javascript - Google Maps Marker anchor on far zoom levels -
I'm making markers with Google Map API The marker anchor for close zoom levels is very accurate:
As you can see, the marker has blue At the end of the polyline is indicated.
If I zoom out, then I get:
I have the same problem with a custom icon for markers
I think this problem is somewhere in the way of attracting my polyline in this example blue in the line The part is drawn first and then the yellow part is there. So I think the decision of Google Maps' yellow overlays blue how any one can fix it?
Thank you!
Sorry, I still thought it was on my own.
You can set a zIndex for polyline parts.
Solution: For every polyline, I check the color - if the color is 'yellow', then I set up jendex 1, if the color is blue, then zIndex is set to 100. Problem solving =)
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