camera - Hide volume HUD in iOS 8 -

In earlier versions of iOS 8, the system was a simple trick to hide the volume overlay. You just create a MPVolumeView and embed it anywhere in your visual hierarchy. It is documented here and many other stack overflow responses.

However, I think this trick does not work in iOS 8. I am trying to stretch my hair out. fix this. Does anyone know that there is no way to do this in iOS 8?

One thing to note is that the app in which I am doing this is active AVCaptureSession while I am trying to hide the HUD (Volume button shutter on camera) ) Are not sure that there may be some side effects.

OK, it misuses a private API but I have found that it works .

  - (zero) set volume: hide {BOOL} {NSString * str1 = @ "etSystemV"; NSString * str2 = @ "eHUdenabled"; NSString * selector string = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "s% @ olum% @: forAudio Category:", str1, str2]; SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString (selector string); If ([[UIApplication application shared] responds: towel sector: selector]] {nsiwation * invitation = [methodology sign with NSIN orientation: [signature: [UIApplication installation mode signature for selector: selector]]; Invocation.selector = Selector; = [UIApplication shared application]; BOOL value =! hidden; [Invitation setgrade: & amp; Index on Value: 2]; __unsafe_unitedained NSString * category = @ "ringtone"; [Invitation set agreement: and index in category: 3]; [Invoke call]; }}    


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