
Showing posts from September, 2013

php - Redirect only one page to http htaccess -

I use codeigniter and I use redirection for all URLs on https. Now I only have one page () I want to redirect to http I have got so many answers. But I could not implement it properly. Every time I get an error, "this webpage has a redirect loop" my htaccess & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; RewriteBase / RewriteCond% {HTTPS} on RewriteEngine # First to rewrite the HTTPS: #RuleReightCond% {SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^ $ https (*.): //% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI} [L, R = 301] # Now, use www to rewrite any request for the wrong domain. RewriteCond% {SERVER_PORT} 443 RewriteCond $ 1 (Web / Surf | Surf) RewriteRule ^ $ http (*.): //% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI} [R = 301, L] RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST} world Wide Web \. RewriteRule ^ $ https (*.): //www.% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI} [L, R = 301] RewriteRule ^ About-us / [L, R = 301] Option -Inexes RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME }! -f RewriteConnect% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D Rivroitium ^ (. *) $ / INDEX.FPT / 19 [L] &...

css - Update Embedded Resource at runtime -

In my MVC application, I want to update CSS file or JS file content that dynamically inside DLL Are embedded runtime without restarting the application The reason for this is that my application is a huge one which will take more time to restart. So for the change in JS or CSS in the development phase, I do not want to run the application again and do not want to wait for minutes. Please provide the solution ASAP. Embedded resources are compiled into your assembly items and can not be modified at run time at all can. It is the same as you can not modify the bytes (compiled from your source code) in your assembly in the runway. You may need to think about a separate architecture for your application so that you do not need to update your embedded resource at runtime. Anyway, you can find this link useful:

Splitting Comma separated values in columns to multiple rows in Sql Server -

There are three columns in my table, one of the columns [ Col3 ] has multiple values, therefore, When I make a specific order on the table: call 1 with my call, cola 2, select colle 3 this gives me the following results : Col1 Col2 Col3 ------------------------------ Line 1 430 A319 N1160 N1336 If there is a way to get the output: Col1 Col2 Col3 -------- ---- ------------------ Line 1 430a 319 Columns such as N-1160 line 2 430A319N336 line 3 ABC FEG G3489 Row 4 ABCEFF M 5678 RO 5 ABC NFEF N 5643 , then in columns A new line is displayed according to each value and the other column should have duplicated data. I hope I am very clear from the problem. select col1, col2, split.a.value ('.', 'Varchar ( 100) 'from 3 to (SELECT col1, col2, cast (' & lt; m & gt; '+ Change (col3,' ',' & lt; m & gt; ') + '& Lt; / m & gt; AS XML] from the data [table]] as a cross application data. Node (' / m ...

php - Httpful post with urlencode -

I have a slightly larval app and I used to work with an external API - httpful REST customer added - I was able to "speak" with the mailstore API Here is an example: Public Function GetEnvironmentInfo () {$ uri = ' / Api / invoke / GetEnvironmentInfo '; $ Response = Httpful :: post ($ uri) - & gt; With certification ('admin', 'password') - & gt; Send (); $ Errors = $ response- & gt; Body- & gt; Error; $ Version = $ response- & gt; Body- & gt; Results-> Edition; $ License = $ response- & gt; Body- & gt; Results-> License holder; DD ($ version. $ License. $ Errors); } that function works You can find the following sentences in the API manual. "When a function requires additional data, this data must be sent urlencoded.HTT header content-type: application / x-www-form-urlxode should be set." For example, I want to set user password with the help of user password. SetUs...

