
Showing posts from March, 2014

javascript - I want to load the page using the external url without iframe or object -

I want to load the page from the external URL in the device without the iframe or object, I need an alternative method for this. Can somebody help me out. This only works when I use iframe or object. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N http: //" & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Test page & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# siteloader"). Load ("");}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "siteloader" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; One ???? & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; As suggested in @dfree gravity's comme...

android - ListView Recycle mechanism -

I have been very well understood as a ListView recycle mechanism, but I do not understand one thing, If I want to change the height of the list row, then it only works by determining the height by dynamically, for example: convertView.setLayoutParams (New AbsListView.LayoutParams (AbsListView.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, 80)); If I define the height of the line layout in XML then it does not change, how is it related to the recycle system? This is not only for list row height, I have seen many cases where the properties of XML are not working, but changing them works dynamically well, but how ? I understand, it was a small mistake, I convertView = mInflater.inflate (R. Layout.drawer_list_item, tap, incorrect); above the code was the main reason why the properties of XML were not working. Then I changed it to convertView = mInflater.inflate (R.layout.drawer_list_item, parent, wrong); Now it is working as expected, sorry, but the recycle system has nothing to...

php - Get alert if my email is read issue with gmail and yahoo -

I need to create the functionality in my app, If I send emails to users, if They need to get a notification for me to read my email. So I am sending "HTML Email" to my users with an embedded image, if I get a GET request on my image then I will handle it to get the information. I am sending an email using my Yahoo Mail, which uses the TunderBird client, using HTML inside HTML. If it works fine, then I will automate it in my app. I am sending this email to users. When I open this HTML file, which gives it a GET request, then I can see the GET request in my server's logs. But my problem is that when I send it to Gmail or Yahoo, its display is my html file, but this SRP URL is being replaced with the YouTube URL, GET request is not available from. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; If you read this mail, I will get a notification & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Img src = "http...

memory - Windows 7 64, how do I use more than 2 GB in C++ -

I'm using Sublime Text 2 to write / compile / run C ++ code though once program ~ 2 The GB uses memory, it resigns. I have more than enough memory two options: You need 64-bit compiler, you can install one using. Note that you can also install a 32-bit compiler with the same installer. For 32-bit applications: Set something in the executable file that it prompts for the Windows 4 GB memory to do so, -Wl, - Add big-address-awareness to the linker command. It will give you 4 GB on 32-bit Windows 3 GB and 64-bit Windows.

Android: ListFragment display blank space -

मेरे पास एक ListView (एक ListFragment के अंदर) डेटा लोड हो रहा है LoaderManager की मदद से, जिसमें मैं एक headerView और footerView संलग्न करता हूं। मेरी समस्या यह है कि ऐसा करने के बाद, यह पाद लेख प्रदर्शित होने के बाद बहुत रिक्त स्थान (जैसे लगभग संपूर्ण स्क्रीन) प्रदर्शित कर रहा है। मेरे ListFragment से कुछ कोड: पब्लिक क्लास न्यूजफ्रेजमेंट फॉरगमेंट लिस्टफ्रैगमेंट लागू करता है LoaderManager.Loader Callbacks & lt; कर्सर & gt; {@ ओवरराइड पब्लिक रिक्त ऑन एक्टिविटी क्रेटेड (बंडल सेव किया गया इंटरस्टैंस) {सुपर। ऑन एक्टिविटी क्रिएट (सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट); यदि (getArguments ()। शामिल हैं KEY (Const.ARG_ITEM_ID)) {एमआईडी = getArguments ()। GetLong (Const.ARG_ITEM_ID); GetLoaderManager ()। InitLoader (NEWS_DETAILS_LOADER_ID, रिक्त, यह); GetLoaderManager ()। InitLoader (COMMENTS_LOADER_ID, रिक्त, यह); }} @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक देखें क्रेट दृश्य (लेआउटइनफ्लेटर इन्फ्लाटर, व्यू ग्रुप कंटेनर, बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट) {mCommentsAdapter = नई टिप्पणियां लिस्टएडेटर (getAct...

Whenever I start vim it thinks I have pressed 'd'. How do I stop this behavior? -

Whenever I open the Vim, the first key that I remove from the press. It seems that 'D' has been pressed, so if I type 'j' it removes the first two rows and if I press 'j' then it will destroy everything I own .vimrc and select The commenting section has been checked, this line appears: nnoremap & lt; C - [& gt; GT ... but I do not think this would be the reason ...? & lt; C - [& gt; (or ^ [ ) & lt; Esc & gt; , an important key, especially in the terminal, sending input keys and the control of the screen is based on ("ANSI escape sequence"). (This is less an issue in GVM, for which it applies to its own.) Therefore, that key should not be mapped! Choose a different. (Also not in the form of mapping (such as x ), because the Vim is waiting for other keys.) The way in which the keyboard input is controlled internally, the current is currently & lt; C - [& gt; and & lt; Esc & gt; can not ...

joomla3.0 - How to extend character limit in custom html module Joomla 3.x? -

I have a very long table that I need to use with a module. But when I use the custom HTML module If I paste the table, it limits the amount of characters and minimizes the code. I am not using any editor. Tried to go to DB, followed another suggestion to change the content type from "text" to "medium text" for _modules Does not allow it to change? With the Content column, I can only change the function or value, but do not type. Any ideas? Attached screenshot. Try one of these extensions: - How to call function in my dll from jquery -

My question is simple, I want to call my dll function via jquery. I am trying the following $ (window) .load (function () { $ .ajax ({type "Post", url: "RemotePaymentdll / Class1 / CheckPending", data: '{}', contentType: "application / json; charset = utf-8", datatype: "json", success: warning ("success"), Error: Warning ("Error")}) }) The function in my dll is Public Shared Sub-CheckPending () Dim aaa = "End End" I just want to be able to use CheckPending () Former> my How can I do this with jquery? I have a http handler I recommend making a server side work to use, you can call it via javascript: You can create an .asx file with some code like this: & lt;% @ WebHandler language = "VB" category = "Mythhandler"% & gt; Import System Import System.Web Import System.IO Imports System.Data.SqlClient Import System.Data Import System.Xml Public C...

