Puppet Exec with no command attribute -

I'm looking at some puppet code to try and see how it works and the following given below is the Exec and File Statements I am very confused because no command specialty is declared, and the file is not specified to close the file.

Does anyone say how it works?

  issue $ operating system {CentOS, RedHat, OracleLinux, Ubuntu, Debian, SLES: {$ execPath = "/ usr / java / $ {FullJDKName} / bin: / usr / local / bin : / Bin: / usr / bin: / usr / local / sbin: / usr / sbin: / sbin: "$ path = $ downloaddir $ beaHome = $ mdwHome $ OraInventory =" $ {oracleHome} / oraInventory "$ oraInstPath =" / Etc "$ java_statement =" Java $ {javaParameters} "Exec {path = & gt; $ ExecPath, user = & gt; $ User, group = & gt; $ Group, logoutout = & gt; True,} file {be sure => Current, mode = & gt; 0775, owner = & gt; $ User, group = & gt; $ Group, backup = & gt; Wrong,}}  

The type of initial capital letter, the default set for the later versions,

In your example, all the fax paths in the scope, the user, the group and the log output parameters will be set there. File resources will use equally set parameters there.



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