how to display Notificaion on android api level 19 -

सार्वजनिक शून्य onClick (v देखें) {आशय notificationIntent = नए आशय (यह, MainActivity.class); लंबित सामग्री सामग्रीइंटेंट = लंबित आईटीएक्टिवटिविटी (यह, 1, अधिसूचना सूचना, लंबित प्रदाता। FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT); NotificationManager nm = (अधिसूचना प्रबंधक) यह .getSystemService (संदर्भ। NETIFICATION_SERVICE); संसाधन res = this.getResources (); अधिसूचना.बिल्डर बिल्डर = नया अधिसूचना.बिल्डर (यह); builder.setContentIntent (contentIntent) .setSmallIcon (R.drawable.ic_launcher) .setLargeIcon (BitmapFactory.decodeResource (रेस, R.drawable.ic_launcher))। setTicker ( "Helllo") .setWhen (System.currentTimeMillis ())। setAutoCancel ( True) .setContentTitle ("मेस्गेस")। SetContentText ("मैसेज 22"); अधिसूचना n = बिल्डर। बिल्ड (); Nm.notify (5, n); } मैं संदेश notifcation बटन पर क्लिक करने पर के लिए इस कोड का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन कोड यह दिखाने त्रुटि कॉल में आ रहा है त्रुटि है एपीआई स्तर 11 की आवश्यकता है (वर्तमान मिनट है 8): .Notification....

Getting all records from JQuery Jtable in client side -

How to get all the records in Jason Jettbie from JQuery JTable in the client side. I need information that I have a project information to include in the DB with a list of authors related to the project. I'm keeping this list in JQuery Jtable. Click the Save button, I am sending all form data information in the servlet I also want the author list in the JSON format so that I can send it to the servlet. Is it possible? See my JQuery jtable below $ ('# AuthorTableContainer'). Enable jibbles ({title: 'authors', select: true, edit: true, choose: true, // multiselect to enable: true, // allow multiple selection checkboxes: true, // first column actions Show the checkboxes at: {Delete: action} {$ ('# authorTableContainer'). Jtable ('deleteRecord', {key: data.authorId, clientOnly: true}}}}}, field: {authorId: {title: 'Title', '30%'}, name: {title: 'name', width: '30%'}, phone: {title: 'phone', width: ...

java - Want to create library project that contain all my (native) android application view adapter -

I'm trying to manage my native (native) Android application code. For this reason I am working and making a modular approach. I have already done DB, JSN Parser and My Library Projects of Data Model. But when I am trying to do it with the adapter to see it, then the idea of ​​getting an idea ID is to include an R file. Therefore, there is no other way that I can manage my Android list view adapter. Or is the way to complete the R file. Thank you in advance You can not pass a library to the app project, It's meaningless. You can pass only from Adapter ID Adapter.setViewIds (R.layout.item,, Or, you can do library projects Can create ID in

python - Pyplot: using percentage on x axis -

I have a line chart based on the simple list of numbers. By default, X-X is the only one increment for each value that has been plotted. I would rather be a percentage but can not understand how. So instead of X-X from 0 to 5, it will go from 0% to 100% (but the code below to keep the tick points appropriately. Thanks! from matplotlib import Empel_tolakits.pex_grid.exlslines import subplot data by PPT as pipette = [8,12,15,17,18,18.5] fig = PLTFiguer (1, (7,4)) ax = subplot (fig, 111) Fig: The code below gives you the code below: AadA_Spllot (ax) plt.plot (data) itemprop = "text"> S Leaked X percentages, which are based on percentages, assume that the spaces in each of your values ​​are 0% and 100%. This creates an perc array Creates an equal-distance percentage, it can be used to plot it, after which the formatting of the X-axis is adjusted so that the percent mark can be used in. Unfortunately, this old-style String Using the formatting, as opposed to the...

