DB2 - Sorting alphabiatically -
I have a DB2 database that I am trying to sort alphabetically. The problem is, DB2 is not considered A while during a sorting, thus I get results like this:
ABCT abcg
I want to:
A now BC CGT
What special thing do I need to know which I do not know?
In SQL, we have the callout encase ASC. Can anyone tell me what is the option for this in DB2?
If this is the problem once (ie with a single query), then the solution is that @ Paul Stearns is recommended (using However, if this is an issue that will affect all questions in your application, you should consider what should be appropriate for your database. The default calling sequence type based on the code point, which is why you see the sort order visible. Unfortunately you can not change the coating sequence for a database; It is set when the database is created. So once you have decided what is the correct calling sequence, you will need to create a new database and copy the data from the existing database to the new database. Doing this can cause pain (especially if you have a very large database), but it will save you many headaches (and performance issues) in the future, UPPER () ).
UPPER () depend on).
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