally a specific gem ( sass & amp; compass ) only with the jenkins account Which root ). I had a look but tried to do sudo to install Ruby in "single-user" mode ( apt-go ), So it fails because we are not in the interactive bash, and my Jenkins user will not have the right to set up stuff in Ubuntu anyway. Any thoughts? sudo su-l use rvm $ your_ruby This is probably the simplest way. If you are trying to do this many times, RVM is better to change the permissions of the gems folder so that the Jenkins user will keep it - the root will still be able to install it.

algorithm - Implement a queue which keeps non-decreasing -

As everyone knows, a standard queue supports two basic functions: insert and popout . And insert is on the tail of the queue, while popout is at the top of the queue. Here, I do not know if I can keep this queue in sequentially, as if on the basis of this lack, based on these two operations, or maybe with some additional help functions to achieve that goal? You just have to change the code a bit. Every time you want to find a new element in the queue insert in the queue, it can be obtained with the following algorithms: Use a recursive function and every time Check whether your new element is larger than the element in the middle of the list, if not, try to insert the new element to the left side of the queue and try to insert on the right side of the queue until you find the right place for the elementDo not find. Dilute algorithm for inserting o (lg (n)) . popout you just done what you can do now, the last element pop out.

apache - Bad Flag Delimiters on .htacces -

I have entered the following in my .htaccess and I am getting a bad bad flag delimiter error. I have tried the assumptions, and one says that there are 5 and 7 lines, one and the other lines say. Any help would be appreciated. option + rewrite link rewrite RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST} ^ rewrite (. *) Http://$1 [R = 301, L] rewrite% { THE_REQUEST} ^ [AZ] {3,9} /index.php HTTP / RewriteRule ^ index.php $ [R = 301, L] rewrite% {QUERY_STRING} ^ source = RewriteRule ( . *) / $ 1? [R = 301, L] revised rules ^ category / {[^/.]+)/?$ category.php? Id = $ 1 [L] RERIT ERUL ^ Business /([^/.]+)/?$ business.php? Id = $ 1 [L] RewriteRule ^ event /([^/.]+)/?$ event.php? Id = $ 1 [L] space is not allowed to unjoin this code Try: Option + rewrite the follow-up links, reinitialize the login% {HTTP_HOST} ^ example. Com $ RewriteRule (. *) Http://$1 [R = 301, L] RewriteCand% {THE_REQUEST} ^ [AZ] {3,9} / indexEX.php \ HTTP / R...

algorithm - Order statistic on intervals -

Looking at an array of numbers, a [0], a [1], ..., a [ N-1] , we get this type of query: output k - the largest number in the range a [i], a [i] + 1], ..., a [J] Can these questions be answered in the polygarydiumic time ( n ) in the query? If not, is it possible for the average result and still can get a good refined complexity? Edit : This can be solved using a continuous tree tree O (n log n) space is available, then Yes, these questions can be answered in polylog timings. Segment tree is deeply prefixed array by forming it with log (n) Therefore, the leaf nodes are similar to the source array, in the next-depth nodes, the 2-element sub-array is sorted In the next level, there are 4-element arrays created by mixing those two-element aerozes, in other words, sort the merge, but each merge phase has the result of a different array. Here is an example: Route: | 1 2 3 5 5 7 8 9 1 2 5 8 3 5 7 9 | 1 5 | 2 8 | 7 9. 3 5 Source: | 5 | 1 | 2 | 8 | 7 | 9 | 5 | 3 ...

Deserialized map's size increase in qt c++ -

I've serialized a map using QDataStream and typed the object in a file. When I can redialize it and load the map in memory, then memory consumption is 300 MB. I have used the same QDataStream to deserialize Can you tell me the reason that how to carry 300MB in deserialization memory to write the 1.5 MB serial object to the file on the disk? Serialization: QMap & LT; QString, QSet & lt; Caststring & gt; & Gt; MyMap [100]; QSet & LT; QString & gt; MySet; // Suppose it has some data in QSet & LT; QString & gt; MySet1; // Suppose it contains some data in MyMap.insert ("a", mySet); MyMap.insert ("b", mySet1); QFile f (strOutFile); (QIODevice :: WriteOnly); QDataStream StreamOut (& amp; F); Streamhot & lt; & Lt; MyMap; Deserialization: QFile f (StrInFile); QMap & LT; QString, QSet & lt; Caststring & gt; & Gt; InMap [100]; QDataStream Stream In (F, QIODevice :: ReadOnly); Stream in ...