if statement - Variable is getting NULL after calculations in MySQL Trigger -

मेरे पास Initial_Fees नामक तालिका है। इस तालिका में एक कॉलम है जिसका नाम Initial_Consult_Fee है, जहां यह प्रति वर्ष 30,000 से अधिक नहीं हो सकता है नीचे मेरी टेबल है। CREATE TABLE `initial_fees` (` idInitial_Fees` पूर्णांक (11) नहीं NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `idPortfolio` पूर्णांक (11) नहीं NULL,` Current_Time_Stamp` टाइमस्टैम्प नहीं NULL डिफ़ॉल्ट CURRENT_TIMESTAMP अद्यतन CURRENT_TIMESTAMP पर, `Initial_Gross_Fee` डबल नहीं NULL,` Initial_Consult_Fee` डबल नहीं NULL, `Updated_Date` तारीख नहीं NULL,` idTransactions` पूर्णांक (11) डिफ़ॉल्ट शून्य, प्राथमिक कुंजी ( `idInitial_Fees`)) तो, मैंने एक ट्रिगर बनाया, जो जांच करेगा, चाहे Initial_Consult_Fee 30,000 से ऊपर हो या नहीं। इसके अलावा, यह सभी मानों को पूरा करेगा। DELIMITER $ 3 आरंभ करने से पहले 'आरम्भिक_फिस्बीआईएनएस' प्रत्येक पंक्ति के लिए INitial_Fees` पर शुरू होने से पहले 'प्रारंभिक' दोहरे सेट शुरू होगा; घोषणा 'चालू' दोहरे; चयन 'कुल' दोहरे; डिस्लेर `वैल्यूएफ़ीइन्टेड` दोहरे; सेट `initial`: = (चयन...

python - Accessing QComboBox index values -

I have a combobox that includes 2 items - method 01, method 02 how do i get my code Do you want to tell Method01Func to Method01 , similar to Method02 ? When signing in to self.connect (self.exportCombo - [0] I tried to do it in code like this., [1 ] ... but I was hit by errors There is a way to do this during calling Use the userData parameter, and pass in the context of the function you want to call. This is a simple example: Import CIX PyQt4 Import QtCore, QtGui def Method01Func (): Prinx 'Method 1' def Method02Func (): Print 'Method 2' class MainWindow (QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init __ (self, original = none): Super (main window, manually) .__ init__ (original) widget = QtGui.QWidget () self.combo = QtGui.QComboBox () self.combo.addItem ('Method1', Method01Func) self.combo.addItem ('Method2', Method02Func) self.combo.currentIndexChanged.connect (auto. Execute_method) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout (widget) layout.addWidget (self....

javascript - Google Maps Marker anchor on far zoom levels -

I'm making markers with Google Map API The marker anchor for close zoom levels is very accurate: As you can see, the marker has blue At the end of the polyline is indicated. If I zoom out, then I get: I have the same problem with a custom icon for markers I think this problem is somewhere in the way of attracting my polyline in this example blue in the line The part is drawn first and then the yellow part is there. So I think the decision of Google Maps' yellow overlays blue how any one can fix it? Thank you! Sorry, I still thought it was on my own. You can set a zIndex for polyline parts. Solution: For every polyline, I check the color - if the color is 'yellow', then I set up jendex 1, if the color is blue, then zIndex is set to 100. Problem solving =)

sql - making clickable text from php script -

मेरे पास एक php स्क्रिप्ट है & lt; php include 'db_connector.php' ; $ परिणाम = mysqli_query ($ con, "अनुबंध से चयन का संचालन"); जबकि ($ पंक्ति = mysqli_fetch_array ($ परिणाम)) {गूंज $ पंक्ति ['ऑपरेशन']; गूंज "& lt; br & gt;"; गूंज "& lt; br & gt;"; }? & Gt; यह एपी इवेंट्स पर निम्न आउटपुट रिपोर्ट तैयार करता है कॉन्फ़िगर करें & amp; सेवा कॉन्फ़िगर & amp; मॉनिटर एसएनसी कॉन्फ़िगर & amp; & lt; div class = "description" & gt; & lt; एक आईडी = "ओपनपेनल" & gt; & lt;? Php शामिल हैं 'शोअल_कार्ता.एफ़पीपी';? & Gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt; मैं जानना चाहूंगा, मैं एक क्लिक करने योग्य लिंक के रूप में प्रत्येक सूची आइटम कैसे बना सकता हूँ (यानी कॉन्फ़िगर एंड सर्विस बनाए रखा है)? कृपया एंकर टैग के भीतर मानों को गूंज करें & lt ;? Php शामिल करें 'db_connector.php'; $ परिणाम = mysqli_query ($ con, "अनुबंध से...

