.net - DLL Programming issue -
I have a DLL that is used to connect to hardware devices and perform various hardware functions. I have decoded the DLL file to DOL file so that it can interact with the device. The function is GetEnrollData1 , but even after a number of research, I'm unable to get the precise definition of that function. It seems that I'm calling myself Net so I am providing link code here for DLL files and also not familiar with it also. Files can be dowload from here:. Function Definition I've found so far: After I am not able to download the dll due to network restrictions at its end , But according to my understanding it is not calling itself, but it is calling the function of the ocx object (defined in the type of ocx class, here is the example of some class ocx, and some class is called the definition of GetEnrollData1 in the last line Is present.) And it is called internally, so your ref Tried to find the type of OSX in the TOR code and then try to understand the code.
public virtual bool GetEnrollData1 (integer dwMachineNumber, integer dwEnrollNumber, integer dwBackupNumber, referee integer dwMachinePrivilege, referee integer dwEnrollData, referee integer dwPassWord ) {If (this.ocx == faucet) {New AxHost.InvalidActiveXStateException ("GetEnrollData1", AxHost.ActiveXInvokeKind.MethodInvoke) Throw; } Return this.ocx.GetEnrollData1 (dwMachineNumber, dwEnrollNumber, dwBackupNumber, rewim dwMachinePrivilege, referee dwEnrollData, ref dwPassWord); }
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