java - SymmetricDS - Can't synchronize row with foreign key -
I have two tables, call it table A and B in a table A is a foreign key of Table B. My system creates the first line in Table B, and the second screen user can make a line in Table A. It is related to the row created in the table. The two rows should be sent to a specific symmetric client, to do this, I select the router for each table. The problem is: The row created in table B. only knows that when a row created in table A is created Where should he go When this happens, then the symmetics have first evaluated the sub-router of Table B and considered the batch as crispy. Since the table B line was not routed, the client could not make a row in Table A. due to a foreign key error. Is there no way to synchronize two rows together? Use
Yes trigger trigger until you release version 3.7 or wait until you take the latest version of the source Must implement the patch and announce it before the trigger optimization for table A, which will update the row with the foreign key in Table B and it is being routed in the table A before the line in the target
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