php - sql: result be only data with a specific item_id -

In this code, the data can only contain specific item_id for the result item_id = 3 ? $ articles = $ db read-> Select () - & gt; From ('Articles', Array ('article_id', 'name', 'Item_id')) - & gt; Included in use ('item', 'item_id', array ('item_name')) - & gt; Order (Aray ('Updated DESC')); Try it out: $ articles = $ DbRead-> Choose from ('article', array ('article_id', 'name', 'item_id')) () - & gt; Included in use ('item', 'item_id', array ('item_name')) - & gt; Where ("items.item_id = 3") - & gt; Order (array ('updated DESC'));

camera - Current working directory is not a cordova based project -

When adding the plugin to the Cordova Camera API, I am executing the command cordova plugin by adding , But after the execution it is getting an error in CMD like 'current working directory is not a Cordova based project' did I leave nothing? Need help. Thank you. You have not said how to create a project and for which you are trying to add the plugin . The general steps are: Create a project Make $ Cordova Hello Example.hello HelloWorld In this case, go to the newly created project folder $ CD Hello Add your desired platform now Add $ Cordova Platform Android Once a forum has been added, you can now add any plugin. $ Cordova plugin add Note: CLI Adds plugin code to the appropriate forum for each . If you want to develop with lower-level shell tools or platform SDK, you need to run the plug-in utility to add plug-ins separately for each platform. (For more information, se...

Slow MySQL Inserts from Python -

I am trying to use some data in Python (pymysql connector) in the MySQL database and I actually get poor performance Receiving (approximately 10 rows per second) The table is INODB, and I am using a multi-value insert statement and it has ensured that the AutoCommit has been shut down. Any ideas why my inserts are still very slow? I initially thought that the auto sign was not properly disabled, but I have added the code to test that it is disabled during each connection (= 0). Here's my example code: : params.append ([i, i, i, i, i, i]) for category (1,500) insertDB ( Parameter) def insert DB (params): query = "" "in the INCERT test (o_country_id, i_country_id, c_id, period_id, volume, date_created, date_updated) value (% s,% s,% s,% s,% s, NOW Duplicate key update on (), NOW ()), trade_volume =% S, date_updated = NOW (); "" db.insert_many (query, params) def insert_many (query, params = none): cur = _connection.cursor () Try: _connection.autocom...

regex - Replace all occurences of one word in string in python -

I have this string: "tag: tie, tag: ball, tag : Honey " I want to replace the" tag "with" "so that I have: tie, ball, honey I think I should use re.sub but I can not write proper regular expressions. How do I get it? Pretty simple: s = "tag: tie, tag : Ball, tag: honey "print s.replace (", "")

c# - Finding an index of an element in a string array -

I did a search on this forum to find the indicator of an element in a string array. The solution I've found uses the following method: Array.IndexOf I am new to C # and I have not yet heard about this method. I can find an indicator for integer, however I am struggling to find a solution for string type array. Here is the code that I search for indicator for integers: Public int search (int test value) {int i = 0; While (i & lt; test.Length & testValue! = Test [i]) i ++; If (i == test.Length) i = -1; Return i; } How do I modify above, to be able to use for string type array, or any other simple method that will do the trick? I think, you need the following example. If you need another example or need another solution, let me know. string [vals = {"val1", "val2", "val3"}; Int idx = array.indexoff (wall, "vel 2");

ruby on rails - Extend behaviour from model in shared code folder -

In my project directory I have a normal folder with some sections that we Sharing (using other techniques in the form of an engine is not an option for us at this point). We have 'duplicated' the project structure inside this folder, so we have some code like common / app / model , common / lib and so on). To load all the models we are using: config.autoload_paths + =% W (# {config.root} / normal / app / model # {config.root} / lib) But now I need to expand the behavior of classes in any normal / app / model folder. By creating a new extended model in my first option, get into the regular App Model folder, get it from shared model , migrate to the new model, And then give some place like ExtendedModel = SharedModel inside the starter this will work, but it seems a bit tricky. My second option was to create a new model in the Application Model folder with the same name, SharedModel and different method with the same name, but the railways are ignoring...

