
Showing posts from April, 2012

sql - Alter script not working on server -

मेरे पास nvarchar से float डेटाटाइप बदलने के लिए एक लिपि स्क्रिप्ट है जो मेरी स्थानीय मशीन में ठीक काम करता है लेकिन 2012 सर्वर पर काम करने में विफल रहता है क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि मेरी लिपि में क्या गड़बड़ है या सर्वर पर किसी भी परिवर्तन की आवश्यकता है? मेरे परिवर्तन स्क्रिप्ट निम्नानुसार है: ALTER TABLE mytable ALTER COLUMN mycolumn FLOAT और मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: संदेश 8114, स्तर 16, राज्य 5, रेखा 6 डेटाटाइप nvarchar को फ्लोट करने में त्रुटि यदि यह एक त्रुटि फेंक रहा है 'डेटा प्रकार varchar to float में कनवर्ट करने में त्रुटि।' तो यह स्पष्ट है कि varchar क्षेत्र में कुछ मान हैं जो फ्लोट में परिवर्तित नहीं किए जा सकते हैं। यदि आप हमें बताए गए त्रुटि के बारे में अधिक बता सकते हैं, तो समस्या को समझना आसान होगा।

php - I think MySqli select is not working? -

I think I should be mad because my MySqli selection code is not working. Any ideas why please? $ result = mysqli_query ($ con, "select * from» table 'where `auto` = 1 border 0, 30"); While ($ line = mysqli_fetch_array ($ result)) {$ updateid = $ line ['id']; } $ Updateid; I can not find an error message, but for some reasons the statement is not triggered. A line with Auto 1 value is present I have also encountered the same problem, mysqli's Instead of trying to use mysql, Mysqli is not working because of the version of XAMPP, which you are using (the old version does not support its use).

Enterprise Architect: How to add a TaggedValue to a package in C# -

How can I add the value tagged in a package to C #. EA.Package does not have any tag values ​​like EA.Element. But it is possible to add a TV via GUI, so I think it is normally possible. Solution (thx Geert): safe EA. Element MillenniumPeppage (EA package package) {return repository Get Elementbigued (eaPackage.PackageGUID); } The API has both an EA.Package as a package EA.Element . Use the package to access tagged values ​​for the package.

html - Font renders differently on local and webserver while using the same browser -

That's why I was working on a custom WordPress theme recently I work on the local Mac OS X machine with xampp I am When I uploaded the theme's initial alpha stage to the jacket server, I saw that the font looks different than my local machine, as you can see (left: local rights: webserver). You can see that the font on the local machine is thicker than the font on the webserver, as a font, I use TP Sans with Google Fonts and I am also using Google Chrome to view both sites. I am getting the exact files of the topic on the local and web server. You can use Chrome correctly to track all CSS affecting text. Inspect element 'button, probably due to this solution

ios - NSUserDefaults - Saving and retrieving "High Scores" -

I'm just learning the program and doing some SWIFT tutorials. I've researched as much research as I did, but it seems that some important aspects are missing. I have a simple game and when a player dies, I want to see their score against the high survivors already. The highest score is displayed on a title screen. This is the current code I am using; NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults (). IntegerForKey ("highest score") if score & gt; ("Highest Score") (NSUser Defaults: Standard Standard Default). Set Intager (Score: For: "Highscore") NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults (.) Synchronize ()} NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults (.) IntegerForKey ("highscore" ) The problem I can not solve is just how to print the highscore! I have tried; hiScoreText.text = "Hi Score: \ (Highest score) " But I found out that this is not correct. Which variables can I use or how to escape Or the highest score "read"?...

Non Ansi C++ example in Visual C++ -

I am trying to find the syntax of the expansion of the anti-C ++ extension in 2010, I see this: The C compiler supports single-line annotations, which is presented using two forward slash (//) characters: Suppose it is not a standard feature? Can someone give me an example of non-NC C code that will pass in Visual C ++ and will fail in other compilers like GCC? I need an example to know if \ Za is described here. From the example: extere int clip (); Static Ent Clip () {} This compiles with both language and C ++ enabled language extensions. Strange enough, their documents seem very old. Many examples of non-conformant codes that need to be compiled, when the extensions are actually enabled, are not compiled in both ways.

How to make HTTP protocol in Facebook Canvas -

I want to prepare my website at the Facebook Canvas. My page does not have HTTP protocols and Facebook: "This URL should use the HTTPS protocol." There are two inputs in the application settings: Without a secure canvas, the application is not loading and with this the error message gets: "This connection is unreliable" I want to include my HTTP site. Is it impossible? Only HTTPS permission? Thank you. It is not possible, you need a server with SSL certificate. Some people recommend this for a cheap solution:

angularjs - ng-repeat is not working for the json value -

मेरे पास ऐसा कोड है: & lt; tr ng-repeat = "tagJson टैग सूची में "& gt; & Lt; div ng-repeat = "(कुंजी, मान) tagJson" & gt; & Lt; टीडी चौड़ाई = "48%" एनजी-क्लास-अजीब = "'एवन'" एनजी-क्लास-भी = "'अजीब'" & gt; {{कुंजी}} & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; टीडी चौड़ाई = "48%" एनजी-क्लास-अजीब = "'एवन'" एनजी-क्लास-भी = "'अजीब'" & gt; {{Value}} & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; जहां टैग सूची है: [{a: 1}, {a: 1}] लेकिन कुंजी और मान खाली हैं! सुनिश्चित नहीं है कि मामले को क्यों। अगर मैं tagJson को html में प्रिंट करने की कोशिश करता हूं: {{tagJson}} यह प्रिंट करता है: {a: 1} {a: 1} लेकिन कुंजी और मान काम नहीं करता! जहां मैं गलतियाँ कर रहा हूं यहां देखें: वास्तविक कारण है कि आपको कुछ भी नहीं दिखाई देता है, क्योंकि एकोन्सू ने पोस्ट किया है, क्योंकि आप अवैध HTML का निर्म...

