jsf 2 - Why is reloaded every list on a ajax request? -
I have some blocks of code, like the next one, in one form.
& lt; A4j: OutputPanel ID = "ListView" & gt; & Lt; A4j: repetitive value = "# {listBean.values}" var = "aValue" & gt; & Lt; A4j: Outputpennel sang = "# {empty .view.value}" & gt; & Lt; H: Selection Beaun Checkbox ID = "Select Record Check" value = "# {listBean.aValueSelectedMap [aValue.value]}" & gt; & Lt; A4j: ajax event = "value change" execution = "@ this" render = "tag value, list value" listener = "# {listBean.listenerValueChange}" /> & Lt; A4j: param name = "id" value = "# {aValue.value}" /> & Lt; A4j: Ultimate name = "value" value = "# {listBean.aValueSelectedMap [aValue.value]}" /> & Lt; / H: selectBooleanCheckbox & gt; & Lt; H: output label value = "# {aValue.label}" /> & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; / A4j: outputPanel & gt; & Lt; / A4j: Repeat & gt; & Lt; / A4j: outputPanel & gt; & Lt; A4j: OutputPanel ID = "Tag Value" & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; A4j: Repetition value = "# {listBean.listaVirtualEstadoSeleccionados}" var = "tag" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; H: output text style class = "tag" value = "# {tag}" /> gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / A4j: Repeat & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / A4j: outputPanel & gt; The problem is that clicking on the checkbox reloads the list of other groups of checkboxes (called other Managed Bean Properties).
How can you avoid this behavior?
One Jbs AS 6.1.0, Moziera 2.0.3, Richface running at 4.3.7 Thaks
We had Mojarra version 2.0.3-b05. I have upgraded 2.0.11 (I found something about a bug on 2.1 in 2011, which can be related) and has been added to A4J: Ajax element The following code
< Code> immediate = It is possible that adding "attributes" would be enough, but I think upgrading JSF version is a good idea. PD: I think that's a bug, because I think he does not know that behavior.
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