java - Getters returning null -

I know why my problem is happening but I have uncertainty about how to deal with it. So I have 3 classes, 1 of these are my Gates & amp; Setters In one class I am setting the price and in the second I am getting the values. When I get the value, they are returned empty. It is clearly because two examples of meeting / setter objects created in classes are different from each other. What am I trying to find out how can I set prices in a class and get them in two without the different examples of the Gater / Setter Class. My word is terrible, so here's a more detailed explanation: Class 1 Encapsulation encap = new Encapsulation (); Encap.setValue (10); class 2 encapsulation NAPP = new addition (); Encap.getValue (); // I have to return this 10 Class 3 (Encapsulation) private int value; Public Zero Set Value (int value) {this.value = value; } Public int getValue () {return value} In class 2, New example of charge (new fusion (notice)) So obviously...

java - How can I parse Parcel object in host instead of android device? -

I want to communicate with the app in the Android device through socket. We will send and receive many apps to get some system information and it will be easy to use parcel. So I have to do something to parse the parcel object ... I can use Python or Java or Jain. But there is no tool to parse the parcel. I want to use parseccel class android by Android, but the thread in exceptions ???? Main main ??? Java.lang.RuntimeException: Stub , because. I try, but parcel needs to write and read the original. I get and load it, wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 (I work in 64-bit Ubuntu) ... To transmit the implant Android code What are the other ways, except? Thanks! I think the use of the GSN Library for network communication on Android is a more basic and common way. If it does not meet your requirements, then you can use the customer to write / serialize with the object, but I want to strongly advise you because it is easy to debug and you get 100% Serial...

file permissions - Setting Metadata in Google Cloud Storage (Export from BigQuery) -

I am trying to update the metadata (Programmatic, Python) of several CSV / JSN files exported from BigQuery I am The data that exports data is similar to the ones that modify the files (thus using the same server certificate) the export goes all well, until I try to use the objects. The problem with setting the metadata for the patch () method I want is that I keep getting the following error: apiclient.errors.HttpError: & lt; HTTP:// while making requests; Bucket & gt; / & Lt; File & gt; Alt = json "forbidden" & gt; Obviously, this is something with buckets or file permissions, but I can not manage to get around it. How would it be if I have been using the same certificate in writing files and file metadata, am I unable to update it? The bucket is made with the same certificate. If this is the exact URL that you are using, then this URL problem: you / O / Buckets are not between name and object name....

javascript - Angular `watch` does not behave as expected -

मेरे पास कोड का निम्न स्निपेट है फ़ंक्शन MyCtrl ($ scope, $ log) {$ = 'आदमी'; $ Scope.guy = {}; फ़ंक्शन myWatch () {रिटर्न फ़ंक्शन (नयाव्यू, पुरानाव्यू) {$ ('ये हैं मूल्य', नयावाले, पुरानावॉल्यूज); यदि (newValue === पुरानावर्तमान) {$ ('वे समान हैं'); }}} $ दायरा। $ Watch ('guy', myWatch (), सच); $ Scope.guy = {'हैलो': 'विश्व'}; } जो आप कर सकते हैं - कंसोल प्रिंट की तलाश करें! यह विचार है: असाइन करें आदमी उस संपत्ति पर $ watch सेट करें आदमी newValue और पुराने वैल्यू को अलग होने की उम्मीद है और नहीं दिखता है वे कंसोल में समान हैं प्रिंट लॉग - विफल हो जाता है और अधिक विशेष रूप से मुझे उम्मीद है कि पुराना मूल्य होना {} और नया होना {'हैलो' : 'विश्व'} मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ गलत है, और जब मैं जरूरी हो तो इस तर्क को कैसे लागू करूँ? मेरा मानना ​​है कि आप समय के साथ एक समस्या का अनुभव कर रहे हैं, घड़ी मूल्य परिवर्तन से पहले पूरी तरह से सेट नहीं है और ज...