inheritance - Returning a subclass from its base class in swift -

I am trying to return an instance of subclass to a method in a superclass so that I can do the method with chaining Can you use methods in both parent and child? However, I'm getting an error "When I try to sort methods, there is no member of any other name in the baseclass" Here's my code: It seems that the original series-enabled method is returning 'Return Self' instead of ChildClass BaseClass I have also tried to do with generic and failed, this is what I have done: class base class Gt; {Some small Meth () - & gt; T {Return Self}} Class Child Class: Base Class & lt; ChildClass & gt; {Some Other Important Laws (FAQ) - & gt; ChildClass {Return Self}} Let babyCla Ss = child class childClass.SomeChainableMethod (). SomeOtherChainableMethoid () In this case, BaseClass someChainableMethod method, "BaseClassT is not convertible is". If you change your code works self: : Return type depending on the clas...

sql - Posgtres CASE condition with SUM aggregation evaluates not needed ELSE part -

के अनुसार: कोई भी अभिव्यक्ति किसी भी subexpressions का मूल्यांकन नहीं करता है जो कि आवश्यक नहीं हैं परिणाम निर्धारित करें उदाहरण के लिए, यह एक विभाजन-शून्य-शून्य विफलता से बचने का एक संभावित तरीका है: SELECT ... कहां का केस जब x क्यों निम्नलिखित अभिव्यक्ति एक त्रुटि: शून्य से विभाजन लौटाता है - जाहिरा तौर पर दूसरे भाग का मूल्यांकन: का चयन करें जब SUM (0) = 0 तब 42 या 43/0 END जबकि का चयन करें जब SUM (0) = 0 तो 42 ईएलएस 43 ईडी 42 रिटर्न देता है। संपादित करें: इसलिए उपरोक्त उदाहरण विफल हो जाता है क्योंकि पोस्टग्रेस नियोजन चरण में पहले से ही अपरिवर्तनीय मूल्यों (43/0) का अनुमान लगाते हैं। हमारी वास्तविक क्वेरी इस तरह दिखती है: मामला जब राशि (कॉलम 1) = 0 तब 0 और गोल (राशि (घंटे * घंटे / स्तंभ 1), 2) हालांकि यह क्वेरी अस्थायी नहीं दिखती है (वास्तविक मानों पर निर्भर करता है), फिर भी शून्य त्रुटि से एक विभाजन है। बेशक राशि (कॉलम 1) वास्तव में हमारे मामले में 0 है। दिलचस्प उदाहरण यह एक अच्छा स्पष्टीकरण है कहें कि आपके पास इस तरह के डेटा हैं: db = # ताल...

datetime - How to convert csv to R's xts object? -

Does anyone have an idea of ​​how to convert it to ExtR object? # Format: symbol, interval, date, time, open, high, low, closed, # cat test.csv ADF, 5,20141008 9 3500,0.8736,0.8738,0.8732, 0.8733,0,0 ADF, 5, 20141008,094000.0.8732,0.8736,0.8731,0.8735,0,0 ADF, 5,20141008,0 94500,0.8736,0.8737,0.8733,0.8737,0,0 ADF, 5,20141008, 095000,0.8736,0.8747, 0.8736,0.8746,0,0 ADF, 5,20141008 9 5500,0.8746,0.8748,0.8742,0.8743,0,0 ADF, 5,20141008,100000,0.8744,0.875,0.8742,0.8747, 0,0 ADF, 5,20141008, 100500.0.8747,0.8747,0.874,0.8745,0,0,0 EDF, 5,20141008,101000,0.8744,0.8744,0.874,0.8743,0,0 ADF, 5,20141008, 101500,0.8744 , 0.875,0.8744,0.875,0,0 ADF, 5,20141008,102000,0.8751,0.8752,0.8746,0.8751,0,0 I tried Read.csv ( ) , but me There is a problem in the other format ( read.csv changes the number in time, such as "091500" to 91500). We can specify that the date and time columns are for colClasses Is considered as using character. This index also processes. If col...

c++ - Should operator<< be implemented as a friend or as a member function? -

This is basically a question, what is the operator ? Reading I can see something like this: Buddy Bull Operator & lt; & Lt; (Obj const & lhs, obj const & amp; rhs); Something like ostream & amp; Operator & lt; & Lt; (Obj const & amp; rhs); But I can not quite see why I should use one or the other. My personal case is: Friends Ocerem & amp; Operator & lt; & Lt; (Ostream and OS, Conf. Paragraph and P) {Returns OS & lt; & Lt; P.to_str (); } But maybe I could: ostream & amp; Operator & lt; & Lt; (Ostream and OS) {Return to OS & lt; & Lt; Paragraph } On what basis should I base this decision? Note : Para: To_str = (return paragraph) where a string of paragraphs is. The problem here is in the interpretation of your article. This article is about someone who is correctly defining the speech relation operator. Operator: Equality == and more! = Relationships & lt; ...