Detect if Entity Framework model is too old for database using MigrationHistory -

We have switched code-first unit framework migration from manual coding database migration. In our old setup, we were able to check whether the database is very new or not. This is important because it will probably be incompatible. Unfortunately I can not find a good way to find out what the current database is, or whether it is too old or not. In case of use, the customer has 2 versions of our software. The client first starts the latest version, which has recent migration compared to the older version. The client then starts the old version of the software. Currently the software will crash and burn because the model is incompatible. You can use DbMigrator .GetDatabaseMigrations var configuration = new configuration (); Var migrator = new dbmigator (configuration); Migrator.Update ();

c# - List.IndexOf() - return index of final occurrence rather than the first? -

उच्चतम वैल्यू = someList.IndexOf (someList.Max ()) कुछ लिस्ट में बहुत सारे डुप्लिकेट हैं और कुछ लिस्ट.मॅक्स () सर्वोच्च मूल्य के पहले उदाहरण का सूचक देता है। क्या कुछ ऐसी प्रलोभन है जिसका उपयोग मैं (सूची के क्रम को पीछे कर सकता है?) सूची में सर्वोच्च मूल्य की अंतिम घटना का सूचक, मैन्युअल पद्धति लिखने का सहारा लेने के बजाय? इसे आज़माएं: उच्चतम वैल्यू = कुछ लिस्ट। लिस्ट इंडेक्स (someList.Max ());

scala - How to reduce code duplication when using pattern matching and Future mappings? -

I have this code in my controller: def addPayment (ID: String , Zodiac: string) = action. Sinkk (implicit request = & gt; Upyogkrtakisbllensrekordaksisting (ID) Kflatmap {yesOrNo = & gt; Haanorno match {case true = & gt; user. GetCurrentPaymentBalance (id) .flatMap (left = & gt; User.updatePayment (id , balance + amount.toDouble)) .flatMap (result = & gt; User.putBonus (ID, Rashikupyog, 1)) Kmap (result = & gt; redirect (Margon.aplikeshnkyujrbons ())) case False = & gt; User paid payment (id, zodiac.devil). Flatmap (result => User.putbones (id, zodiac.wm 1)) Kmap (result = & gt; redirect (routes. App. Users benefit logic is simple: I'm checks whether or not a record in the DB, and if he is not there, then I will add it, If it is there then I will update it, after that I repeat the same series of action in both cases altogether, so I am not happy that I have repeated the code in both the flows. There are some future [T] return types in all b...

c# - How to send POST request to JIRA for creating a Project through REST api -

I am working on integration cumin API, how can I create a new project in GIRA via API? P> With API documentation, I can see the last point for listing activities related to projects and any other project, but there is no end to creating a new project in Jirra. I've attached a piece of the screenshot, there is no post URL to create a project in the screenshot. . To accomplish my work, I am using C #net with a console based application. Please help me so that I can do it. The project has not been prepared for the REST API yet as of 2013 And I'm not sure they got it now. Please search to find them whether they got new versions or not. In the web application you may have to create a project first, and work with creating and editing problems with your API client. Hope it helps!

android - Flavors and instrumentation tests - gradle configuration -

I use flavors in my project and I want to add specific instrumentation tests for each taste. I made MyApplication / src / androidTestFlavor1 / java / com.package.test MyApplication / src / androidTestFlavor2 / java / com.package.test But it does not work correctly. Therefore, I have tried to configure it in build.gradle, I have added android {... sourceSets {flavor1 {InstrumentTest.setRoot ('src / InstrumentationTestFlavor / java ')}} ...} But I get an error: Error: (59, 0) On the source set ding Property 'instrument' could not be found. What's the best solution here? When you set up a new project in Android Studio, this is a main folder and an Android Test folder makes. Gradle uses the androidTest folder for common tests in all flavors. So if you try to write a taste-specific test and put it in the Android Test folder, then it will run against all your flavors and may fail. So if you want to make a taste-specific test, add a new test ...

c++ - Why can templates only be implemented in the header file? -

से उद्धरण: इस समय टेम्पलेट्स का उपयोग करने का एकमात्र पोर्टेबल तरीका है इनलाइन फ़ंक्शंस का उपयोग करके हेडर फाइल में। यह क्यों है? (स्पष्टीकरण: हेडर फाइल केवल पोर्टेबल समाधान नहीं है लेकिन वे सबसे सुविधाजनक पोर्टेबल समाधान हैं।) यह नहीं आवश्यक है हेडर फाइल में कार्यान्वयन करने के लिए, इस उत्तर के अंत में वैकल्पिक हल देखें। फिर भी, आपका कोड असफल रहने का कारण यह है कि जब एक टेम्पलेट को तत्काल बनाया जाता है, तो कंपाइलर एक नया वर्ग बनाता है दिए गए टेम्पलेट तर्क उदाहरण के लिए: टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T & gt; संरचना फू {टी बार; शून्य करना कुछ (टी परम) {/ * टी का उपयोग कर सामान करते हैं}}; // कहीं एक। सीपीपी में फू & lt; int & gt; च; इस लाइन को पढ़ते समय, संकलक एक नया वर्ग (चलो इसे FooInt कहते हैं) बनायेगा, जो निम्न के बराबर है: ढांचे FooInt {int बार; शून्य से कुछ (इंट परम) {/ * इंट का उपयोग करते हुए सामान करते हैं}} नतीजतन, संकलक को विधियों के कार्यान्वयन तक पहुंच की आवश्यकता होती है, उन्हें टेम्पलेट तर्क के साथ इन्स्तांत करने की आवश्यकता ह...

