c++ cli - how to return byte array , uint value from c# dll, dll called by c++/cli -
I am writing AC # DLL which will compute and generate: -
-byte Array [byte array] - [2 byte error code] -Open [true / false for success / failure] This function will be called by the C ++ / CLI project. The function can return only one value, but I need these 3 values after executing the C # function.
What will be the function prototype in C # and how it will be called by C ++ / CLI code.
Thank you in advance
Maybe you outside modifier You can use. Zero Mimethith (outside byte [ba], outside short code, Bowl success) {...} As call is, the call will be :
Array & lt; System :: Byte & gt; ^ Ba; Int 16 code; Bull success; MyClass :: MyMethod (BA, code, success); I just tested. Hope it helps.
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