installer - WIX Writing user data into config file -

I want to ask a YX installer question. I have created a working installer that does a lot in advance. I still need to ask the user for some specific information (the GUI has already been done), and have to write it in a config file.

From this snippet, I think I INSTALLFOLDER global variable

  & lt; Directory ID = "Targeted" name = "SourceReader" & gt; & Lt; Directory Id = "IISROOT" name = 'WebDir' & gt; & Lt; Directory id = "INSTALLFOLDER" name = "IVDRDizer" & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt;   

This is the part when I want to use that. This code has been taken from a tutorial, should work properly, if the source tag is filled in properly .. \ src \ web.config is just a dummy, so code can be compiled. The default path set for web.config file will be C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ myfolder , but the user can change it during installation.

The question is: How can I use the global variable, or what kind of solution do you suggest?

Thanks in advance.

  & lt; Component id = "configurable webconfig" guid = "*" & gt; & Lt; File id = "webconfig" name = "microphonefile" key = "yes" keypath = "yes" source = "... \ src \ web.config" /> & Lt; Use: XmlFile id = "AppConfigSetConnStr" action = "set value" permanent = "yes" file = "[# web.config]" elementpath = "/ configuration / connection strings / add [\ [] @ name = 'gOIRRDsignertexties' [ \]] "Name =" connection string "value =" data source = [DBSERVER]; "/ & gt; & Lt; / Component & gt;    

Under the product tag, I will add properties that I want to change this way In the config file:

  & lt; Asset ID = "Buildradan" value = "installer" /> & Lt; Property ID = "EMAIL_RECEIPIANT" value = "" />   

Create a piece for the directory structure

  & lt; Fragment & gt; & Lt; Directory Id = "TARGETDIR" name = "SourceDir" & gt; & Lt; Directory Id = "BasicDir" name = "Dev_Home" & gt; & Lt; Directory Id = "BasicDirSuite" name = "test" & gt; & Lt; Directory id = "INSTALLFOLDER" name = "DesignPatterns" /> & Lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt; & Lt; / Piece & gt;   

Announce another piece for the configuration file change

   & Lt; Use: XmlFile id = "AppConfigSetEmail" verb = "set value" permanent = "yes" file = "[# app.config]" elementpath = "/ configuration / application settings / MyApp.Properties.Settings / settings [\ [] @ Name = 'TestValue' [\]] / value "value =" [EMAIL_RECEIPIANT] "/>   

If you want you to create your custom dialog then let the end user enter the value for the properties [Bulldran] & amp; Amp; [EMAIL_RECEIPIANT], or you can use the command line and set the property with parameters

  msiexec / i My.msi BUILDRAN = SuperDebug EMAIL_RECEIPIANT = y @@@ Home    


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