dynamic - How to give an dynamicly loaded TreeViewItem an EventHandler? -

At this time, I mean programm a database based chat system

: after login, By requesting names of user friends, string namesest [] = get.getUserFriendNameByUserID (current user ID);

To load the given names as a treeitem in their friend list / tree / rootRootItem "rootItem"

  (int counter = 0; Counter & lt; namesSt.length; Counter ++) {System.out.println (namesSt [Counter]); TreeItem & LT; String & gt; Item = new tree item & lt; String & gt; (NamesSt [Counter]); Item.addEventHandler (MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, handler); . RootItem.getChildren () add (item); }   

When I now add my root item, I see the name in the tree view. But if I click on a name, the mouseover handler is not called.

In addition to this, I want to request the text of Element which triggers the mouseover, so that I can submit the name to a particular type of name. Funktion

How can I cure such a MouseEvent? How is it possible to call dynamically created triitom?

Thanks for any help :)

Cheers Toby

Tritum s represents data, not UI components. So they do not generate mouse events. You must register the mouse listener at TreeCell . To do this, set a cell factory on triview . A cell factory is a function that requires TreeCell s, as they are required. Thus, it will also work for dynamically linked tree items.

You'll need something for this:

  TreeView & lt; String & gt; tree view ; // ... treeView.setCellFactory (TV -> gt; tree keel & lt; string & gt; cell = new tree kell & lt; & gt; cell.textproperty () .bind (cell.itemProperty ( ); Cell.addEventHandler (MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, Event -> {if (! Cell.isEmpty ()) {string value = cell.getitim (); treeIT < ); // if necessary // process ...}}); Return Room;}    


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