ios - APNS Push Notification - device token and keychain -
For my knowledge, once we get from APNS, we can not get it again. (The backup data will be called on Then, / P> At any time the device token changes, I will change the new tool token in the keychain to save it so that it disappears for other purposes (use token of the choice for UUID). Is this possible when the keychain data disappears, but the device token does not change? (If yes, then it will be moved to Or the events allowed the keychain data to disappear (usually) changed the device token (or trigger In my trial, In the IPhone, the "Reset All Settings" key will not clear the data of the key and B "Clear all content and settings" will clear the keychain data in the iPhone and delete all your apps. Therefore, when the app is re-installed which will call Episode A and B do not bother me, and I think updating the OS version, reinstalling the OS or any event, also changes the device token. Anyone knows the exact position of change in value between keychain and device token? Thanks Update Any event keychain lets data disappear ( Usually) does the "didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken" againg on or off? If not, then which incident? "For my knowledge, once we get the device token from APNS, " When your app loads, you call This leads to your app delegation method: Calling token is handed to you when your app is running. You will not need to store in a keychain You definitely need to send a token value to your back-end so that it can be used to push messages To be done didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken , except for a new device or computer, or to reinstall the operating system or any device token change at any time)
Registry foremutation device token has not been called again, and the last device can not retrieve the token.)
didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken again)?
didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken will not trigger.
didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken .
[[UIPPC shared sharing] registerforotherm notices];
- (zero) Application: (UIApplication *) Resistor forromotot notifications in the app with devensecen Calling (NSDT *) Token
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