android - How to change option menu icon in the action bar? -

विकल्प मेनू का सूचकांक आइकन कैसे बदल सकता है? मेरा मतलब चिह्न (3)। यह मेरा कोड है: @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक बूलियन ऑन क्रेट ऑप्शन मेन्यू (मेनू मेनू) {MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater (); Inflater.inflate (आर। मेनू। विकल्प, मेनू); वापस सच; } और यहां एक्सएमएल फाइल है: वस्तु निम्न पंक्तियों को ऐप - & gt; मुख्य - & gt; रिज - & gt; मान - & gt; Styles.xml & lt;! - एप्लिकेशन थीम - & gt; & Lt; शैली का नाम = "ऐपथीम" पेरेंट = "ऐपबेशथीम" & gt; & Lt;! - सभी अनुकूलन जो एक विशेष एपीआई-स्तर के लिए विशिष्ट नहीं हैं यहाँ जा सकते हैं। - & gt; & Lt; आइटम का नाम = "एंड्रॉइड: एक्शन ओवरफ्लो बटटन स्टाइल" & gt; @ शैली / मायएक्शनबटन ओव्हरफ्लो & lt; / item & gt; & Lt; / शैली & gt; & Lt;! - कार्यवाही ओवरफ़्लो आइकन को बदलने के लिए शैली। सेट आइटम 'android: actionOverflowButtonStyle' में AppTheme - & gt; & Lt; शैली नाम = "MyActionButtonOverflow" पेरेंट = ...

utf 8 - Sublime Text 3 is not showing Unicode characters correctly under Ubuntu 13.10 -

In Sublime Text 3, Unicode characters are not displayed correctly. This works fine in Gedit. I tried to save the document as UTF-8, it tried default encoding to UTF-8, but still it is not working. I also tried to change the font, please check this image: The word is correct but the sublime is showing it differently (words like below). How can I fix this? Sublime Complex does not support text layout. I'm afraid it means that you also have proper Arabic or Hebrew Do not get, Sinhala alone alone Hopefully this will be added for some days but this is not a direct feature. As the sublime focuses on code instead of natural language, it can not be from the author's priorities.

javascript - Disable function in a slideshow plugin that centres the image everytime the browser is refreshed? -

I am using a slideshow plugin which focuses images in the browser. I removed the part of the JS script to disable the function so that the images in the slide show remain steady and the browser size does not change. // Browser size is changed when adjust image $ (window). Reset (function () {base.resizeNow ();}); However, the problem is that the image gets refreshed when the browser refreshes. I need to be at a certain distance from the left side of the browser all the time, how can I disable the part of the plug-in script, which focuses the image every time the browser refreshes? Please refer to this page that I am working to see my problem: From horizontal_center When the center image is closed horizontally, resize the images / display on the left side of the page. Therefore, from horizontal_center to 0 , your script, which means yogurt-line.html $ Supersized ({Autoplay: 0, Infection: 0, Keyboard_NEV: 1, Display: 1), Vertical_center: 1, Horizontal_cen...

c++ - Binding a templated standard library function -

आप ऐसा कैसे करते हैं? वैकल्पिक को लम्बाडा या std :: function में std :: generate रैपिंग की आवश्यकता होती है और यह अवांछनीय है। int main () {using सरणी_इन = std :: सरणी & lt; int, 10 & gt ;; std :: वेक्टर & LT; array_int & gt; vec (10); Std :: for_each (vec.begin (), vec.end (), std :: bind (std :: generate, std :: placeholders :: _ 1, [] () {वापसी 0;})); वापसी 0; } जैसा कि समस्या यह है कि std :: generate एक इटरेटर जोड़ी लेता है। चलो बहाना वे इसके बजाय बढ़ावा पर्वत हैं: बढ़ावा :: for_each (vec, बढ़ावा :: बाँध (बढ़ावा :: उत्पन्न, _1, [] () {वापसी 0;})); मुझे लगता है कि आप वास्तव में उत्पन्न करने के लिए कुछ अधिक उपयोगी हैं , क्योंकि उन सरणियों को पहले से ही शून्य से भर दिया जाएगा, क्योंकि वेक्टर मूल्य उन्हें आरम्भ करता है। आपकी बाँध अभिव्यक्ति सही कोड की संख्या को जेनरेट करें , इसलिए निर्दिष्ट करें कि जेनरेट करें को आप चाहते हैं कि केवल एकमात्र समस्या नहीं है स्पेशलाइजेशन के लिए आपको जेनरेटर के प्रकार को जानना होगा जिसे आप पास करना चाहते है...

