Liquibase generateChangeLog not outputting schema -
changeSet type to create a table, you can specify the schema of the table (see)
the output does not include schema.
For reference, here is the Liquibase. Property file I am using:
Driver: org.h2.Driver classpath: h2-1.4.181.jar URL: JDBC: h2: ~ / test.db Username: Sa password: Which changeLogFile: baseline.xml liquibaseCatalogName: LIQUIBASE liquibaseSchemaName: once defaultSchemaName: once outputDefaultSchema: true outputDefaultCatalog: true output to one of the tables:
< Code> & lt; CreateTable TableName = "Products" & gt; & Lt; Column name = "id" type = "INT (10)" /> & Lt; Column name = "CODE" type = "VARCHAR (10)" /> & Lt; Column name = "PRICE" type = "decimal (9, 2)" /> & Lt; / CreateTable & gt; I used to write this manually, so I included the schema:
& Lt; Column name = "CODE" type = "VARCHAR (10)" /> & Lt; Column name = "PRICE" type = "decimal (9, 2)" /> & Lt; / CreateTable & gt; Is it from design? After the fact, I'm fine using an XSLT. After
- includeCatalog = true flag Changelog for example :. liquibase generateChangeLog --includeCatalog = true
outputDefaultSchema only generateChangeLog used should include schema information in the first place
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