c - What is the flaw in the logic -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मैं वर्तमान में पॉइंटर्स के बारे में सीख रहा हूं और सी में सरणी। निम्नलिखित प्रश्न वाकई मुझे दिनों के लिए गुस्सा दिलाना कर रहे थे। कृपया स्पष्ट करें। मान लीजिए मैं इस तरह एक पूर्णांक सरणी की घोषणा करता हूं: int a [] = {1,2,3,4,5} हम जानते हैं कि सरणी का आधार पता सरणी के पहले तत्व के सूचक है। इसलिए यदि हम कमांड निष्पादित करने का प्रयास करते हैं: printf ("% u", a); आधार पता यानी 1 का पता मुद्रित किया जाएगा। अब अगर हम निम्नलिखित कथन निष्पादित करने का प्रयास करते हैं: printf ("% u", & amp; a;); तब और एक संकेतक के लिए एक संकेतक नहीं होगा और उस चर के पते को प्रिंट करना चाहिए जिसमें मूल तत्व का पता शामिल है पूर्णांक सरणी? इसके बजाय मुझे जो मिलता है वह a और & amp; a के समान मान होता है। दोष कहाँ है? कृपया इसे समझाओ। एरे संकेत नहीं हैं: int arr [10] : उपयोग की गई स्मृति की मात्रा sizeof (int) * है 10 बाइट्स arr और और arr के मूल्य जरूरी समान हैं arr...

JavaScript/html time -

I am trying to convert a normal 24 hour system into a javascript or html 20 hour system Problems begin to occur and I do not know how to fix them, program code is fine as a whole program, but it is not right in the field to display the appropriate time Somebody help me Could. 24 hours per day 20 hours 60 minutes per hour 40 minutes per hour 60 seconds per minute 80 seconds per minute 1000 milliseconds per second 1350 milliseconds per second I am working Code 1/1/1970 is considered to simplify the expectations of milliseconds, but as I said that the program is not working properly, I have a table that tells me what is normal time for each change Will Check this fracture: My approach currently And between midnight, the timestamp was supposed to get the difference: on the same day: millis = ts - clone. GetTime (); In this way how many milliseconds you have passed on this day and you can make your own conversion from there. It is limited to changing only time, bu...

java - GCM not receiving somtimes -

I am using Java servlet with mysql but GCM works but sometimes it does not send the message to the device Used to be. This is my code from sender = new sender (GOOGLE_SERVER_KEY); String mess = "few messages"; Message message = new message.bilder (). Timetolyive (0). Deliveully (true) .addData (MESSAGE_KEY, mesg) .build (); (MMM MemberModel Member: Member Modell) {If (Member .Uriid! = Creator ID) {try system.out.println ("regId:" + member.gcm); Sender.send (message, member.gcm, 1); } Hold (exception e) {}} hold (exception e) {System.err.println (e.getMessage ()); }}} Please help me fix this problem. If you can send and receive GCM messages at times, there is no error in your project Again, I also faced this problem, I modified my code several times, and raised a question in Stackworflow. But I got GCM messages after 2 days. This is probably the problem with your phone or GCM server

bash - sed command to add text for only last line in unix -

I think the sed command will only add a comma to the last line. Example I have a text file with "87270 9" "872808" "872808b" "8729029 921" "879b" "87290" "Airhome 9" "22" "DDSP 2222" "G929" Add a comma on the last line "87270 9" "872700" "145" "872808b" "8729029 921" "879b" "87290" "Airho 9" "at 22" "DVDSPP22" "G992", You can use sed Are: sed '$ s / $ /, /' file "872709" "872700" "145" "872808b" "8729029 921" "879b" "87290" "Aeroho 9 "" at 22 "" DVDSPP22 "" G992 ", To save changes to inline use: sed -i .bak '$ s / $ /, /' file

Smoothing multiple columns with Hann window - MATLAB -

मेरे पास है: hann10 = hanning (10); बी = रिपैट (हन 10, [1 5]); smooth10 = रूपांतरण (टुकड़े, ख, 'एक ही'); हालांकि यह त्रुटि फेंकता है: रूपांतरण (लाइन 27) का उपयोग करने में त्रुटि ए और बी वैक्टर होना चाहिए। मैं अनिवार्य रूप से टुकड़े को चिकना करना चाहता / चाहती हूं, जिसमें एक ही हन्न खिड़की से कई, लेकिन समान आकार के कॉलम (यानी 100x5) अलग-अलग होते हैं - प्रत्येक कॉलम के रूप में विंडो को लागू करना अगर यह एक अलग वेक्टर था ऐसा करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? यदि आप इसे दूसरे तर्क के रूप में एक कॉलम देते हैं तो स्तंभ-वार समझा जाता है। तो बस उपयोग करें: smooth10 = conv2 (टुकड़े, हन्न 10, 'समान');

Does DynamoDB support aggregate functions like AVG, MAX, MIN? -

I tried the dynamo DD docs and used the QueryResult with the example, Not found in Dynamody to use Minimum, Maximum and Average (I am using Java API). These are not available You are either doing a query or by applying it by scanning with a filter And can calculate the values ​​themselves, to make things worthwhile, you can use only to return the count of items which will be returned by that query / scan rather than the actual objects. (Note that count only partial count - you may need to calculate in many pages of queries / scans). Alternatively, you can create a separate table which is updating these tables to the main table for you (Note that it can be difficult to keep in sync, The form must be used and the final compatibility model of the account dynamo has to be taken.)

Formating Excel Worksheet from a different workbook's VBA -

I am working with several Excel files (for copying information from a master file for reporting small and In specific files) and I'm having trouble getting my master file to format field files, while it contains information in them. Here is the relevant code: The form of a slow XL In Excel, the application is dim I_workbook as Excel. Set Excel to workbook in dim form.Welcome xl = CreateObject ("Excel.Application") I_workbook = xl Workbooks Open ("H: \ ....") Set ws = I_workbook.Sheets ("Sheet1") 'Enter information in Wes' This part works because I know I have the right object and In this case there are ranges like dim range for each RNG. Range ("B2", "B" and (BTRO-Top-Rau + 2)) RGS Selection selection Number format = "normal" 'rng.NumberFormat = "normal" Next RNG I_workbook.Save xl.Quit I am trying to take all the cells from which I have kept the information and have them Formatted as number...

c# - Uuencoded image to byte array -

How do I convert the Uxod image to a byte array? My image is encoded like this: started 644 image.jpg M_] C_X``02D 9) 1 @ `` $ `8`! @ `` # __ @ `3 $ 5! 1 "! 496-H; F] L; V = I97, @ 26YC ****************************************** **************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************************** 9 + `, M # P; X # T + P-! J" Z2 = 1 O + _ 5 [E + S6 = Lt; Uo4] 6 uu 6 + b - #%!) Jr & hw) \ r 46 \ 1, & lt; $ 2 + '/ # & amp; amp; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After decoding ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Will do it You have to remove the first and last line, many Edit I was wrong because I'm not. You must obtain a third-party implementation or or perhaps use a native library.