ios - Swift. Mapping from JSON to object model. Array of Array -

There is a model in JSON format {"offline": incorrect, "data": {"Path": [[{"Latitude": 56.789351316653, "Longitude": 60.6053340947616}, {"Latitude": 56.78674, "Longitude": 60.60613}], [{"Latitude": 56.79071, "Longitude": 60.60492} , And the object model at the speed Issue: {"latitude": 56.79129, "longitude": 60.60493}]]}} Json's path field can not be parsed, because there is an array of arrays that works well in all cases of arrays with a single dimension. I had to do something like that. I considered the implementation of mtl_JSONArrayTransformerWithModelClass which changes an array of MTLModels and their structures. So I have created a similar transformer, which expects the array of dictionaries / MTLModels. . I change each array to iterate and dictionaries on the external array with + (NSValueTransformer *) JSONArrayOfArraysTransformerWithModelClass...

javascript - SailsJS - Create versioned API without blueprint -

I am trying to explain how to create a versionand API for my application. According to this issue, I have to use blueprints, but all the templates have been disabled in my project (my boss's wish). I have to have a URL like http: /. / , and for any version. So far, the best way I found is to duplicate all controllers like something to map to all routes like v322AuthController.js and 'POST / v3.2.2 / se-connecter': 'v322AuthController.perform_signin' But I think this is an unwise move I am currently using NGNX Div class = "post- At "Aitmprop =" text "> All you need to disable all the blueprints? If you do not want to copy your controllers, then you can try: config / routes.js module.exports.routes = {'post /: apverision / se-connecter': {controller: 'AuthController', verb: 'perform_signin', skipAssets: true} .. ..} Then the seal passes all * / to-connector...

android - Facebook API 2.1 - About Invite Friends And App-scoped User IDs -

Facebook will start to issue app-scod user id, when people first enter your app instance Will, 0 of v2 API With an app-scod id, the id for the same user will be different between the app Send a request when inviting a friend: {to [0] = 10202585439492947 , Request = 345936808908087}, I can get the ID of the recipient: 10202585439492947, this is the recipient's app-scottch user ID? Will the user's app-scod user ID always be the same? If the user takes away my app, then after several days, log in to my app again, will the app-scope user ID be the same as before? Me Rewarded From and Recipient , but if the app-scoped user ID has been changed between the sender then Send invitations and recipients logs to the app, so I can invite that new user. I have responded to another thread: This is an App Scod ID, and this should be the same, even if the user authorizes and authorizes their app. It will always be the same in an app, but it will be different in the second...

php - How to use multiple coupon code in Magento or set up free shipping for specific customer without coupon code? -

Is there anyone who can tell me to set up free shipping / delivery for some customers without coupon code? is? The reason is without coupon code because I am running a specific offer at the same time and Magento does not allow many coupon codes to be applied. I also know that there are some extensions available for using multiple coupons, but I would like to use coupon code for a few more offers for a rule or free shipping. Thank you Click on the coupon code option you can create a new shopping cart price rule with no. Now select free shipment as the for matching items only in the Actions tab.

datacontext - SAPUI5: data binding from master1 to master2 -

I am trying to create a simple fairy like UI using SAPUI5. I master 1- & gt; Master 2- & gt; I want to implement the description scenario. The problem is that when I navigate from Master 1 to Master 2, no data is visible. Master.view.xml & lt; Core: View Controller Name = "Sap.ui.demo.myFiori.view.Master" xmlns = "sap.m" xmlns: core = "sap.ui.core" & gt; & Lt; Page title = "{i18n> MasterTitle}" & gt; & Lt; Subheader & gt; & Lt; Bars & gt; & Lt; ContentLeft & gt; & Lt; SearchField search = "handset search" width = "100%" & gt; & Lt; / SearchField & gt; & Lt; / ContentLeft & gt; & Lt; / Bars & gt; & Lt; / Subheader & gt; & Lt; List id = "assembly line" mode = "{device>" / listMode} "= Select" handlelist "item =" {/ MaterialCollection} "> & Lt; Standard list item type =...

Sending push notification to users in specific location on iOS (Background and killed) -

I am reading about SO and I have found that the only close question , Which has 33 views and a zero-vote answer that can be correct. And it's not exactly what I want. And I have also found , but I want to know that there are already an underlying way. I'm trying to send information to every user of my app which calls in Brussels for the sake of discussion in a specific area when a user (say, Barcelona) uses my app , Then at some points I need to trigger a notification to all the users of Brushes. And when one or more notification instructions have been followed in Brussels, then I would like to have Barcelona Dude Sector is required to send a new notification with the new instructions. Can it get in any way with iOS? In only a few words: Do any field should not make notifications to all users unless it follows the instructions. When this is done, a specific user receives a notification. Can the app be in the background or even off? Can we do this? If so, can so...

