java - NullPointerException on onPostExecute method -
I get a navigation drawer for my app that has a menu with which I can navigate between the pieces. The first piece that comes after the apple luncheon is the home in which there is a list view and an attached footprint on the bottom (only for testing). The problem occurs when I do not have a home piece lunch for the first time and used to do its job very well, but when I change the piece from the navigation drawer and trying to bring the piece of house back to the app crash . Error log shows me a null pointer exception. This is my code description
Error log Any help please? Thanks! You need to use this in doInBackground. postExecute is used to display the UI. Do not perform heavy operations such as parsing in PostExecute. onCreateView method
@ override public View Creatives (LayoutEflettter Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {if (v! = Null) {ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) v.getParent (); If (parents! = Zero) parents .removeView (v); } Try {V = inflater.inflate (R.layout.fragment_homes, container, false); ListView = (list view) v.findViewById (; L = New HomeList Adapter (this, home list); If (L == empty) Log.i ("tag", "tap"); ListView.setAdapter (L); } Hold (InflateException E) {} Return V; } PostOxecute (Ultimate String Res) {0} on Override Protected Zero
onPostExecute method
/ * Try {jObj = New JSONArray (res); } Hold (JasonX Express E) {e.printStackTrace (); } * / / * JSONArray j = faucet; Try {j = New JSONArray (res); } Hold (JasonX Express E) {e.printStackTrace (); } * / / For parsing json (int i = 0; i
10-10 09: 31: 30.884 2447-2447 / com.example.user. Unchained E / Android Time ?? Fatal exception: main process: com.example.user.unchained, pid: 2447 com.example.user.unchained.HomesActivity $ PlaceholderFragment $ FeedsTask.onPostExecute ( at java.lang.NullPointerException. Android.os.AsyncTask.access $ 600 ( at user.unchained.HomesActivity $ PlaceholderFragment $ FeedsTask.onPostExecute ( android.os.AsyncTask.finish ( Android.os.Looper.loop on android.os.AsyncTask $ InternalHandler.handleMessage ( at Handler.dispatchMessage ( At .ActivityThread.main ( ** 017) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke ( +15) on dalvik.system.NativeStart.main (Native method) and this is the EXA line due to Ctly error:
l.notifyData SetChanged (); . I have seen that the error is in the case when I am trying to display a piece of seconds.
@ Override protected void doInBackground (zero ...) {try {(int i = 0; i & LT; 5; i ++) of {// JSONObject obj = j for. GetJSONObject (i); Home Home = New Home (); // string photoNews = (obj.getString ("photonews"), "UTF-8"); Home.setNomC ("Karim Annasiri"); Home.setPhotoP (""); Home.setPhotoAr (""); Home.setText ("Chlada v 2.0 version"); // in settext for some other names in the gator setter. It does not understand whether you are using setText for textview or not. Home.setNbrSick ("5"); Home.setNbrComm ("8"); Home.setNbrShare ("0"); HomeList.add (home); }
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