php - Symfony2: cache busting and versioning assets with Assetic -

How to add assets to load worldwide for assets?

Config.yml: Engine: ['walk'] property_version: v2

This works for regular assets, but not within the stylesheet for asset_url And javascript property block What am I doing something wrong or is it some kind of bug?

Small update this assets_version_format

without working for me Does not work.


  Settings: Templates: Engine: ['walk'] property_version: 1.0.1 assets_version_format: '%% s? V = %% s'   


  {% JavaScript '@DashboardBundles / Resources / Public / JS / config.js'%} & lt ; Script Type = "Text / JavaScript" Src = "{{asset_url}}" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; {% Endjavacripts%}   


  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "/ js / config.js? V = 1.0.1" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; If you want to test in the Dev environment:   


 < Code> Acetic: Usage_controller: false   


  $ kernel = new appelnel ('dev', false); Php app / console cache dump: clear - -env = dev --no-debug    


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