AVG/COUNT MySQL query NOT working -

I'm not experiencing much in MySQL queries so I'm doing something wrong. My query is simple like this: SELECT item. *, AVG (itemRating.rating) As a 'rating' in the form of 'rating' as item (itemRating.rating), item is sending WHERE item ID IN (...) and itemRating.item_fk = GROUP Item Rating.item_fk This works fine when no item is rated (no record table in item). Can anybody solve me without losing this information? select, avg (ItemRating.rating) the form of 'rating' In the item number, item number (ItemRating.rating) is included as 'Ratingcard' items leaving item rating.item_fk = WHERE IN (...) by Group

javascript - How to find a div element inside the row table and return the value? -

I have a table under which the foreach statement is being blocked by. Inside the table, you can see that there are various div elements. I want to get and return the value of a div element with class = "divrep" by clicking on the button with class = "postrep" . I tried to do something below but it gives empty objects so I'm not sure if I get the right div element. jQuery: $ (Function () {$ ('. Postrep'). Click (function () {var findiv = $ (This) .closest ('div' ['div' [class = "divrep"] '); Findiv.toString ());});}); HTML: & lt; Table id = "mytable" & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td class = "tdstyle" & gt; & Lt; Div style = "font-weight: bold;" & Gt; @html Displayer (model istam => & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; @html DisplayFor (Model Itam => Item Dotement) & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt;...

mysql - PHP can't receive a param from ActionScript3 -

I have created a website and have communicated with the ActionScript. In Actionscript I am creating a function to call a php function and to post a variable for data loaded from the mysql database. The problem is that when I php PHP script to function script and post variable Calling on the Php side, I call $ _POST ['action']; To get a variable from the action script, but when I want to see this post $ _POST ['action']; This kind of error Notice: Undefined index: Work in: \ wamp \ www \ MPA-EM \ bin \ model.FPP line3 and this is an action script function for calling php: PublicDocument (TBN: string, type: string): zero {var myrequest: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("http : // local host / MPA-EM / bin / model.php "); Myrequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; Var variable: URLVariables = new URLVariables (); Variables.tablename = TBN; Variables.action = TYPE; = variable; Var loader: URL loader = new URL loader (); Loader.dataFormat = U...

TypeScript - how to type a self-instantiating function -

Function register is made by calling register ('some') immediately. Typuscript says that this is only possible when new is used on a zero return function in this case register own An example is returning me how should I type in typedcript? module register {export function register (x: string): example (if ((register this entry)) {new register (x)} .value = x} ... Export Interface Example {New (X: String): Example; ...}} = Export Maybe your example is simple, and you are trying to get some more complexity under the hood, but if I understand your code correctly, Without an operator, want to return an example of the register function. The only option I can think is to run the TS compiler, and to specify the return type as zero, and then your variable Use any type. module register {export function register (x: string): zero {if this (this example of register!)) Return new register (x); } This.value = x;} export interface eg Rann {new (x: String): Example: V...

c# - Setting a boolean if equals true/false in ASP.NET -

I used the same code below to set a boolean value in VBA, there is a way to do this is. Using macintosh? Integer as integer dim C as dim A boolean dim B, as integer A = B = C A is set to true or false If B is equal to C. C The full description would be: If B = C then A = true such a A = false end if A = B = C The way you expect me to recommend you improve your readability Add b brackets: a = (b = c) Also make sure that you have hard of choice In C # you have to write: a = (b == c);

oracle - How to run 2 different "execute sql" steps in one session in Pentaho Kettle (PDI) -

My question is, how can I run 2 different "execute SQL scripts" steps, so that they both share the same session Lange, not 2 different? In my transformation, I need to run a SQL script at the beginning of the change process, to allow modification in the table. After this, I remove the data from a database, manipulate them, and I need to call some process (using another SQL script) to update the conversion status based on the result. I can not update the situation, if SQL is not executed first, and permission is not granted. Search gives me only 2 results: Select "Unique Connection" in Change Settings. This is not applicable, because it is only available in older versions of Kettle. Choose "Transform Changes Database" - In fact, the only thing (new name for old property in new kettle) seems like what I really do not want because it does not work as expected Does I am working with Oracle Database and Kettle 5.1.0. Update: In this pi...

fortran - how to connect a unit number to stdin and stdout? -

I have overwritten reserve unit number 5 and 6 for reading and writing files respectively. So I can not read stdin and can write stdout now. Instead of changing all of my code, I want to add stdin and stdout to new unit numbers respectively 7 and 8, how can I do this? Edit # 1 Let me cite an example to clarify my situation. Open (Unit = 5, file = 'input.txt', condition = 'old') Open (unit = 6, file = 'output.txt', position = 'REPLACE') ... some code ... Read (5, * format1 *) x, y, write z (6, * format2 *) i, j, k not original code by me It has been written and has about 4000 lines. Since I'm new in Foreign 77, I do not want to modify the statement of the code because I am worried that it will cause more problems to solve for me. It is possible to reconnect to a new unit number if it is possible to reconnect the stdin and stdout , so it will keep me away from many potential problems. Edit # 2 Please read my question clea...

qt - How to create resizable cusom widget on the QGraphicsScene -

I study the QGraphics framework and want to create custom resizable widgets. For example I created a proxy widget with QTextEdit QGraphicsLinearLayout * l = new QGraphicsLinearLayout; QGraphicsProxyWidget * Proxy = New QGraphicsProxyWidget; Proxy-> Setviewjet (new qihestad); Proxy-> Setis policies (QSizePolicy :: favorites, QSizePolicy :: favorites); L-> SetSizePolicy (QSizePolicy :: Favorites, QSizePolicy :: Favorites); L- & gt; Idea eTam (Proxy); QGraphicsWidget * w = new QGraphicsWidget; W-> Setout (l); W-> Setis policies (QSizePolicy :: favorites, QSizePolicy :: favorites); W-> Setflag (QGraphicsItem :: ItemIsMovable); View- & gt; Idea Itam (W); The widget looks okay, but I can not seem to know how much it has the ability to resize. I searched in QT examples and Google but found no examples. The size of a graphics etc., from which QGraphicsProxyWidget turns out, its range is defined by rectangle. I hope the size of the widget will define the in...

php - How to UPDATE rows in one table where there duplictaes in another -

If someone can help me write a question to update our order system due to the cheat issue, Grateful on the scale We have an order table and a customer table I have identified some duplicate rows in the table of our customers where the email address and password are the same on unique lines - and the customer number Is present in the unique live order that exists in each table. This is bad when a customer enters their account, they will not see all their orders, rather they will only see orders related to the highest customer ID (see the entry below SQL) Identify fake user accounts: select EMAILADDRESS, password, count (*) from join orders.customernumber = customers.CustomerNumber order scustomers where the EMAILADDRESS by = 1 Group , Passwords Counting (*) & gt; Select from: Where the email address: = Email address and password (password: = password) Update the "Order" table Update " CUSTOMERNUMBER "column Set the" CUSTOMERNUMBER ...