php - How can I store ternary operator to the html element in laravel blade -

I have html elements, for example this would be an image, and I wanted to check my unit for some situations I do not have to add this element or some classes on this like: id, $ deleted)? 'Hidden': ''} }} "))}} & Lt; / Div & gt; So, I have an exception to this line: "array for string conversion" Tell me, please, how can I avoid it? You should use: & lt; Div class = "btn btn-default" & gt; {{HTML :: image ('// image.png', '', array ("class" => in_array ($ prod-> id, $ deleted)? 'Hidden': '')) }} & Lt; / Div & gt; Of course $ prod-> ID should be single element (string, integer, float) and $ deleted array here if you still have this message, then you $ Prod- & gt; IDs and $ deleted have to be checked.

ios - How to group HKStatistics by hour? -

I'm trying to extract step data from the healthcare. I want to summarize the phase grouped data by hour, currently, between a date range provided by NSPredicate with HKSampleQuery I can remove all the samples of the data. I could also obtain an amount of phase count between the date range with HKStatisticsQuery . What am I asking, if the group is adding samples or data to the hours. In SQL, I will write something like this: SELECT HOUR (date), healthcare from SUM (steps) where 'bla' and 'blah' group by 1; Do I want to write the last month of the last one hour grouped data for HKStatistics 24x31 times queries? Because it is very inefficient, especially how resultHandler is implemented. You should use the HKStatisticsCollectionQuery , where you are based on time intervals Group can. An example would be a stub code: NSDate * startDate, * endDate, * anchorDate; // Whatever you need in your case, HKQuantityType * type = [HKObjectType volume ...

ios - How can i get tags for multiple imag views with Touches moved? -

I need to get the image to see the image by touching me. I have 10 image views and tags are from 1 to 10 I need to - Increase the touch of (zero) touch: (NSSet *) touches with the avant: (UIEvent *) event {CGPoint location = [[touches any object] scene in location: self.view]; CGRTingReg = CGRactMake (location.x, location.a, 1, 1); (See UIImageView * self.view.subviews) {CGRect subviewFrame = view.frame; If (cgttt intactAct (fingeractive, subviewfrem)) // we have finally seen the hidden view}}} but I do not want to use the for the loop Thank you. Use this: UIView * touchedView = [self. View hitTest: document with place: zero]; With this place, you get a hidden object, in your case there is UIImageView.

Error when start erlang application (relx) release -

When I created the erlang release by relx , then it crashes with the cause {Init, get_boot, 1, []}, {init, ",", " Get_boot, 2, []}, {init, do_boot, 3, []}]}} directory list: one "??? " Line ??? Bin a ???? One ???? Lib â ???? One ???? Line Line Line Asn1-2.0.2 A "A" A "A" ???? Ebin A ???? one one ???? Line Line Line Private "one" one "a" ??? Source à ¢  ???? One ???? Line Bear -0.8.1 "one" one "one" ??? Ebin A ???? one one ???? Line Line Line Source à ¢  ???? One ???? Line Cache -1.0.0 A "A" A "A" ???? Ebin A ???? one one ???? Line Line Line Private "one" one "a" ??? Source à ¢  ???? One ???? Line Cberl-1 is a "one" one "a" ???? C_src a ???? one one" ???? Line Ebin A ???? one one ???? Line Line Line Add a ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? Line Private "one" one "a" ??? Source à ¢  ???? One ???? Line Compile...

hex - How to initialize parameter array in verilog? -

How to start the parameter type array in a verilog, where each member has 32 bit hexadecimal notation numbers? I have tried the following but it gives me a syntax error. parameter [31: 0] k [0:63] = {32'habc132, 32'hba324f, ...}; I am using the latest version of iverilog for compiling. Using the following example Modelim 10.1, the file has an .sv extension, which causes it SystemWrite can be defined as: module testing; Parameters [31: 0] of [0: 1] = {32'habc132, 32'hba324f}; Startup $ starth (k [0]); $ Displayh (k [1]); End end module If the setting on SystemVerilog does not work or is not available for your simulator, then I suggest that the query contains a syntax error.

javascript - Brunch - Requiring modules outside of app directory -

There are answers, but they are using the NPM module, whereas my problem is that the isomorphic internal code is included, Where I want to share the path between the brunch / backbone and the node / express but, if it is a fraud, then forgive in advance! The following code is very simple / pseudo-BTW. Currently, it works: Web / Client / App / Lib / RoutorCopy root = required 'lib / RoutesList 'module Exports = class router provides backbone. Router Path: Routes.get () Web / Client / App / Lib / Street List Coffee module.exports = do () -> ; Receive: () - & gt; Web client / app / lib / router coffee root = required '../../shared/routes/routesList' module .exports = class router provides backbone. Route Route: Roots.Gate () Web / Shared / Route / Routes List Coffee module.exports = do () - & gt; Receive: () - & gt; Returns {':' Dashboard ',' Settings': 'Settings'} I'm not trying to get the...