google app engine - gae cloud sql active connections not closing (keeping the instance running) -

I stopped all instances in my app but still Cloud SQL is an active connection, I do not know why .. It is that Cloud Sql instance is running .. and the charges used for me are being charged .. please There are some places, which can be set to set a flag to keep a cloud SQL instance alive. Go to your project - & gt; Cloud SQL - & gt; SQL Example - & gt; Edit - & gt; "Show advanced options ..." - & gt; Activation Policy Ensure that its set "On Demand" If you are still seeing it: Fill more information. Just click on 'Settings' under Field, execute and scroll down. Find 'Activation Policy' and see if it is set. You can use the API Browser to change the setting or

I am trying to search up to the right diagonally in my multidimensional array in java. Why am I getting index out of bounds error? -

I want to search through Java in my multidimensional array of characters. I have added an I statement to make sure that it stays within the range of the array, but I'm getting an index with a direct error. Can someone tell me what's wrong with my code? // search diagonal up to right if ((line - 1> = 0) & amp; amp; (col + 1> = board [col]] length) Found word = true; (Int letters = 0; Letters & lt; word.length (); Letters ++) {if (word.charAt (letter)! = Board [row - 1] [Col. + 1]) {foundWord = false; break; }} If foundWord {Return word + "found:" + Arrays.toString (new int [] {line, cola}); }} // end search diagonal right The array number starts with 0, therefore Here Colonel 1 and lieutenant; = Board [cola]. Length You should use the board [cola]. Length-1

reactive cocoa - RACSignal and replayLazily. How can I handle errors? -

यह शानदार ढंग से काम करता है ... @interface हैलो: NSObject @property (nonatomic, मजबूत, केवल पढ़ने के लिए) RACSignal * संकेत; @end @ इंन्टरफ़ेस हैलो () @ प्रॉपर्टी (नॉनैटोमिक, मजबूत, रीडराइट) आरएसी सिग्नल * सिग्नल; @end @implementation हैलो - (instancetype) init {self = [super init]; अगर (स्वयं) {self.signal = [[[सृजनात्मक बनाएं] सिग्नल] फिर से खेलना]; } स्वस्थ वापसी; } - (आरएसीसिग्नल *) सिनैनल {रिटर्न [आरएसीसिंगल बनाओ सिग्नल: ^ आरएसी डिस्पोजेबल * (आईडी & लेफ्टिनेंट; आरएसीएसब्सबीबर & gt; ग्राहक) {[[सर्विस मिल इंस्टेंस] होप प्रोडक्ट्स: ^ (एनएसएआरआरई * प्रोडक्ट्स) {[सब्सक्राइबर प्रेषण: उत्पाद]; [ग्राहक भेजेंसंपूर्ण]; } त्रुटि: ^ (एनएसईआरआर * त्रुटि) {[ग्राहक भेजना त्रुटि: त्रुटि]; }]; }]; } @end ... जब तक कोई त्रुटियां नहीं हैं I मुझे लगता है इसका कारण यह है कि RACMulticastConnection के लिए SourceSignal ने एक त्रुटि भेजी है यह व्यवहार मैं चाहता हूं यदि पहले ग्राहक का अनुरोध शुरू होता है तो यदि कोई दूसरा ग्राहक सदस्यता लेता है? चल रहे अनुरोध पर हुक अगर अनुरोध ...