IOS Autolayout change anchorPoint of view and rotate scale -

अगर मैं translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints सेट करता हूं, तो मैं दृश्य के परत anchorPoint, कंसोल प्रिंट बदलता हूं: एक साथ बाधाओं को संतुष्ट करने में असमर्थ। सीजीपीईटी एंकर = सीपी पॉइंट मेक ((सेल्फ सोकोलएव्यूफ्रेम.size.width / 2 + self.scrollview.contentOffset.x) /self.imageview.frame.size.width, (self.scrollview.frame .size.height / 2 + self.scrollview.contentOffset.y) /self.imageview.frame.size.height); self.imageview.layer.anchorPoint = लंगर; Self.imageview.layer.position = सीपी पॉइंटमेक (self.scrollview.frame.size.width / 2 + self.scrollview.contentoffset.x, self.scrollview.frame.size.height / 2 + self.scrollview.contentOffset.y) ; CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation ((slider.value * 100/180)); self.imageview.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeAffineTransform (बदलना); इस तरह से कोड मैं इसे छवि व्यू एक बिंदु के आसपास घुमाने के लिए इसका उपयोग नहीं कर सकता ???? मेरे पास एक और सवाल है जब मैं ऑटो लेआउट का उपयोग करता हूं, तो मैं फ़्रेम को सीधे बद...

JSON parsing error in perl -

मुझे त्रुटि मिलती है कार्यान्वयन विफल ... खराब JSON स्ट्रिंग, न तो सरणी, ऑब्जेक्ट, नंबर, स्ट्रिंग या परमाणु, चरित्र ऑफसेट 0 ("स्ट्रिंग का अंत") से पहले) " जब मैं डीबी से इस स्निपेट को अपने JSON स्ट्रिंग को पार्स करता हूं। क्या मुझे कुछ याद आ रहा है? जेसन स्ट्रिंग डेटाबेस से है। "एसी", "आरएस 718757": "एजी", "आरएस6557634": "सीसी", "आरएस 995553": "एसी" सीजी "," आरएस 6166 ":" एजी "," आरएस 4925 ":" एए "," आरएस 502843 ":" जीटी "," आरएस 725029 ":" कोई कॉल नहीं "," आरएस 3 9 4872 ":" जीजी "," आरएस 14026 9 5 ":" टीटी "" rs719601 ":" ए.ए. "," rs2374061 ":" एजी "," rs952503 ":" टीटी "," rs1801262 ":" एजी "," rs5215 ":" सीटी "," rs978422 ":" सीसी ", "rs1...

c# - Getting List of Model1 with List of Model2 in it LINQ - MVC 4 EntityFramework 5 -

I have a requirement where I need to get a list of model 1 (list) using Linq, Model2 in Model2 Is in the list) and I also need to bring this also. For this I have created a link, but I am getting the following error: LINQ does not recognize the units 'system'. Colections. Generics.list 1 [OurCourse] ToList [OurCourse] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable 1 [OurCourse]) method, and this method can not be translated into a store expression. Please see below for details: I have two table colleges and courses, which have the following columns: college: ID, name, My project is two visual models for them, contact, city, address Cource: ID, CollegeID, name, year As follows: public class OurCollege {public string name {get; Set; } Public String Contacts {get; Set; } Public listing & lt; OurCourse & gt; Micors {get; Set; }} Public class OurCourse {public string name {get; Set; } Public integer number = (received); Set; }} Here is the query query...

sas macro - Inserting a table name into a string with SAS -

I am writing a macro in SAS, which exports a file. I want the name of the file, it is the same as the name of the table as the abstract. So if I run: % to_excel (my_table); I have to save the file to "Q: /my_table.xlsx". What I have done so far: % macro to_excel (TB); Proc Export Data = & amp; TB outfile = ????????? Changing dbms = xlsx; Run; % improvement; You are almost there to try it. % macro to_excel (tb); Proc Export Data = & amp; TB outfile = "Q: / & amp; TB..Clicks" change dbms = xlsx; Run; % improvement; % To_excel (My_table);

can't run emacs ensime on Windows -

When I hit MX and type 'anamme' I get an error ` Flet 'is an obsolete macro (as 24.3); Either use 'cl-flet' or 'cl-letf' when I needed 'in AMACS', he told me something else: debugger has been entered: - Error error: (incorrect-type-argument array zero) file-truman (zero) (two (java (file-trunam (executable- "javac")) (warning "JDK_HOME and JAVA_HOME are not set, (% - "Java") (Originally - original-dir (parent - parent Java) (Seed (getenv "JDK_HOME")) ((getenv "JAVA_HOME")) ((file-exist-p "/ Usr / libexec / java_home") (s-chomp (shell-command-to-sp "Warning" JDKHOME and JAVAHOHOM are not set,% "(/ usr / libexec / java_home")) ((c) (run (java (file-truncheme-find) "java")) S (getenv "JDK_HOME")) ((getenv "JAVA_HOME")) ((file-present- P "/ usr / libexec / java_home") (S-Champ (shell-command-to-string "/ usr / libexec / java_...