The Zero's are missing from the string after String Split in R -

Text after " I have set the data Dat country datacode Malta 014P100201 Catalonia 014P100202 RAMANNAGAR 014P100203 Kolar 221,500955 MALLUR 221500956 Maddur 221500970 Kopa 221500955 I split a string on the data code using code: Dat $ splitcode = substr ($ DAT $) Datacode ', 5, 30) but the output is not below as it matched my requirement. Country SplitCode Malta 014P100201 datacode 100201 Catalonia 014P100202 100202 RAMANNAGAR 014P100203 100,203 Kolar 221500955 955 MALLUR 221500956 956 Maddur 221500970 970 KOPPA 221500955 955 When splitstring '221500955 'I want to be 955 instead of production 955 is done what I need. Can anyone help me here? Try adding as .character (). But without it, all 0 are coming: & gt; Dat Country datacode 1 Malta 014P100201 2 Catalonia 014P100202 3 RAMANNAGAR 014P100203 4 Kolar 221,500,955 5 MALLUR 221,500956 6 Maddur 221,500,970 7 Koppa 221,500,955 & gt; & Gt; Str (data) 'data.frame': 7 obs 2 of th...

algorithm - Fenwick Tree Java -

I tried to apply the fenwick tree in java, but I can not find the desired result here is my code: / P> Import *; Import java.util. *; Import java.math. *; Class Fenwick 1 {Public Stable Int N; Public stable long [] A; Public Stable Zero Main (String [] AGR throws IOException {BufferedReader br = New BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (; N = integer PRIIENT (Breadline ()); A = new tall [N]; String [] str = br.readLine (). the division (""); (I.e. ++) for i When I input: 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I get: 13 19 Then increase the increment work But the query (4) is cumulative amount up to index 4 i.e. (1 + 2 + 13 + 4 + 5) = 25 You do not start it properly instead: For (int i = 0; i & lt; N; i ++) {a [i] = Long. Parcelong (str [i]);} should be: For (int i = 0; I & lt; N; I ++) {increment (i, (int) long parseLong (str [i])); } Because a [i] should accumulate a cumulative sum, not a single ele...

greedy - Algorithm to find smallest number of points to cover area (war game) -

I am dealing with war games. I have a list of my locations B (x, y) , from which I can send an attack on the enemy (they are the basis between their own bases). Each base b can attack a border R (same radius for all grounds) I attack as many enemy bases as possible How can I get my bases to be able to, but how can I use the minimum number of bases? I needed to cover the largest possible area for at least the coordinates of the bases. I wonder if it is a better way to look at all the possible combinations and because the number of bases can reach thousands. is. Example: If the radius of attack 10 and I have five bases in one square and its center: (0,0) , (10,0) , ( 10,10) , (0,10) , (5,5) So the answer is that only the first four will be required because one in the center All the areas covered by it have already been covered by others. The Note 1 solution should be single-threaded. Note 2 is not required to complete the solution if it means that the number of...

How can I deploy my web application In dedicated server using SQL Server and -

I have a website in ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005. I have now bought a dedicated server to hire the website. I have trouble combining plac control panels and my web server Install Deploy your application using Visual Studio. Add a customer to your plast panel (just add yourself) Add a website for the customer you created (with the domain you want to use) Go to the website options and disable hosting (this IIS will respond to the request on that domain)

javascript - parent id lost on submit -

For some reason, when I submit my form after starting the changing event, the parent ID will now include the ID The database does not have to be inserted. Instead it includes 'Selection Event'? Do I miss something? Form & quot; Class = "form-control" id = "parent_id" name = "parent_id" & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; Select event & lt; / Options & gt; $ Foreach (Event :: All () as $ item) & lt; Option value = "{{$ item-& gt; id}}" & gt; {{$ Item- & gt; Title}} & lt; / Option & gt; @earnchach & lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Div id = "child_id" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; JAVASCRIPT $ (document) .ready (function ($) {$ ('# parent_id'). ( Function () {$ .getJSON ("{{url ('api / dropdown')}}, {option: $ (.) .val ()}, function (data) {if (data.success == true) ( $ ('# Busy'). ($), $ .eight (data, function (key, value) {$ ('# chi...

node.js - How to Detect Serverside if a Browser supports Javascript before Sending Initial Webserver Response? -

I know that there is no way to support JavaScript on the web browser of the browser - (- & gt; Javascript = before enabling) the actual response is sent back to the browser? After some more research, I came to know that the initial request is really impossible to recognize JavaScript on the web server side. is. The real reason to know this is that I want to make a solution where the web server describes its solution here for various content-based javascript available I have retinal pictures here Is:

Popup Box with Link to other google Document in Google Document -

I have a script that I run from a Google Document menu. This essentially works like this:. I want a function that is one of the links above, except that the popup with that link is shown in Google Docs instead of Google Spreadsheets. The part of my script looks like this (the title and url are defined above that part): var docnew = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument (); Var app = UiApp.createApplication (). SetTitle ("Open Doc") .setHeight (50) .setWidth (400); Var vPanel = app.createVerticalPanel () Add (app.createAnchor (title, url)); App.add (vPanel); (app); I get the following error then Can anyone help me with this? "TypeError: Objekt document nicht gefunden in the function widget", which is German and which means "Type error: Function show object not found in document". Thank you very much from the very first time. Best, Phil Show method is only Google The document works in the spreadsheet in the document (and in the...

