plugins - How to add ADMOB banner to Unity? -

I tried to use the guide provided with the official plugin but I failed to understand either the banner ad Or how to add instructions is very unclear Does anyone expose me in a slightly better way to add banner to one of my 2D game scenes?

Create a new script in C # and include the following code.

Using GoogleMobileAds.Api;

Now you have to create a new ad and start it. Therefore, only add the following code to the initial function.

// Create a 320x50 banner at the top of the screen. BannerView bannerView = New banner view ("YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID", AdSize.Banner, AdPosition.Top); // Create an empty ad request AdRequest Request = New AdRequest.Builder () Build (); // Load the banner with the request BannerView.LoadAd (request);

See the entire tutorial


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