android - How to set Default Cursor position to right of EditText -
I have applied an edit text where I wanted to start it with text right, and I got it by the set < / P>
But the default cursor still appears on the left side of my text This is what I have done so far Have tried: gt; item name = "and Roid: layout_width "& gt; mail_parente & lt; item name =" android: layout_hete "& gt; rap_community & lt; / item & gt; & lt; item name =" android: Item Name = "Android: Text Cursor Drawable" & gt; @ Drable / cursor_color_blue & lt; / item & gt; & lt; item name = "Android: Input Type" & gt; Text Not Suggestion, I tried Consider this workaround: Another textview "Hintsview" sign The text "Like Joe Junior" to show. And add a TextWatcher to your editing text: gravity = true
& lt; Item name = "android: ellipsize" & gt; End & lt; / Item & gt; , but the result remains. Any other suggestion to keep the cursor is correct?
et.addTextChangedListener (New TextWater () {Override public zero before @TextChanged (foursquanes s, int start, int count, int after) Change the visibility of override text (change)
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