spring - SAMLException: NameID element must be present as part of the Subject in the Response message, please enable it in the IDP configuration -

Iam का उपयोग spring-saml कार्यान्वयन वर्ग WebSSOProfileConsumerImpl में, मैं जो SAML प्रतिसाद के दावे में nameId लिए जाँच करता है कोड के निम्नलिखित लाइनों मिल सकता है NameID nameID। if (! subject.getEncryptedID () = नल) {Assert.notNull (context.getLocalDecrypter (), "NameID डिक्रिप्ट नहीं कर सकता, कोई decrypter संदर्भ में सेट किया गया है"); NameID = (NameID) context.getLocalDecrypter ()। डिक्रिप्ट (subject.getEncryptedID ()); } और {nameID = subject.getNameID (); } कोड के आधार पर, यह स्पष्ट है कि नाम आईडी विषय का हिस्सा होना चाहिए। लेकिन आईडीपी में से अधिकांश जिनमें मैं उल्लेख कर रहा हूं कि नाम आईडी विषय / विशेषता का भाग हो सकता है ऐसा लगता है कि कुछ ऐसे लागूकरण हैं जो विषय में नाम आईडी स्वीकार करते हैं जैसे कि SimpleSAMLPHP । विषय जो मैं प्राप्त कर रहा हूं वह इस प्रकार है और इसमें नहीं है नाम आईडी संलग्न है & lt; saml2: विषय & gt; & Lt; saml2: विषय विन्यास विधि = "कलश: ओएसिस: नाम: टीसी: SAML: 2.0: सेमी: वाहक" & gt; & LT; S...

c# - How to get all classes in particular dll, browse through OpenFileDialog -

I am trying to write a code specifically to get all sections in the DLL sequence. Dll must use OpenFileDialog by user. After selection, it prepares a list of all the sections in the selected DLL. I have tried the following code with no success, besides, Google did not find any concrete solutions. Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {If (openfileDialog1.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.OK) {Type T = openFileDialog1 OpenFile () GetType (); }} Try it out: var assembly = Assembly. LoadFromForm (OpenFileDialog1.fileName); Various types of assembly (GETExportedTypes ()) {Console.WriteLine (type.Name); } This loads the assembly with the given name, receives all types and lists them.

Not getting expected campaign IDs when using Facebook Ad Report Stats API -

I created an entry token with my personal account with additional add-permission permissions. I used curl to exchange this short-term token for a permanent access token. The roles page for my advertising account is called, "You can manage campaigns, view reports, and see billing information." I use this access_token with curls to count offsite_conversions from yesterday. The results include data for some campaigns, although these campaigns have not been found anywhere in the campaign list in Ad Manager. If I click on a campaign and replace the ID with one of the campaign IDs in the URL, then I get a "This content is currently unavailable" error page. In addition to this, there are at least three campaigns shown there are some upset conversions in the Ad Manager's campaign list, which are not appearing in response to the ad report statistics API call. How can I get more information to solve this problem? I was confused with a relatively recent cha...

objective c - How can I mix 2 audio files into 1 file -

I am creating an audio player like the garage band. For me, the audio file format at runtime in 2 different file Example: At the same time, the user pushes drum buttons and violin buttons . Then user will press disk button to save that tune. So how did I mix them in 1 file (asynchronous and correct time period)? This is very trivial with Apple's new animation engine, which is exactly designed for this kind of situation. and watch the WWDC video about it ...

ios - Beginner: XCode 6 - Says base sdk missing -

I explained the toodolist project in Applet's tutorial "iOS App Developing" in the tutorial. I downloaded XCode 6 and how a new "empty app" created is different from the IDE tutorial, it does not give me the option of choosing a target device. Also, no code file was created on the project form, I also see an error that says "missing the base SDK" Someone can tell me how to solve it. What is not Xcode 6? ??? Empty application any more template I think that the experiment you used was called "FTA", and it creates a project with nothing in it. You do not want to know what is not. You can start with a "View Single Application" template. If you want to empty it, then follow the instructions.

split a string in java algorithm -

मेरे पास निम्न स्ट्रिंग है: FIELD, कुंजी, 0, क्षेत्र, 2, 3,4 मुझे कुंजी और क्षेत्र के मूल्यों को चुनना होगा और उन्हें पूर्णांक सरणी में परिवर्तित करना होगा .. जैसे कुंजी = {0}; क्षेत्र = {2,3,4} मैं इसे कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? आप #indexOf और #split का उपयोग कर सकते हैं ऐसा करने के लिए मुझे लगता है स्ट्रिंग ऐसा है फ़ील्ड, कुंजी, कुंजी 1, कुंजी 2, के 3 ..., क्षेत्र, क्षेत्र 1, क्षेत्र 2, क्षेत्र 3 ... स्ट्रिंग इनपुट = "फ़ील्ड, कुंजी, 0, क्षेत्र, 2,3,4"; इंट इंडेक्स ओफ्के = इनपुट.इनडेऑफ़ ("कुंजी"); इंट इंडेक्स ओफ़रईए = इनपुट.इंडएक्सऑफ़ ("एरिया"); स्ट्रिंग कुंजी [] = input.substring (indexOfKEY + 4, indexOfAREA-1) .split (","); स्ट्रिंग क्षेत्र [] = इनपुट.substring (indexOfAREA + 5) .split (",");

tsql - Joins With CommonTable Expression - Sql -

Feedback table is like URL Developer Stats Review Status ------- -------------------------------------------------- Open Default.aspx Open Open default.aspx Open Open PagesSpace Open Open PageSpace Open Closed Pages Espx Close Close Each URL can be listed multiple times and its DStatus and Android. Rstatus can be open / closed, the status of each other is irrelevant. I would like to list a summary like this: url developer status reviewer status --- ------ -------------------------------------------- ---- error ASPX OpenOpen page Open Open Open If at least one developer is in the form of a status open in the URL, then it should be open. Also for the receivers status. This is my working code. How can I improve it: as TBL1 (Selection URL, Developer Status, ROW_NUMBER ()) (URL Feedback as RSS Feedback by URL Developer According to TBL2 AS (SELECT URL, Reviewer Status, ROW_NUMBER ()) (according to the order of the URL by the DESC reviewer), select the transfer f.URL, TB...

