datacontext - SAPUI5: data binding from master1 to master2 -

I am trying to create a simple fairy like UI using SAPUI5. I master 1- & gt; Master 2- & gt; I want to implement the description scenario. The problem is that when I navigate from Master 1 to Master 2, no data is visible.


  & lt; Core: View Controller Name = "Sap.ui.demo.myFiori.view.Master" xmlns = "sap.m" xmlns: core = "sap.ui.core" & gt; & Lt; Page title = "{i18n> MasterTitle}" & gt; & Lt; Subheader & gt; & Lt; Bars & gt; & Lt; ContentLeft & gt; & Lt; SearchField search = "handset search" width = "100%" & gt; & Lt; / SearchField & gt; & Lt; / ContentLeft & gt; & Lt; / Bars & gt; & Lt; / Subheader & gt; & Lt; List id = "assembly line" mode = "{device>" / listMode} "= Select" handlelist "item =" {/ MaterialCollection} "> & Lt; Standard list item type = "navigation" press = "handlichtintmpress" title = "{code}" description = "{dcc}" /> & Lt; / List & gt; & Lt; / Page & gt; & Lt; / Core: See & gt;     


  & lt; Core: View Controller Name = "sap.ui.demo.myFiori.viewSchedule" xmlns = "sap.m" xmlns: core = "sap.ui.core" & gt; & Lt; Page title = "{i18n> Schedule}" showNavButton = "true" navButtonPress = "Handle button" & gt; & Lt; Subheader & gt; & Lt; Bars & gt; & Lt; ContentLeft & gt; & Lt; SearchField search = "handset search" width = "100%" & gt; & Lt; / SearchField & gt; & Lt; / ContentLeft & gt; & Lt; / Bars & gt; & Lt; / Subheader & gt; & Lt; List id = "employment" item = "{LineItems}" mode = "{device>" / listMode} "& gt; & Lt; ObjectListItem type = "{device>" / listItemType} "press =" HandLilItTTMpress "title =" {content} "number =" {command} "> & Lt; Let's blame & gt; & Lt; ObjectAttribute text = "{path: 'priority date', formattor: ''}" /> & Lt; / Attributes & gt; & Lt; / ObjectListItem & gt; & Lt; / List & gt; & Lt; / Page & gt; & Lt; / Core: See & gt;     


  sap.ui.jsview ("Sap.ui. Demo.myFiori.view.App ", {getControllerName: function () {scrolling bars on desktop to avoid return" sap.ui.demo.myFiori.view.App ";}, createContent: function (oController) {// The root view must be set to set this block. Settlescape Block (True); // Create Application This .app = New sap.m.SplitApp (); // Load the main page var master = sap.ui Xmlview ("Mass ;); Master.getController () .Nav = this.getController (); (master, true); var schedule = cp.ui. Xmlview ("schedule", "sap.ui.demo.myFiori.viewSchedule"); schedule.getController (). Nav = this.getController (); (schedule, true); / / this App.addMasterPage (master) .addMasterPage (schedule); // Drop empty page var empty = sap.ui.xmlview ("empty", "Sap.ui.demo.myFiori.view.Empty"); (Blank, Incorrect); // Load details page var jobDetails = sap.ui.xmlview ("JobDetails", "sap.ui.demo.myFiori.view.JobDetails"); JobDetails.getController () Nav = this.getController (); (job, description, wrong); // complete; }});     Please give me advice about the error 


It seems that in your first view, you have set up the aggregation that you are binding:

  items = "{/ MaterialCollection}   

But in my second view, you are trying to use model properties without slash.

  items = "{LineItems}"   

Try changing it

  items = "{/ LineItems}"    


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