cassandra 2.0 - CQL SELECT with lower bound -

Let's say I have Cassandra DB and I need to process a larger group data which I can query with a selection. The problem is that the processing is very slow and I want to use the distributed system to work in. I know that by using marginal capacity of CLL I can get a limited number of rows, but I will need something like LIMIT and OFFSET so that each process can get an independent share of the data. (What is the offset that will eventually be implemented in the CQ? I have read that it would be inefficient, is the reason for this not applicable?) I would like to avoid waiting for the end to start the next question For, as suggested in this, these procedures are useless while waiting for the previous questions to be completed. For example, suppose I would like to process the weather data and for the moment, my table is visible (I could use it to store other data types, such as time For timewid, this is just a dummy problem): Make Weather Weather_data (station worker, date ...

hiveql - SemanticException adding partiton Hive table -

Try creating a partition on one hive table with the following: & gt; Change the table stock_iciator if not present & gt; Split (stock_symbol = 'ASP') & gt; Which produces the following output Failure: Not a segment of the semantic expansion table, but the partitioning device exists: {0} Stock_symbol = ASP} There is no partition on this table before this extra effort & gt; Show split stock_ticker; The results failed: execution error, return code from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask 1. Table stock_ticker_sample is not a partition table There is no question that the stock_symbol column exists and is of type string. The solution will be to add split information to the definition of the stock_ticker table: Create external tablet stock_ticker (...) (stock_assemball STRING); Then you can easily add external data to your table: & gt; Change the table stock_iciator if not present & gt; Split (stock_symbol = ...

c# Abstract Generic Class inheriting from Abstract Generic Class -

I am trying to create an intangible general square which is derived from another abstract general class. What I've done so far Public Intangible Class Base Class {Public Long ID} Private Set; } Public Base Class (long id) {this.Id = id; }} Public Essential Class Base Class & lt; T & gt; : Base Class where T: Base Class {Secure Base Class (Long ID): Base (ID) {} Get Public Stable T (Long ID) {T Object; TryGet Return (ID, Out Item)? Items: Default (T); } Public Stable Bull Triget (long id, out t item) {items = null; // This is where I call the cache, but for this example I have removed, so it will compile if (item! = Null) {back true; } Else {// Call TryGetFallback return method false; }} Protected abstract T TryGetFallback (long id); } Public Essentials DerivedClass: Base Class & lt; DerivedClass & gt; {Get public string name { Private set; } Public DerivedClass (long id, string name): base (id) {this.Name = name; }} Public class DerivedDerivedClass: Derived...

Yii Many to Many Relational Query -

Use a lot of relational queries to see the records of a particular client for a customer with many customers and customers. Try and redirect that to a different page if that customer is not affiliated with that user. // connection in client model public function relationship () {// Note: You may need to adjust the relation name and relationship to respective // ​​class name automatically below Is generated. Return Array ('Owner' = & gt; array (auto :: MANY_MANY, 'user', 'owner_client (owner_id, customer_id)'),); } // user model relation in relation to public relations () {return array ('clients' = & gt; array (auto :: MANY_MANY, 'customer', 'owner_client (owner_id, customer_id)'));); } // Define that the user can view this client / client client records $ client_record = Client :: model () - & gt; FindByPk ($ id); Users $ users = $ client_record- & gt; // To find owners, many queries; // If the user ID is not found ...

android - Alarmmanager - Fire alarm on top of every minute -

I'm trying to set an alarm fire every minute but for some reason it does not want to work. This is for a widget clock, which should be updated every minute. For battery reasons, I have stopped the receiver for the screen. So my alarm only occurs when the screen is on. Minutes should be syncron with my system clock. I public static void startClockTickAlarm () {AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) _context.getSystemService (Context.ALARM_SERVICE); Calendar Calendar = Calendar.getInstance (); Calendar.setTimeInMillis (System.currentTimeMillis ()); Calendar.ed (calendar SECOND, 1); Calendar.ed (calendar.hora, 1); AlarmManager.Settering (alarm manager .rtc, UTCMilissenMinMin (), 60000, makeclockcontent (_context)); } Public stable last long utcMillisNextMin () {time t = new time (); T.setToNow (); T.second = 0; T.minute ++; System.out.println ("Next alarm:" + + t + + ":" + t.minute + ":" + t.second); Return t.normalize (true); } My system.ou...