javascript - Combine remote filter and local filter -

Now, I have a store that contains remoteFilter: true and (Code) 'from', property: 'to', value: ext.getCmp ("ruleFrom"). GetValue ()} Ext.getStore ("AccessRuleStore") AddFilter ([new Ext.util.Filter ({id: 'from'), New Ext.util.Filter ({id: 'to', Properties: 'From', Value: Extension .getcmp ("ruleTo"). GetValue ()}))); This addFilter automatically activates a call on the server, where to and to Is used to calculate which is the rule of sending the client, because only the server knows that to and to values ​​match what rule (for some reason , The value from to the and to values ​​can not be reported to the client). On the other hand, the rules can become active or passive, and the indicator is always transmitted to the customer. Now I want to add a checkbox "Show only active rules", which filters the rules of (rule.get ("active") === true) on the client side. Is it po...

Dynamic expanding visual basic forms -

I have the simplest question I have a visual basic form, but when I extend it, no one Does not spread with fields or text windows. I was wondering how to make it so that the form spreads dynamically when a person maximizes or stretches the window on the desktop, someone can advise you! Properties in each control vertical anchor and horizontal anchor Is. This can either be true or both (top or bottom vertical) and if it is left and top (default), then they By changing the distance from the upper and left side to the correct and down , keep the distance between the right and the bottom both as both sizes The shape of the control changes to control the same distance. In addition to the double chuck that CanGrow and CanShrink hope that helps! Edit: This is some code from my predecessor which uses this event: Private sub form_ size Err_Form_Resize on error () on if CurrentProject.AllForms ("FrmFMEA_PartA"). IsLoaded then Double Datacenter ...

charts - How can I have both a legend and data labels, with different labels, in Highcharts? -

I need to create a pie chart with label, which indicates what each area means, but Another information is emphasized on each area. If I use both data labels and a legend, they will show the same text. How can I be with different texts, or can I follow that effect? What I want is a fake: Pie: {dataLabels: {Enabled: true Is, formatter: function () {return 'y value:' + this.y; // y value}}, showInLegend: true} instant.

c# - How to add a cache buster to all images in an ASP.NET MVC site -

I am trying to improve the performance of a large ASP.NET MVC website and I am currently adding one Looking for the way. The cache-destroying query string is from image requests in such a way that I do not have to go through all the scenes and CSS and change each image reference. The desired result I'm using the firebug extension in Firefox to verify whether the cache buster is being added or not I see it is something like this (screenshot taken from another website) Whatever I have tried Simple answer I was looking for to create a custom HTML module Mr. image prevents the request and then requested URL was the cache adds busting query string. So I have written the following class Public category CacheBusterImageHandler: IHttpModule {Public Zero Init (HttpApplication Reference) {context.BeginRequest + = this.BeginRequest; } Public Zero Extraction () {} Public Zero BeginRequest (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {// This conditional test will need to be modified to c...

c# - Copying a large amount of rows between two tables in two different mysql databases -

I have a database, let's call it database A , and another databaseb In MySQL I have a SQL statement that raises data from Database A (approximately 1 million lines) and it needs to be inserted into database B. To read data from Database A, I am using a MySqlDataReader which has 1 million rows. Now I would like to write them in Database B. Whatever I have tried to do is iterative through each line in the data reader, and write the database with the simple INSERT stored procedure It is taking a very long time. I looked at the SQL Bulk Data Copy with C #, though I do not want to use external files. What options do I have? a simple query select mysqldb1.table1 * mysqldb2 From .table2 This is executed by MySQL engine directly by preventing any passage of data from MySQL and your code string cmdText = "mysqldb1 Include in Table1 SELECT * mysqldb2.table2 "; (MySqlConnection cnn = Using MySqlConnection (.....)) (MySqlCommand CMD = New MySqlCommand...

c# - Compatibility Entity Framework by downgrading /net framework 4.5 to 3.5 -

I have created an application with my own Visual Studio on Visual Studio 2013 on my own PC. Is on stage and I have to send it to one of my work. Problem, why do I start? Exe, I have the error to run this application, you must first install one of the following versions of the .NET Framework: .NETFramework, version = v4.5 If I can install the framework It will not be a problem, but the enterprise I work on will not update it. Stand in 3.5 SP1. I have been able to solve my first problem (I think), Datagirth () , but now, I have many warnings and errors, more or one Everything about the thing, unit framework This is 3 of them: Warning 56 The primary reference "Entity Framework" can not be solved because its indirect is compared to the "" version in the current target In the "" higher version "", the "Microsoft.Build.Framework, version =, culture = neutral, public token = B3 f5f7f11d50a3a" framewor...

time - Add one hour to Access table field, and save the value in another field -

I have a table ("booking") with the field [StartHour] (I get a value from a form) . I want to automatically update the value of another table field ([Andher]) with the value [StartHour] + 1hour how can I do this? I find some VBA (I think) solution, but I do not think I can use VBA here. I'm talking about = date ("H", 1, [YourField]) The code below has not been tested and is unable to write it from the top of my head, so there may be some problems, but if you have it in the VBA editor If you add it, anybody will see it You need a Microsoft DAO reference library which is broken in the Tools & gt; Reference Open both tables in the archive, then edit it Add the last field record Add 1 hour to the first hour of the first table, then save it in the area of ​​the last hour. dao.recordset dim tbl2 as dao.recordset tbl1 = currentdb.openrecordset ("table1") tbl2 = currentdb.openrecordset ("table2") with tbl2. Edit.fields (...