Make JQuery fire when I scroll down the page 900px -

I have a small JQuery script that I want to run when the user scrolls the page down from 900px. I still have it: & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ (window) .on ('scroll', function) {if ($ (window) .scrollTop> 900) {jQuery ({counter: 0}). { Counter: $ ('. Single'). Text ()}, {duration: 1000, phase: function () {$ ('. Singles'). Text (math.sil (this. Counter))}}} / / Different values ​​$ ('calculation'). Each (function () {jQuery ({counter: 0}). Animate ({counter: $ (.) .text ()}, {duration: 1000, phase: function () {$ (This) .text (mathematics.Sil (it.kapper));}});});}});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Now I'm up but it does not seem to work? You can do it like this $ (window) .on ('scroll', function (if {$ (window (. ($ (Window) .scrollTop & gt; 900) // // code is scrolled more than 900 pixels, your code to execute}});

c# - MVC Foolproof Validation RequiredIfFalse returning error incorrectly -

I am doing the dependency requirements using the MICC FULL PROFURE libraries: public bool mandatory {received; Set; } [Expected ifTrue ("IsRequired", ErrorMessage = "This field is required")] Public int ifTrueSelectID {get; Set; } This works perfectly on the client side, allows me to submit the form without the required IFTrueSelectID value (i.e. value 0), but ModelState.IsValid return is incorrect, and with the following result in the immediate window: myViewModel.IsRequired true ModelState [" RequiredIfTrueSelectID "]. Errors [0] {system. Web.Mvc.ModelError} error message:" One value is required. " Exception: Empty I have to make sure that I am posting the value of the required value back i the elective selection (as you can see in the first immediate window query above) Why is the message "Need a value", and how can I suppress this error? By the way, I am in MVC 5 5. May be that the modelstate implementation...

authorization - Which form of Authentication should I use? -

I am writing a web adi to use my information on my site for my users. However, I'm not sure what kind of authentication I should use for this type of work. Here's my intention: One of my users develops an app that requires information for them from my server account he sends me a key and I verify I am a legitimate user. There should not be any 'middle-male' app that is doing anything from the user. Just the owner of the account, currently I am using a system where I have a GUID and the user sends me that string. I decrypt it, and check your database for that key. I'm not sure what this method is called, but it seems to work, does anyone have a better solution that I can use it (maybe) using better web standards is? More information about this question: OAuth is an authentication protocol Allows you to interact with one another on your behalf without giving your password . taken from:

ajax - Jquery function not invoked -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 18 उत्तर मैं दिखाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ AJAX के माध्यम से फ़ॉर्म सबमिट करके #createbook पर क्लिक करने पर एक फ़ॉर्म। परीक्षण के प्रयोजन के लिए, मैं # पर क्लिक करके हैलो दुनिया को सतर्क करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है। लेकिन जब मैंने ब्राउज़र पर क्लिक फ़ंक्शन पर प्रवेश किया और यह काम करता है क्या आप लोग इसे मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं? धन्यवाद। :) & lt; div id = "मोड" शैली = "प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; $ ("# Createbook") क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ .get ("BooksLibrary / Create #create", फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {$ ("# mode")। Html (डेटा + '& lt; button class = " बीटीएन बीटीएन-प्राथमिक "आईडी =" ऐडमी "& gt; बुक जोड़ें & lt; / button & gt; ');}); $ (" # मोड ")। संवाद ({मॉडल: सच, शीर्षक:' बुक जोड़ें '}); $ ( "# मॉोड")। सीएसएस ({"डिस्प्ले": "ब...

java - getResources() from within an enumeration -- Android Studio -

I just started Android development Now, I have a enumeration Want to make Within that calculation, I want to assign a name to each enum-object. I want to get that name from my project resources ( res / values ​​/ strings.xml ) But from within the counting type, I can not call getResources () .getString (R.string.string_name) . Is this because the calculation does not extend an activity or something? How can I get the string anyway from the resources? Thank you! PS is not the foundation of counting within a class. If it is possible, then I want to put it as a separate file. getResources () .getString () only getActivity () There is a short story for. GetResources () GetString () . Then getResources () is still dependent on a reference (activity, piece, reference, etc.). To overcome this, I personally extended the application class and made available public static references, so that you can always use resources and this kind of complete application, no ...

javascript - still image overlapping jquery image slideshow -

On my home page, I'm trying to get an image (logo) to overlap my jquery slideshow. The top of the slideshow is a div with a search bar, the logo should be located at the top of the divis and overlap on the slideshow. I have tried everything is appreciated, thank you, thank you! & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "logo" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / logo.jpg" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "topbanner" & gt; & Lt; Form method = "get" action = "/ search" id = "search" & gt; & Lt; Input name = "searchbar" type = "text" size = "30" placeholder = "search ..." /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "slide" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / header1.jpg" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / header1.jpg" & gt; & Lt; / Div ...

javascript - regular expression for wildcard domain validation -

I am new to writing regular expressions I am planning to write regular expressions to validate wildcard domain mailing . Here are the scenarios. Correct: *. Wrong: * Test Com * test. Com * .com My regular expression for the above secnario [One-zA-Z0-9]) \ [+ A-zA-Z] {2,6} $ / Is it working as expected? Do we have better expressions Can improve or write? ^ (\ *.)? ([\ W -] + \.) + [\ W -] + $ matches your examples. From my point of view, I also consider the third negative example correct. ^ (([\ w -] + \.) | (\ *.)) + [\ W -] + $ Edit: You may have to customize the character squares to include the allowed characters. I wanted to keep Rizax easy to read

java - Control access in methods -

I have a question about Java. I have a class, like say hello () , say something () , sayby () ,. .. I have other classes too. I have a class person , and two sub-categories of person : seniors and junior . To do my work is as follows: I have to make the Java Java class private, and to create a public class. After this, to create a new example of the Sai Javan class, I have to call the method of getting one with an argument: Example of a senior. Java or Junior. If I make an example of using a Senior Java Object, then I should be able to reach all the ways of But if I do that with junior java, then I say everything. The ways of Java are to say something (). Can someone explain this and how does it work? / P> Apologies on the road - I am from Spain, so my English is not great if you do not understand the question, then let me know and I will try to write it more clearly. First look at this as a reply to private class: For those items that y...

