installer - WIX Writing user data into config file -
I want to ask a YX installer question. I have created a working installer that does a lot in advance. I still need to ask the user for some specific information (the GUI has already been done), and have to write it in a config file.
From this snippet, I think I This is the part when I want to use that. This code has been taken from a tutorial, should work properly, if the source tag is filled in properly The question is: How can I use the global variable, or what kind of solution do you suggest? Thanks in advance. Under the product tag, I will add properties that I want to change this way In the config file: Create a piece for the directory structure Announce another piece for the configuration file change If you want you to create your custom dialog then let the end user enter the value for the properties [Bulldran] & amp; Amp; [EMAIL_RECEIPIANT], or you can use the command line and set the property with parameters INSTALLFOLDER global variable
& lt; Directory ID = "Targeted" name = "SourceReader" & gt; & Lt; Directory Id = "IISROOT" name = 'WebDir' & gt; & Lt; Directory id = "INSTALLFOLDER" name = "IVDRDizer" & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt;
.. \ src \ web.config is just a dummy, so code can be compiled. The default path set for
web.config file will be
C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ myfolder , but the user can change it during installation.
& lt; Component id = "configurable webconfig" guid = "*" & gt; & Lt; File id = "webconfig" name = "microphonefile" key = "yes" keypath = "yes" source = "... \ src \ web.config" /> & Lt; Use: XmlFile id = "AppConfigSetConnStr" action = "set value" permanent = "yes" file = "[# web.config]" elementpath = "/ configuration / connection strings / add [\ [] @ name = 'gOIRRDsignertexties' [ \]] "Name =" connection string "value =" data source = [DBSERVER]; "/ & gt; & Lt; / Component & gt;
& lt; Asset ID = "Buildradan" value = "installer" /> & Lt; Property ID = "EMAIL_RECEIPIANT" value = "" />
& lt; Fragment & gt; & Lt; Directory Id = "TARGETDIR" name = "SourceDir" & gt; & Lt; Directory Id = "BasicDir" name = "Dev_Home" & gt; & Lt; Directory Id = "BasicDirSuite" name = "test" & gt; & Lt; Directory id = "INSTALLFOLDER" name = "DesignPatterns" /> & Lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / Piece & gt;
msiexec / i My.msi BUILDRAN = SuperDebug EMAIL_RECEIPIANT = y @@@ Home
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