Cocos2d-x include CCPhysicsHelper_chipmunk.h error in android -

#include "गिलहरी / CCPhysicsHelper_chipmunk.h" यह लाइन त्रुटि । = PEShapeCache_X3_0.cpp JNI /../../ src / MenuScene; cocos2dcpp_shared & lt: Android पर है, लेकिन आईओएस $ ./ ... [armeabi] ++ अंगूठे संकलित काम करता है । सीपीपी: 97: 54: चेतावनी: समारोह कॉल में प्रत्याशित लापता [-वेसेटिनेल] ऑटो मेनू = मेनू :: बनाएं (प्लेइइटम, रेट आईटम, नल); ^, शून्य JNI /../../ Cocos2d / कोकोस / 3 डी /../ 2 डी / CCMenu.h: 81: 18: ध्यान दें: समारोह स्पष्ट रूप से चिह्नित किया गया है प्रहरी यहाँ स्थिर मेनू * बनाने (MenuItem * आइटम, .. ।) CC_REQUIRES_NULL_TERMINATION; ^ JNI /../../ src / PEShapeCache_X3_0.cpp: 13: 10: गंभीर त्रुटि: 'गिलहरी / CCPhysicsHelper_chipmunk.h' फ़ाइल नहीं मिली #include "गिलहरी / CCPhysicsHelper_chipmunk.h" ^ [armeabi] संकलित ++ अंगूठे: cocos2dcpp_shared करें & lt ; = AdmobHelper.cpp 1 त्रुटि उत्पन्न हुई। बनाने: *** [obj / local / armeabi / objs / cocos2dcpp_shared / __ / __ / src / PEShapeCache_X3_0.o] 1 त्रुटि: अधूरा नौकरिय...

string - Closed Functions in Python -

I am trying to write a function bin_to_dec (s) which is a binary String takes number and converts it into decimal number / integer I know that it has probably been made in the way of converting it but I'm trying to complete it through recurrence . In this way I have programmed so far I am getting a memory error. How can I edit my last statement to make this work? I would like to avoid recursion, which is not necessary for what you are trying to do. I had to go in some way with def binToDec (s): total = 0 for the index, value in enumerate (s [:: - 1]): total + = int (value) ) * 2 ** Index Returns Total & gt; & Gt; & Gt; BinToDec ('1100') 12 The same idea to use a list comp: DIF bin TODDAC: return amount (int) * 2 ** index index, value in enumerate (s [:: - 1]) If you want to continuously repeat this in fact

c# - Setting options to images in Magick .NET collection -

I'm trying to reduce the file size of GIF animation, I've read how to do it . Another thread has suggested to reduce the quality, add compression and make the photo a little blurred, which I am trying to do: using (MagickImageCollection col = New MagickImageCollection (@ "C: / PathToGif")) {for (int i = 0; i & lt; col.Qount; i ++) {Cole [i] .Quality = 85; Colonel [I] Compression Method = Compression Method LZW; Col [i] .Strip (); } Col.Write (@ "C: / path / to / outpath"); } Although the code is running but setting can not be ignored, while setting AnimationDelay works the same way. I confirm this by checking the quality of the output and the file size, it seems that when I do not use any settings, even setting quality to 20, Find similar results. I also tried to use QuantizeSettings , where I crossed the value of 255 in the color property . That was to lock my application while using 50% of the CPU. (I gave the application about 5 mi...

What is the scope of Excel add-in's and VBA references? -

How long do the rules / mechanisms add up when I install an add-in (through the checkboxes) -Have it installed? It appears that it is installed at the application level, which means that it applies to any workbook in Excel application, unless you uncheck it yourself. If this is true, then this means that until a user installs the add-in, they should be correct; But they will have to install it for the first time (which can be done programmatically). Regarding VBA contexts, I think that they do not need to 'check' every time - which means it is within the scope of the document. But if this is true, why do the websites advise to use late binding methods to be distributed? In fact, it is actually late for being compatible with different versions, but it is not necessary that DLL has been referred as a 'check'? Under this assumption, unless someone uses the same version of Excel, it would be safe to leave all the binding together, and just manually add the reference? ...

amazon ec2 - Which core-site.xml do I add my AWS access keys to? -

I want to run spark code on EC2 against the data stored in my S3 bucket. And according to both, I need to add my AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to the core-site.xml file. However, when I open my master EC2 node, I have several core-sites. XML files appear. $ find -name core-site.xml ./mapreduce/conf/core-site.xml./persistent-hdfs/share/hadoop/templates/conf/core-site.xml / Persistent-hdfs / src / packages / templates / conf / core-site. Xml ./persistent-hdfs/src/contrib/test/core-site.xml./persistent-hdfs/src/test/core-site.xml./persistent-hdfs/src/c++/libhdfs/ test/conf / core -site.xml ./persistent-hdfs/conf/core-site.xml./ephemeral-hdfs/share/hadoop/templates/conf/core-site.xml./hehemeral-hdfs/src/packages/templates/config/ Core-site.xml ./ephemeral-hdfs/src/contrib/test/core-site.xml./ephemeral-hdfs/src/test/core-site.xml./ephemeral-hdfs/src/ C ++ / libhdfs / Tests / conf / core-site.xml ./ephemeral-hdfs/conf/core-site.xml./spark-ec2/templates/root/mapreduce/con...