python - Seaborn palettes - prevent recycling of colors -

Seaburns allow defining many colored colored palettes, useful for charts with many rows However, many When setting up the palette with colors, only the first six are used, after which the color is recycled, so it is difficult to separate lines, it can be overridden by calling the pallet clearly, but it is convenient Not Seaburn's Current Pale There is no way to recycle the colors in colors, when more than 6 are defined? Example: Import Plot as Pipot from Pipot to import matplotlib PDAs as Panda Define a palette with SB # 8 colors as Seaburn cmap = Sb.blend_palette (["firebrick", "palegreen"], 8) sb.palplot (cmap) set the current palette to; Only 6 colors sb.set_palette (cmap) sb.palplot (sb.color_palette ()) is used df = pd.DataFrame ({x: [x * 10, x * 10 + 5, x * 10 + 10] in the range for x (8)}) fig, (axis 1, axis 2) = plt.subplots (2,1, fig = (4,6)) using the current palette, repeat the color df. Plot (ax = ax1) ax1.legend (Bbox_to_anchor ...

sql server - SQL Query for SSRS report -

I would like to create a ssrs report below - I need to show the following columns - | Tickets | Tickets | | Scan on Scan on Attraction | Hour | 2014/09/08 | 09/09/2014 | 09/10/2014 | Day 4 || Day 5 || Day 6 || 09/14/2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday ...................... Sunday U. Mukesham | 9: 00am | 10 | 40 | 10:00 AM | .. .. .. .. .. 23:00 am I will get a start date and end date from the user. Now my problem is that I want a query for 7 days from the start date chosen by the user for the end date and for each hour, i.e. For 1 day it will be 24 hours, so the total 24 * 7 hours. When I display the values ​​for the scan in my existing SQL query, it displays for only one day. How can I do this for 7 days, and the value of the scan of that date should be displayed in the respective week days. Monday or Tuesday and so on. I am not able to get every date and change in the value of scans each hour, so I am confused and mixing everyone here. The values ​​of each hour should be differe...

css - Dynamic width with multiple elements -

I am trying to find a pure CSS method to inline 1 or more elements and fill them in I'm adjusting width like container 1 element [------] 2 elements [--- ***] 3 elements [- ** ..] Is it possible to get it through pure CSS? Use display: table on parents, and display: table-cell on children so much as you You can add as many internal divisions as this: HTML & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "inner" & gt; 1 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "inner" & gt; 2 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "inner" & gt; 3 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: . Container {Display: Table; Width: 500px; Height: 300px; Profile: 1px solid red; } .INERI {DISPLAY: TABLE-SAIL; Profile: 1 px solid blue; } Here's the Bella:

objective c - Mac App distribution Invalid Binary issue -

I am trying to upload my Mac Xcode project to the Mac App Store, but every time it shows invalid binary status . I have examined a lot of answers in the stack overflow but the problem is not solved, this is the reason why I am posting new questions here I tried some options - 1 .. All warnings have been removed 2 .xcode, empty container folder to 3 Except checked. The provisioning profile is valid, and corresponds to the bundle ID. I checked by removing all the certificates and making provisions and restoring the necessary people. 4. Created new provision profile and certificate 3 times. But the same issue 5. Exodod 5.1.1 has been uploaded directly, and 2 times by app loader. But showing illegal binary for everyone. 6. The application is properly in the sandbox with the appropriate qualification Any ideas in advance thanks. invalid binary When you get this error, For any reason it will send. In my case this email was: Dear Developer, We searc...

java - What is the right way to move the mouse in a game? -

I want to program a bot for my machine which automatically collects items. But I have a problem for moving the mouse in the game. This movement works weird ... it's jumping on X and Y coordination, even if I only add 1 to y coordination. Runs in every 3D game works like this and not just Minecraft I use this for the movement. Here I've snapped what I use for mouse movement: public static zero main (string [] args) {try {robot bot = new robot ()); Point Mouseposition = MouseInfo.JetPointerInfo (). GetLocation (); Int x = mouseposition.x; Int y = mouseposition.y; // game window used to switch on bot.delay (5000); Y = = 1; Bot.mouseMove (x, y); } Hold (AWTException E) {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); }} What I was expecting with this code, this course just took down a pixel. System: OS: Windows 8.1 arch: amd64 Javaversion: 1.7.0_67 ide: eclipse You are capturing the mouse position before switching to the game window, so wh...

apache - php not loaded but the code exist in view source page -

I was setting up my server, unfortunately the PHP page was not loaded in the browser. Viewing the source source pages, I see my php code. I am using Santos and I am setting up a seaplan. What is usually the reason for the problem? This means that PHP is not running. Have you tried to reach the local host in your browser? Normally you should see the PHP index file, which tells you whether the server works or not. Some possibilities: Is your file in the proper root folder? Is your file in .php (ex. Not .html)? Will you please complete & lt; Using php? ? & Gt; tag? Some server configuration & lt;? Can not recognize? & Gt;

rest - JHipster entities must use uncapitalized variable names for classes -

I just searched, actually found out that when you create the unit, you can start each variable name Forces are forced to lowercase, otherwise when you try to use POST REST calls, the console responds "failed to load the resource: the server responded with a 400 position (poor request)". It seems like a strange error, is it a board or a JHPester specific issue for the remaining calls? I do not want to report it as a bug if it is something that is a re-wide syntax requirement. The use of lowercase variable names during the development of POJO is Java interactivity. Here is another stack overflow question that can help explain these conventions: - PayPal POST payment not working on mobile browsers -

