jsf - How to open facebook oauth page as a popup window using socialauth -
I am using socialauth to login through Facebook in my JSF application. it works fine. If I click the Action Method of JSF CommandLink, then I am joining Facebook. Like below
Public Zero Social Connect () {Social Athletic Configuration Configuration = Social Efficient Configure Gate (Default); Config.load (New FileInputStream (new file ("auth.properties"))); SocialAuthManager manager = New Social Aththaner (); Manager.setSocialAuthConfig (config); String Authentication URL = manager.getAuthenticationUrl (Provider ID, "http://mudomain.com/page"); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance (). GetExternalContext () .REDirect (authenticationURL); } In the index.xhtml page
and command-linked id = "facebook" ajax = "false" value = "Login with Facebook "Verb =" # {userSession.socialConnect} "& gt; & Lt; F: setPropertyActionListener target = "# userSession.providerID}" value = "Facebook" /> & Lt; / P: commandLink & gt;
This is working fine, but to open the OAuth page in the same window. Do I need to open facebook page in new window? Is there a configuration available ...? Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: If I
& lt; H: commandLink target = "_ blank" id = "facebook" ajax = "false" value = "login with facebook" = "# {user.session.socialConnect}" & gt; & Lt; F: setPropertyActionListener target = "# userSession.providerID}" value = "Facebook" /> & Lt; / H: commandLink & gt; After logging in to the code facebook book page opened above in the new tab, I have to close the window and be read on my page. Any help would be appreciated.
& lt; P: commandLink / & gt; is a hyperlink to a vanilla HTML, which means that there is a target attribute in it as you set it to _blank as a regular HTML hyperlink. > & lt; P: commandLink target = "_ blank" id = "facebook" ajax = "false" value = "Login with Facebook" Action = "# {user session.ocialConnect}" & gt; & Lt; F: setPropertyActionListener target = "# userSession.providerID}" value = "Facebook" /> & Lt; / P: commandLink & gt;
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