python - Restricting access to Django generic views -

I am creating a Django app where users can create accounts for them and then add transactions to each account. Part of a site that will allow users to track investment benefits. I am using generic class ideas to get it.

Users add transactions to a particular account (code is not shown) and then they transact the transaction of that particular account to the site / transaction / 2 /, where there is 2 account ID.

The problem can change the login of any other user's account to any login user URL. I can easily determine that the given account id is for the user, but I think that should be a better way. What are the best ways that I can get it? Maybe this URL should be encoded? I do not like the views of users who see their account ID in DB in any way.

In addition to this, I want to make it possible to see the transactions of some accounts of users, for example in the same list, show all the transactions for all your 5 accounts. Then this URL method will not actually work.

I have other options:

  class account (models.Model): name = models.CharField (max_length = 40, Exclusive = true, db_index = True = user = models.ForeignKey (user) class transaction (models.Model): value = models.DecimalField (max_digits = 15, decimal_places = 2) date = models.DateField ('transaction date' )

  class index view (LoginRequiredMixin, generic.ListView): m Dual = transaction def get_queryset (auto): account_id = self.kwargs ['account_id'] queryset = Transaction.objects.filter (account_id = account_id) return query   

and then I have You can use a transaction_list template


Can Auxiliary Work get_object_or_404 () To obtain accou the first object, if you want a 404 error.

Like this:

  def get_queryset (self): account_id = self.kwargs ['account_id'] # increased 404 if no account was found for the current user account Then = get_object_or_404 (account, pk = account_id, user = self requests. User) queryset = Transaction.objects.filter (account = account) returns queretset   

for your second thing As mentioned, you can either create a new view, or just check that if the 'account_id' was in the URL, and your current Reuse Rishy you will need a new URL.

  url (r '^ (? P & lt; account_id & gt; \ d +) / $', views  < / Pre> 

Your account again for that case where no account id is not in the url:

  def get_queryset (self): # account_id None will have the second URL if it was one, account_id = self.kwargs.get ('account_id', none) if account_id: # 404 is increased if no account is found for the current user account = get_object_or_404 (account , Pk = account_id, user = self requests). Queryset = Transaction .objects.filter (account = account) New: # We are displaying all the transactions for the user instead of a particular account query = Transaction.objects.filter (account__user = self.request.user) Return querySet    


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