Pass logged user to model field django -
I do not know how to get a username from the current user.
I have an edit my I need to fill the field If the value derived from the database can be overwritten and fill the field with the user name in the field. Another question: How can I change the widget type in the form? The field id_proveedor is a foreign key and is presented as drop down box (select widget), but I need to show the value displayed in that label where the value can not be edited. I have tried with only readable assets, but the user is not able to type in the selected box but is able to select from the drop down. "text"> You always have the necessary logic for a form class or Keywords can pass arguments, you have to remove them from djano-crispy-forms :
The form provided with the class RecepcionForm (forms.ModelForm): fecha_recepcion = Forms.DateField (widget = dateInput ()) def __init __ (self, * Args, ** kwargs): Super (RecepcionForm, itself) .__ init __ (* args, ** kwargs) self.helper = FormHelper (self ) Self.helper.layout = layout (field ('id_proveedor', 'anio', 'mess',' usury ', redone = true), field set (' ',' fade_recpson ',' number_kirvis', submit ('save ',' Gabra ')) class meta: model = datal reciprocation :
@login_required (login_url = '/ login /') DF receptionist Weave (request): idp = request.GET .get ('i') anio = request.GET.get ('a') mes = request .GET.get ('M') if request.method == 'POST': r = DetalleRecepcion.objects.get (id_proveedor = Idp, anio = anio, mes = mes) form = reception form (, example = r ) If form.is_valid (): return () HttpResponseRedirect ('/ monitor /') Other: r = DetalleRecepcion.objects.get (id_proveedor = idp, anio = anio, mes = mes) form = reception form (example = R) Returns render_to_response ('recepcion.html', {'form': form}, context_instance = RequestContext (request))
usuario . Before I save the form I tried it with
form = request.user.username . I am confused with that the value in the form definition or in the view has to be passed.
* args or
** kwargs which is passed when calling
super () Otherwise, DJJongo will throw an exception because it is not receiving
arg or
kwarg : / P>
class MyForm (forms.ModelForm) : Def __init __ (self, * args, ** kwargs): self.user = kwargs.pop ('user') # .pop () notice (MyForm, self) .__ init __ (* args, ** kwargs) # def my_view (requested): # The user is logged in as the form = myForm (user = request.user)
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