node.js - How to get Meteor's MongoDB URL from javascript -

I am writing a meteorite smart package wrapper for a NMP module called Agenda. The agenda does not naturally know that it is working with the meteor, so let me manually give it a MongoDB URL. I can get this URL by typing meteorite-U , but I would like to get the script automatically so that users of the plugin do not worry about manually changing it. How can I do this? The Mongo url is stored in the environment variable called MONGO_URL. In the meteor, you can use the ENVi variable with the process.env object (on the server). You can get it from the process.env.MONGO_URL property

java - Delete else statement but requires else statment -

So basically I'm doing a Java tutorial but I need to create a class file to follow along . Everything was already given to me but it gives me an error The error is: Delete other statements or anything along those lines. But when I delete it, it asks me to give another statement: I code: Is this a problem with eclipse or is there something wrong with the code? import *; Import java.text *; {Static inputstream reader R = new inputstream reader (system.) In public class; Fixed BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (r); // standard system input read a string from the public static string getString () (try {return br.readLine ()}} hold (exception e) {return "";}} // standard string of a string form // input // Read a number in / and make the number public public static number getNumber () {string numberString = getString (); try {numberString = numberString.trim (). ToUpperCase (); Return NumberFormat.getInstance () .pars (number string); } Hold (Exception e) ...

python - As I can distinguish different data from Serial? -

I am trying to read the serial with different values, but I do not know how to split, because the two values There are numbers but separate sources I first have a picacci, which sends the data converted to the dragon by the serial by the light sensor of the ADC. Second, I have a piec that sends data from the serial to the temperature sensor. Light code PICAXE symbol puerto = b.5 main: readadc10 puerto, w1; Read values ​​in w1 sertxd (# w1, cr, lf) Goto main; Loop back to start temporary code PICAXE symbol temp = B.4 readtemp temp, w0; W1 debug sertxd (# w0, cr, lf) Read values ​​in the Goto main Python code import pygame import sys, pygame.locals import serial * Ser = serial.Serial () ser.port = 3 ser.baudrate = 4800 while true: datos = ser.readline () grados = float (datos) print grade is the problem That picaxe send data from light and temporarily, but when python data is received, I do not know how to recognize each data. Can anyone help me ?? Thank you...

sql server 2012 - large number of inner joins within the same table -

I have a scenario where all items are in a table called "table" I am doing it for two items: I / O asattartDate = JStartDate and IndDate = J.EndDate on INNER JOHN as the Table AS from SELECT IA + JA AS A, IB + JB AS B, IC + JC AS C, where IIemem = 602028 and J.ItemId = 602029 And I'm doing this for three items in the table: Select IA + JA + KA A, IB + JB + KB ASB, IC + JC + K.C. As in the form of table from C. I am included in the form of J. in the form of IStartDate = J.StartDate and I.EndDate = J. Anddut Inner As Inner Joyine Table. StartDate = K.StartDate and IEDDT = K.andDit where IITMID = 602028 and JIITIID = 602029 and KITMID = 602030 So now you have an idea that I try to do I am doing; Straightforward Here the problem is that the number of items connecting is supplied at run time, and this number can be up to 200. My question is: What is the most effective way to do this? Currently it is becoming ugly on more than 5 pairs. Not sure why you want ak...

java - Android- Dexopt error -

I use something in the Android studio. That's why I made a mistake in the files and I changed it. So, in my project files I have a similar project in Eclipse and I am copying files to android studio Lib Genibil and I am getting this: After installation fails I suspect that when I import this project to Android Studio, it can do something with them, the current versionNinstol to you can match the current version to fly in (Diksop error) to If anyone knows that it would be very helpful. I tried to wipe out everything. I am not related to this matter. Thanks solution to import .o file with Android Studio tool Do not copy and copy the file. I think when I imported it with the Android Studio tool, add some lines to cover the file.

python - Why this code doesn't works with all URLs? -

I'm very new to the python, playing with some code. I'm actually trying to parse an html webpage and extract some information from the parsed document: from urlib import request from bs4 import from BeautifulSoup #some code here ... link = Str (input ("Enter url:") sock = request.urlopen (link) pageText = () sock.close () #some code here ... file = open ("C: / test. Txt ", 'w') File.write (pageText.decode (" utf-8 ")) # Here are some code ... Let me fix this error in the file.write () line Is getting, and I still have no clue on the internet but how to fix it A: Traceback (most recent call final): File "C: / User / Monster / Processor Projects / TestProotia / TestFile", line 16, A In & lt; Module & gt; Encrypt codec in. File.write (pageText.decode ("utf-8")) "C: \ Python34 \ lib \ encodings \", line 19, .CHarmap_encode (input, auto.error, encoding_table) [0] Unicode encod...