cors - ionic/cordova authentication with ACS -

बैकग्राउंड: हमारे पास वेबएपीआई की स्थापना एज़ूर एसीएस और एडीएफएस के साथ प्रमाणीकरण के लिए है। किसी भी वेबएपीआई संसाधन को ब्राउज़र के माध्यम से एक्सेस करना गैर-अधिकृत उपयोगकर्ताओं को एडीएसएस लॉगिन पेज से एडीएफएस लॉगइन पेज पर रीडायरेक्ट करेगा। सफल लॉगिन के बाद, उपयोगकर्ता को सुरक्षा टोकन के साथ एसीएस में सेटअप के रूप में यूआरएल वापस करने के लिए रीडायरेक्ट किया जाएगा। यह पूरी तरह से ठीक काम करता है। समस्या: हम आयनिक ढांचे () का उपयोग कर एक मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन विकसित कर रहे हैं। हम प्रमाणीकरण के लिए उसी ACS और ADFS का लाभ उठाना चाहते हैं, जो हम WebAPI के लिए उपयोग कर रहे हैं। इस प्रक्रिया में हम निम्नलिखित मुद्दों का सामना कर रहे हैं: समस्या 1: मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन (आयनिक, कॉर्डोवा, एंगुलज) के माध्यम से किसी भी वेबएपीआई संसाधन को एक्सेस करना उपयोगकर्ता को एसीएस पर पुनर्निर्देशित करता है और हमें त्रुटि मिलती है । XMLHttpRequest https: // {domainname} लोड नहीं कर सकता / v2 / wsfederation? Wa = wsâ ?? |5252 और wct = 2014-10-10T14% 3a24% 3a34Z & amp; w...

php - Laravel - Set Default Value for Relation Models -

मेरे पास एक टेबल खाता है: act_id, act_name, act_address और मेरे पास एक टेबल पता है: add_id, add_street1, & lt; अन्य फ़ील्ड जिसे आप किसी एडेड टेबल में रखते हैं & gt; accounts.act_address addresses.add_id के लिए एक विदेशी कुंजी है। Laravel में, मेरा खाता मॉडल है: LaravelBook \ Ardent \ Ardent का उपयोग करें; प्रबुद्ध \ डाटाबेस का उपयोग करें \ Eloquent \ SoftDeletingTrait; क्लास खाता शख्सियत बढ़ाता है {सॉफ्टडेलिंगटेट का उपयोग करें; संरक्षित $ table = 'accounts'; संरक्षित $ primaryKey = 'act_id'; सार्वजनिक स्थिर $ नियम = सरणी ('act_name' = & gt; 'आवश्यक | अद्वितीय: खातों'); सुरक्षित $ fillable = सरणी ('act_name'); सार्वजनिक कार्य पता () {वापसी $ इस- & gt; हैन ('पता', 'एडी_आईडी', 'एक्ट_एड्रेस'); }} जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, यहां मेरे एक-से-एक रिलेशनशिप सेटअप है I (बेशक, पता मॉडल में एक 'समानता' भी है)। यह सब काम करता है। यह बात है, पता विदेशी कुंजी नल है, क्योंकि खातों को पते की आवश...

java - Jackson - Working with arrays of objects, appending and removing -

I am working with the Jackson API in Java to handle JSON. I'm working here a bit more with it, but nothing deeply about it. Currently, I'm looking for a good way to take an array of JSON objects (either through the stream or string) which was created from a list of POJOs and attached a POJO or add attachment In the case of doing, duplicate checking is not really necessary as a simple example, suppose I created this array from a list of Java objects with a single variable called "object": [{"field": "value"}, {" Hild ":" value2 "}] And I want to set the same object with a set" field "" value3 ". I can change the whole array into a list of Java objects, add new objects, then it can be backed up in JSON, but it seems that overkill would be better if I used the Jackson to just create a new object I can add it to the end of the JSON array. Deleting an existing object from the same array will apply. ...

autocomplete - Notepad++: disable auto-complete in comments -

I am using Notepad ++ for coding. Autocomplete functionality in NP ++ looks really inexperienced. No matter where I am in the file, it always tries to give me a list of complete suggestions (most of which are just random words, instead of the function or variable names). It really gets disturbed when I'm trying to write a long multi-line comment, and I'm hesitant to run at the end of the lines because the auto-complete pop-up I'm typing wants to change it. Is there any way to complete the comments automatically? Alternatively, Is there a way to disable keyboard interaction with auto-complete? When filling the text for me, it is negligible compared to the time of my being saved and confirms that I am writing spellings or variable names correctly. Therefore, it would always be useful if it was always suggested, but instead of pop-up, the arrow keys interact with where and the text. You can set settings → preferences → Autocompletion and from this poin...

javascript - Cross-domain SVG content document in object tag -

Is it with a 'SAGG' with data in a foreign domain (data = "// da86ge957603k.cloudfront. Net / rails / grafitti_logo-f4e8238a87c979c0cf5b41481c982b71.svg "), and then bind a load event into the object and then access the SVG Dom of the object through the Content Document Properties? I can do this when SVG is at the local domain, but whenever I try to host SVG elsewhere, I get the error "This content document is empty" error. I've tried the getSVG document () as well but I'm not getting anywhere, which says it's a cross-domain security issue, and I can tell that SVG (I do not use an IFrame The object used) should be allowed with the tag. I appreciate you that you are taking the time to help me here is the code that I am using to embed and tie the object, and I try to reach the DOM (as I said when SVG is on the local domain). & lt; Object id = "gangster graffiti" type = "image / svg + xml" data = "& lt;% = ima...

javascript - How do I detect when a div has lost focus? -

Looking at the following markup, I want to know when an editor loses focus: & lt; Div class = "editor" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "editor" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Button & gt; GO & lt; / Button & gt; Edit through the input elements in the form of the user tab and each editor div focus (which means they lose div out tabs) / P> $ (".editor"). Blur (function ()). {$ (This) .addClass ("Loading");}); It starts working, as long as you add console logs and do not feel that it is triggering on every focal point of the input. $ ('div.editor input () {$ (this) .Parent () .addClass ("centric"). Focusout (function () {console.log (' focuso...