I have a web application that is written in VBnet. I have applied the payment through Paypal when I pay through PC, there is no problem, but when I pay through mobile I have some problems. I do not read the PayPal parameter on my return page can. I used httpwebrequest to read information from PayPal, but the variable request.form is empty, so the response is "INVALID". Is there anyone who can help me ??? Please ... This is my code: dim objHttp hTTP web Riwuipt Ojjat = Vebarkwastkkret ( "as") objHttp.method = "POST" objHttp.ContentType = "application / x-www- Byte () = Request as Form-URL Exodied "Ultimate. BinaryRead (HttpContext.Current.Request.ContentLength) string = encoding. ASCII.GetString (Ultimate) as dim strRequest string = as strRequest strRequest ipnPost = "& amp; cmd = _Notify- valid" ObjHttp.ContentLength = strRequest. Send request to length 'paypal and get ...

android - OpenCv Core.add error -

I have a problem with this Metod the opencv library ... Imgproc CvtColor (Image, image, Improp. COLOR_RGBA2RGB); Mat prob_fgd = new mat (1, 1, CvType.CV_8U, new scalar (Igprok. Jisi_ PR_FGD)); Try IMGproc.grabCut (Image, Firstmask, Rect, BGModel, FGModel, 3, 0); } Hold (exception w) {System.out.println (w.getMessage ()); } (firstmask, prob_fgd, firstmask, core.cmp_uk); Foreground = new matte (image size), cvtpcv_8 uc3, new scalar (255, 255, 255)); Image.copyTo (foreground, first mask); Imgproc.resize (background, background, image.size ()); Mask = new mat (image.size (), cvType.CV_8UC1, new scalar (100, 255, 100)); Foreground = overlay_colored_roi (foreground, new scalar (100, 255, 100)); Imgproke. CvtColor (foreground, mask, Improprop. COLOR_BGR2GRAY); Imgproc.threshold (Mask, Mask, 254, 255, Imgproke. THRESH_BINARY_INV); Mask.copyTo (referee); Vals = new matte (1, 1, CvType.CV_8UC3, new scalar (0.0)); Background.copyTo (DST); Background. Settau (Walls, Mask); E...

java - Connect to in-memory HSQL database (launched by Spring) from another client -

Text after " I created an HSQL database with the following spring configuration: & lt; JDBC: Embedded -Database ID = "Data Source" type = "HSQL" & gt; & Lt; Jdbc: script space = "resource / sql / schema.sql" /> & Lt; Jdbc: script space = "resource / sql / test-data.sql" /> & Lt; / JDBC: Embedded-Database & gt; Everything works fine (for one time)! To change the status of some tables for development reasons, I want to connect that database to another client (I am using database support from Intelystem Ultimate). Is this possible? how? If not, is there any option / executive? You can not open HSQL databases are opened in embedded mode in exclusive mode and only one single JVM Can be used from There are different options:. Instead of using the database in server mode, there is a dedicated application database that opens in the exclusive mode (server), and then connects to any client app...

java - How to enlarge JOptionPane windows -

Is there a way to change the dimension of the size of a Screen Size window in Java? I tried to watch online and did not see anything. It would be a simple display for InputDialog (); Window. I believe that the better way is that instead of using zodiac,

vba - Perform a search for a user input date that falls between two dates -

I am trying to create a search that pulls all records with a user specified date that starts and The record expiry dates I also want the user to be able to drag it to "property" I am starting for VBA only tomorrow and this is the latest version I can come up with: Private subcommand 4_Click () Dim strfilter string Strawfiler = [Start_Date] as = = Format Me.RateDate, "Short Date") if not (Me.Property) then strfilter = strfilter & amp; "And [Num_Code] = '" & amp; Me Property End "End" if DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_RatesAll", acViewPreview, strfilter end sub gives the most recent error message: run-time error '2465': Microsoft Access can not be found You can specify in your expression '| 1 '. Any help would be greatly appreciated! strFilter = "[Start_Date] gt; = #" & amp; Me.RateDate & amp; "#" Should do this. What you have is really being taken as a string and do...

windows - method of sending data from multiple computers too a central location in real-time using python -

I see a central computer in a reliable way of sending data from many computers, which will obtain all the data, process And analyze it all computers will be on the same network. I will send text from machines so that the ideal is a file that I need to send, maybe even a XML file, so that I can easily parse it in the database. . The main issue I have is that I need to do this in real time. For example, if an incident occurs on PC1, then I should be able to send that incident, as well as return any related information to the central PC so that it can be used and seen almost immediately. The plan python program which probably acts as a type of client that detects the incident and sends it to the server program on central PC. Is there a reliable way to send data from multiple computers to one computer to a central computer / server on all one network and preferably without going out on the web? There are several possible solutions, but my recommendation is to solve it with a...

javascript - What is the purpose of Mocha's before() function? -

There are several "hooks" to run collaborative functionality in a separate test for testing in Mocha (to clean itself For making fake files, etc.). However, before () ( not first () , that one I get), it seems very redundant > Logic triggers once , why do I need to wrap it in the function even before all tests in the current suit? There is no difference between the following: Description ('some', function () (before (doSomePreTestLogic); // test Ahoy}); and Description ('some', function () {doSomePreTestLogic ( ); // Test Ahoy}); before ? semantics semantique This is probably the biggest one Sometimes you may need to do one thing, such as populating some dummy data in your database, before running the actual database. You can certainly do this in testing, but it throws your reporting. If you were to pre-populating E error occurs, and before the run all terms of the actual exam. Cleaner for Async Test P...