java - Call RMI methods from C++ without remote interface definition -

I am writing the client in C ++ which uses a JNI To connect to the server, Unicastremote object-based RMI works fine if I either use the JMI Defined Class Function to load compiled remote interface definition, or make sure that I use the interface Jvm starts with Classpath with Classpath And me. However, I am thinking that it is really necessary - is it not possible to call this definition and / or client on their definitions locally without any RMI server interface? Target object ID / li> To create the correct method ID target port One mechanism ... and you can not get a stub without all classes and interfaces, depending on whether it is available by the CLASSPATH or RMI codebase feature.

javascript - Create Record using java script in crm 2011 -

I am using CRM 2011 on-premise, I am creating a custom unit record on account form through JSN . This is working fine for me, but it shows a "login denied" note for the other user (the user has the same role as me) If anyone has any ideas then please join me Share. Sometimes this happens because the environment is https and the user is using http. The CRM can work fine but javascript usually don does not work like this. Hope this can help you.

javascript - CKEditor4: Make Text Differ from its HTML -

I add the StrInsert plugin to my CcAdator. It basically adds a button, which is in my editor, is the CRM field label What is the button, it will add a value to my editor. For example: When I click on $ [FIRST_NAME] from the dropdown, it will add text to my editor to $ {__ VCG__VAL__FIRST_NAME} . Why do I name the dropdown $ [FIRST_NAME] instead of $ {__ VCG__VAL__FIRST_NAME} ? Because I want to be the text HTML shown in the editor & lt; P & gt; $ {__VCG__VAL__FIRST_NAME} Code> $ [FIRST_NAME] As shown in screenshot_2 , the HTML shown below is the same I want to, but instead of showing it, the text $ {__ VCG__VAL__FIRST_NAME} to show the text to the $ [FIRST_NAME] My question is, how do I html shown in the editor of some reserved keywords tech Is different from ? Is a solution okay? If you can post and preprocess data, then the solution is simple. Replacing the data coming before $ {__VCG__VAL__FIRST_NAME} and replace the $ [F...

python - Long polling with GMail API -

I am creating an installation that lasts for several days and in real time to receive notifications from Gmail inbox Required I Gmail API is great for many needs, so I want to use it. However, there is no IDLE command like IMAP I have just created a GML API that selects the mailbox every few seconds. It works great, but after a while the time (I get "reset connection by peer"). So is it appropriate to shut down the session and start it every half hour or to resume it (like with IWL)? Is this a terrible, horrible hack, which will annoy my door in the middle of the night? Should the proper solution be entered with IMAP and to use the IDEL to inform my Gmail API module to start and when they drag into the changes that occur? Or should I just suck it out and implement an IMAP only? Certainly not IMAP, this real time even with IMAP idle command It just voted a few (5?) Seconds and covered the cover and then pressures for the connection. (Use yourself and see the delay...

django - Save keywords / meta title in Mezzanine -

I recently started compromising the mezzanine and I was trying to add 2 new areas in the blog post admin I - Keywords, and Meta Title I've done this by editing my file and adding the following: Import from BlogPostAdmin to mezzanine.generic.models ([ "Keyword"]) Expand BlogPostAdmin.fieldsets [0] [1] ["Fields"] (["_ meta_title"]). (keyword) (assigned word) I look at fields in the blog post manager, but when I make them specific to blog posts , Then they don & # 39; t save that post. However, if I'm adding keywords, then the keywords are saved in the entire keyword ( generic_keyword table) keyword. Is there a way to update blog posts _meta_title and keywords_string is updated in blog_blogpost ? Thanks for any help. EDIT: After looking into this, it does not appear that I need to do anything to extend the "Meta Data" section. However, in my copy, it can not be expanded. ...

C# in Visual studio 2012. How do I make it debug in 64 bit mode? -

Hi I have a simple C # solution that includes an ext3 project and 2 DLL projects. All code is compiled for "AnyCPU" but when I debug it, it runs as 32 bit. How do I fix it? I can change the solution to compile x64, but I think it remembers the point. (Windows 7, 64 bit. Visual Studio 2012 final) thanks Right click on your project in Solution Explorer. Properties P Go to Build tab. Ensure that you have been selected on top of all configurations and any CPU platform name properties. Make sure that the platform target matches the selected platform name above, AnyCPU (yes, it can exit sync) Unselect 32-bit priority . Go.