Is there a way to ensure that a kernel module runs in a specific process context? -

Actually, how can I ensure that in my module, a specific process is current I have seen the kick_process , but I'm not sure that after executing my module in the context of that process, after kicking it in kernel mode, I found this, but this is not the answer. I believe the answer to my question can also help in the form of that questioner too. Note: I know that if I need a task_struct of a process, I can see that I am interested in running in a specific context because I want to call the function . In the context of a particular process in the kernel, I am the best way to do anything, reference to the process Have a sleep in (wait * family of work) and wake up that thread and whatever you need to do, it will mean that you have to apply to the kernel through IOCLL and sleep on some other soda And whenever you need to do something So wake it up. It seems a very widely used and popular system

node.js - Retrieve image from mongoDB -

मैं gridfs का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, इसलिए मेरे पास monDB में है: fs.chunks: { "_ id": ObjectId ( "542e684a8a1cec178a172673"), "n": 1, "डाटा": BinData (0, "2N6DSSfbCN / LLacNDYrJUQDEZgimMUwFpQGoJP0RU19Bi4PM82DjrUnKhE / P9v7P8ZveD1oDpFBM0iml9NE3WQmAvYFoG + nhD73Jm4N9b4LpylaAN5Ef + gVdgGSTAfSUwOikXoVick5pSQCkRmTCU5NT9VVfjHdAx74 / ZhFRj + TIRjzlAhzkACBElzgMwGCo7tX + FYrpQLJ5KRmXiwFFwsNtHHzXiK1eu + CG1FumhGpA / qdG8CdDgD1xUHEcerMGO / eLGR9ML7ni / VjXxWzqp2j5DG2 / WuKNv7xd3Kz / vr0MctJhuaBIl35YrKhdLnzqDa0uDa6bm4jz + eNyAI2hQbayGo4kVPFe8W7wFpY7qfBvnB9kbocxfZSdADDUNwYaydpT8lIcKEN9XfQJOYZvHp0El ")," files_id ": ObjectId (" 542e684a8a1cec178a172671 ")} fs.files: {" _ id ": ObjectId (" 542e65378axdeckhb0 ")," uploadDate ": ISODate (" मैं कर रहा हूं: var फ़ाइल आईडी = मोंगोज़। प्रकार। ओब्जेक्ट आईडी (आईडी); Var ग्रिडस्टोर = नया ग्रिडस्टोर (डीबी, फ़ाइल आईडी, 'आर'); GridSt...

script doesn't see arg in '$ ssh bash script arg' -

मैं दोनों आज्ञाओं को हैलो $ Bash -l -c "/ bin / echo हैलो" नमस्कार $ ssh example_host bash -l -c / bin / echo नमस्कार $ कैसे हैलो ssh कमांड में एक पैरामीटर के रूप में पारित किया जा सकता है? bash -l -c की आवश्यकता है, इसलिए प्रवेश शेल स्टार्टअप स्क्रिप्ट निष्पादित की जाती है। एक लॉगिन शेल शुरू करने के लिए ssh > जब आप -c के बाद अतिरिक्त एग्ज पास करते हैं, तो उन्हें शेल के argv में डाल दिया जाता है, जब कि कमांड निष्पादित होता है। आप ऐसा देख सकते हैं: bash -l -c '/ bin / echo "$ 0" "$ @"' हैलो वर्ल्ड ' .. .तो, उन तर्कों को गूंज की कमांड लाइन पर नहीं रखा जाता है (जब तक कि आप इसे बनाने के अपने तरीके से बाहर नहीं जाते), लेकिन इसके बजाय उन्हें कमांड लाइन जिसे आप एको चलाने के लिए कह रहे हैं कोई तर्क के साथ । यही कहना है: जब आप bash - नमस्कार ... इस के बराबर है: (exec -a हैलो बैश -सी / बिन / इको ) ... जो कि हैलो को एक कोड के रूप में $ 0 डालता है जो केवल / bin / echo । / bin / echo चलाने स...

Follow renames when performing git subtree split -

I have several subdirectories that I want to draw in a separate repo with the same command to remove them I take them (rename) in a sub-directory within. Then I run: git subtree split -p my_new_subdir -b newbranch If I then check this new branch and git Run the log - Follow some foldfollow This only shows the log entries related to moving to the temporary subdirectory. I want to continue the entire history of those files. Is there a way to preserve full history while doing a sub-to-split? Is there any other means of achieving desired results? I have considered using filter-branch on the repo clone, but I know that it will be very slow. If you want to leave files from my_new_subdir , then you really need to remove all your files using the concept: Git filter-branch - tag-name-filter-cat - index-filter \ 'git rm -r - cached --ignore-unmatch unneeded-subdir -1 unnecessary-pattern- * unnecessary- and so on' \ --prune- You can use sth to help find out what ...

doctrine2 - How to create a ZF2 FormCollection of the Doctrine ORM Module's ObjectSelect elements? -

I have a strange situation where my add form works perfectly, but the editing form will not be loaded too. Instead, I get the following error: Notice: Undefined property: Theorist module \ form \ element \ object selection: $ Object In / Vendor / Zend Framework / Zendreframe Work / Library / Zend / Form / Element / Collection Fatal Error: Class name should be on a valid object or string 517 I have class objects \ model \ records are objects in which there are many-to-many relationships with objects of the class Application \ Model \ Subject . To show me the topic in the form of a dropdown in records forms, with the option to add multiple codes, want. Then in RecordFieldset.php : $ this-> gt; Addition ('array' = ' = 'Gtc: suffix =' gt; = 'gtc =' gt; = 'gt; =' Gt;; 'gt;; & gt; Element' 'Empty_option' = & gt; Select a topic), 'Properties' = & gt; array ('square' = & gt; 'form...

php - Modify code to pass a post id as a parameter in order to create a breadcrumb via AJAX in Wordpress -

I have a function that I use to create breadcrumbs on a WordPress site: function The_breadcrumb () {$ delimiter = '& gt;'; $ CurrentBefore = '& lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A & gt; '; $ CurrentAfter = '& lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; '; If (! Is_home () and! Is_front_page () || is_paged ()) {echo '& lt; Nav class = "breadcrumb" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; '; Global $ post; If (is_page ()) & amp;; $ Post- & gt; Post_perrent) {$ current before echo; Title(); Copy $ currentAfter; } Otherwise (is_page () and $ post- & gt; Post_paint) {$ parent_id = $ post- & gt; Post_paint; $ Breadcrumbs = array (); While ($ parent_id) {$ page = get_page ($ parent_id); $ Breadcrumb [] = '& lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "'get_permalink ($ page-> ID)." & Gt; '. Get_the_title ($ page-> ID) '& lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; '; $ Parent_id = $ pag...

jsf 2 - Why does the ajax event not fire? -

I got a prefix tree in my application. I tried to load all the data once, which is equivalent to 2500 objects It is, only a few are used. So I tried to apply some sort of lazy loading, the first level is loaded and I want to load the required data while expanding the node. I made some examples mistake and modified it for my purpose. But in my case Ajax does not fire, what am I missing here? XHTML part & lt; H: form & gt; & Lt; P: panel id = "add_elev2list" header = "LFGEEEEE" collapsed = "true" toggle = "true" & gt; & Lt; P: tree value = "# {bookb.root}" var = "node" dynamic = "true" & gt; & Lt; P: ajax event = "select" update = "@ this" listener = "# {bookb.onNodeSelect}" /> & Lt; P: tree node & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "# {node}" /> & Lt; / P: treeNode & gt; & Lt; / P: tree & gt; & Lt; / P: Pan...

java - Find out if an ArrayList has a certain char or partial string in it and then print the results -

The code is not displayed if it has only one letter, like flowers 'name'> private Static zero filter flower (arrelisted & lt; flower & gt; flower) {string flone ​​name = getString ("Enter the partial name of the flower:"); Boolean flr = flower cambodia (flomen); If (flare == true) {system.out.println ("\ n flower" + filename + "\ n" are filtered by); Println (floName); } Else {System.out.println ("There is not a flower with the following:" + flonym + "" + "\ n"); }} Assume that your flower class has a name Member and a Greater for it: Private Static Zero Filter Flower (Arreelist & lt; Flowers & gt; Flowers) {String Partial Name = Friendly String ("Enter Partial Name of the Flower "); ArrayList & LT; Flowers & gt; Filtered flowers = new arreelist & lt; Flowers & gt; (); (Flower flowers: flower) for (if (flower.getName (). In (partial name)) {filteredFlowers.a...

computer vision - Use image moment as a descriptor for image with hole -

The image moment can be used as the illustrator for the image. I have two questions. Can we use them both for gray scale and binary images? Can we use it for the image with holes? quote: This scalar (grayscale) image pixel intensity With the adaptive I (x, y), the raw image is calculated with the moment Miz is calculated Where is the (grayscale) pixel value of , your first question The answer is yes, you can use image moments very easily on grissk images, but if you have different objects If you want to behave well, then you should have a way to separate them. Question, I'm not sure exactly what you are asking for the moment can be calculated for an object in which there is a hole in it, but specific cases must be understood that in those moments What will be the difference

Google Fusion Tables with Derek Eder's Searchable Map Template - Can I layer more than one map? -

I am using to display the map that shaped that layer on one another. I should be able to control the layering of all the shapes displayed on the Fusion Table I did some research, and apparently there is no way to use the Fusion Tables column value to control the layering. is. So my sizes are just randomly leasing up and down each other. I found a feature that provides the ability to map the layer, but I do not know how to apply the layers in the map template to be searched. Actually there is a way to control the layering with fusion tables? If not, what is a way to get a map template to display more than one different fusion table map? Yes! Take a look at this example repo

inversion of control - OWIN, IoC, Bootstraping Providers and Preserving Lifestyles -

Through OWIN I am unable to wrap my head around the provider (Oath and Refresh Token) defined in the IOC container (Windsor). Bootstraping (startup class) and provider life style (PerWebRequest) are respected. I have a problem with the provider only, who have a scored lifestyle, are working perfectly. I know that it can never work .... but on the following: Public Zero ConfigurationAuth (IAppBuilder App, Windsor CONTAnainer Container) { OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions OAuthServerOptions = New OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions () {AllowInsecureHttp = true, TokenEndpointPath = New PathString ("/ Token"), AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes (30), Provider = Container. Resolve & lt; IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider & gt; (), RefreshTokenProvider = container.Resolve & lt; IAuthenticationTokenProvider & gt; ()}; // token generation app. USOuth Authority Server (Oath Server Options); App.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication (new OAuthBearerAuthentication...

c# - prevent outputcache if request contains specific header-info -

I have a web application (IIS7, .Net4.5, C # and web forms) and output cache active. The output cache anything except specific requests is working well do not want to hit me already output cached content with the specific header information, application examples have hit the business address pageload Is etc. For the current request with specific header information, T wants to prepare new output cached content, but the output cache should work for 'normal request' which does not have specific header information. Currently if I use VaryByHeaders, an output capture version of the current page will be created. If its a lot of web-trophy can be a memory-intensive solution and it does not work for me for the current solution. Is there any way to get this? Thank you! You can use to check the AddValidationCallback method A system provides output cache in response to the client in response to the cache in response to the response cache. Before The response from the...

java - Why am I getting 400 bad request with AngularJs post? -

I use Spring MVC and AngularJs to create a web application. I send a request to the server, but I'm getting a 400 error bad request . I configure message converter for Jason format in the spring servlet configuration file. I wonder why I got this error. Here's my angular service: save: function (user) {return $ http ({method: 'POST', Url: '/ app-web / user / Create ', contentType: "application / json", data: user}); } And on the server side, I have a spring MVC controller as described below: @RequestMapping (value = "/ user / create" Method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody Make Public StringCount (@RequestBody User User) {// Return some argument "OK"; } I saw a bit more: When I remove @equestBody in the controller, I do not have 400 error but user null @RequestMapping (value = "/ user / create", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody makes public string rights (user users) {// Some logic retur...