R: Set X and Y limits when using qmap (ggplot2) -

I am trying to create a map using qmap (part of ggmap). To illustrate through the question here is an example piece of code. It is a sort of stupid, but it is cleaner than using my own data. install.packages ("ggmap") library (ggmap) qmap ("Capital Building, Washington DC", Zoom = 15) So my mine The question is: In the vicinity of the Capital Building I want to zoom a good bit (zoom = 15) to get lots of detail of the road. But I want to include Washington Monument in my map too. To do this, I want to expand the western part of the map and make it rectangular. Does anyone know how to do this? Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks for your patience with the beginning Like this? Library (ggmap) of cap & lt geocode ("Washington Memorial, Washington DC") loc & lt; -. Unlisted ((cap + wash) / 2) ggmap (get_map (location = loc, zoom = 15)) + coord_fixed (ylim = loc [2] + 005 * c (- 1, +1)) then p...

java ee - how is state of instance variables of a stateless bean preserved for next invocation in EJB? -

I am reading and what he says here for Stateless Bean. I'm confused with what I mean by the marked statement in bold below. A stateless session does not maintain an interactive position with the Bean client. When a client invokes the methods of a stateless bean, the instance variable of the bean may have a specific situation for that client, but only when the method expires for the period of invocation, then create a client-specific state Should not be kept. Customers, however, can change the status of the instance variables in the pooled stateless beans, and this condition is kept in the next volume of the stateless bean pooled. During the method orientation, all instances of a stateless bean are equivalent, which allows EJB container to allocate an instance to any client. That is, the status of a stateless session bean should apply to all customers. However by this post, There is no related interactive state of a stateless session, bean is an object, but the exampl...

javascript - Angular -- Failed to Instantiate Module -

I'm trying to understand the client side of an application I error: due to the [$ Injector: Named] module The module failed to instantify Facebook: using encoder, and when I try to load the page that I get, uncheck error: [$ Injector: Facebook 'available] is not! You either misspelled the name of the module or forgot to load it. If a module is registering, make sure you specify the dependency in the form of the second argument. Http://$injector/nomod?p0=Facebook I downloaded and included angle and angular resources They do all the compilation before application.js, and I have moved my tags from the HTML tags to the body tag. With any thought what can I do to do this work? It seems simple to get the module to work, but it denies it. -application.html.erb & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "/ property / angle / angular .js" type = "text / javascr...

sql server - What is TSQL TinyInt in C#? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 उत्तर टी / एसक्यूएल के लिए एक क्वेरी के लिए सी # में क्या डाली गई जो टिनिंट देता है। एक SqlDataReader ... इंट प्रेसिजन = 0; SqlDataReader रीडर = myCommand.ExecuteReader (); अगर (reader.Read ()) (शुद्धता = रीडर। गेटआईंट 16 (0); } जब मैं GetInt16 का उपयोग करता हूं, तो मुझे InvalidCastException मिल रहा है, और यह संभवतः उपलब्ध सबसे छोटी पूर्णांक डाली है उसी कोड में मैंने सफलतापूर्वक छोटा से int16 डाली क्या जाओ .... मैं tinyint के लिए उपयोग करूँ? जोड़ने के लिए संपादित करें: एक जवाब जो बाद में हटा दिया गया था, ने कहा कि GetByte का उपयोग करने के लिए कहा। मैंने किया, और वह काम करता है। जैसा कि दस्तावेज में उल्लिखित है, यह छोटा है जब आप एसक्यूएल से सीएलआर मैप करें।

c# - Handle cancelled task and task exceptions in Task.WaitAll? -

I am using TPL to crawl a set of URLs and then processing something. {{......}); } Work. Wait all (work); The issue is that Tasks. Waiting seems like it will often throw an exception because a work has been canceled. I understand that httpclient.getStringAsync can not always ensure success, so if I have an exception I would like to add a retrain log in httpClient.GetStringAsync . To do this, what would be the appropriate approach You can easily get the GetStringAsync For code> with loop, which is no exception or tries to reach again the limit of effort. I store the work and I am using it for the wait if I reach the retrace limit without success, the exception will be redone: Async Tasks & lt; String & gt; GetStringAsync (HTTP Client Client, String URL, Intit Retrieves) {Task & Lt; String & gt; Work = null; For (Int i = 0; I You may also be able to do this as an extension method on HttpClient : Fixed async Tasks & lt ; String ...

MySQL and PHP display error -

Hello IEM is new under MySQL and PHP training, please tell me where is wrong My The problem occurs when Ad01 and ad03 they are doing the echo here but ad02 echo properly & Lt; Title & gt; Download link & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link href = "css / style.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div class = "wrapper" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ad01" & gt; & Lt ;? Php if ($ row_advtDisplay ['adv-no'] == 'ad01') {echo $ row_advtDisplay ['adv-content']; } And {echo "advertise here";}? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "middlebox" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ad02" & gt; & Lt ;? Php if ($ row_advtDisplay ['adv-no'] == 'ad02') {echo $ row_advtDisplay ['advt-content']; } And {echo "advertise here";}? & Gt; ...