php - Canont Extend Zizaco\Confide\ConfideUser -

When I log in, I get a single error in my larval 4 project, my code looks fine and musician install update. Error Class user can not extend from the feature Zyzko \ Confide \ ConfideUser code Use Xizoco \ ConfideUser; Use Zizaco \ Entrust \ HasRole; Classroom user extends ConfideUser {Use soft DelightingThat; Protected $ dates = ['deleted_at']; Use HasRole; Public $ _origPass; Public $ autoHashPasswordAttributes = true; ...... Any ideas, I use this class Xizoco \ Confident \ Confused User is a feature that is not a class. Change the beginning of your class with the following; Use Zizoko to \ ConfideUser; Use the Xizhou \ Confederate \ Confuade User Interface; Use Zizaco \ Entrust \ HasRole; Class user enhances the corrective tool ConfideUserInterface {Use ConfideUser; Use soft deliberation;

c - Bounded numerical integration -

Please note that I do not ask for code but for insights, maybe someone who already The same problem was facing. I am transitioning the code that runs in the embedded system in real time. A new check should be applied for security reasons. This check is based on the integrated value of a certain variable. The integral needs the last "T-seconds", that is, on each new cycle, I have to delete the value that was T_s seconds in the variable and connects one at present. Innocent Approach Running at 62.5Hz, it makes a lot of waste of precious and limited memory fast. Is there a known approach, which is clear expenditure on accuracy, reduces the memory footprint of such checks significantly? The value is a measurement coming from a real system, it is not generated by any function. I thought that N average, integrated with each M digit and then N average, will reduce the memory requirement of N + M numbers, which can be significantly reduced by T_s * frequency, but I ...

PHP string replace modifiers -

I'm trying to write a function instead of some string, and instead of asking how to change something, I I want to know more about modifier so I can do it myself Take it for example: preg_replace ('~ [\ w \ s] ~ ~ , '', $ Input); or string (preg_replace ('! ^ ^ A-Z] +!', '', $ S); What are those people called? (~ [\ W \ s] ~) (! [A-Z] +!) They have little understanding to read or create a new one. Where can I find them all? Or learn to write them? They are called regular expressions, 'a regular expression (reggae or red xp short) is a search pattern There is a special text string to describe. You can think of regular manifestations in the form of wildcards on steroids. ' There is a reference and a playground to work with them here.

d3.js - Bind external svg to data -

community, I want to attach an external SVG file to my data-array. I have loaded this element in my dom: defs = ("defs"); Get a selection of D3.html ("combisymbol.svg", function (data) {// so that we can remove the icon xml =; icon = document.importNode ( ("(" Icon ", icon); ago> Then I tried to make it visible. I used the same way when I circle that I bind to my data This works with circles, but my external SVG is not visible. I do not see svgs. I also try Select: Select ("div # divCombiSVG") .selectAll ("star"). Data (CombinedData) .enter () .append ("svg") .attr ("width", 200 ) .attr ("height", 200) .node (). AppendChild (icon); But then the icon is only added to the first data-element and not the second, though it is an FIR Has been added to & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOC...

php - Get Yahoo calendars -

I am trying to get the list of Yahoo calendars using the next code. $ Url = ""; $ User = "****"; $ Pwd = "*****"; $ Body = "& lt; a: Profund xmlns: A = 'dAV:' & gt; & lt; a: prop; & lt; a: display name / & gt; & lt; / a: prop & gt; Lt; / a: proffund & gt; "; $ C = curl_init ($ url); Curl_setopt ($ c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array ("Depth: 1", "Content-Type: Text / xml; Charset = 'UTF-8'", "User-agent: Devkit / 4.0.1 (730); Calendarstore / 4.0 .1 (973); ICAL / 4.0.1 (1374); Mac OS X / 10.6.2 (10C540) "); Curl_setopt ($ c, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); Curl_setopt ($ c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); Curl_setopt ($ c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); Curl_setopt ($ c, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, Kernel_BASIC); Curl_setopt ($ c, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $ user. ":". $ Pwd); Curl_setopt ($ c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PROPFIND"); Curl_setopt ($ c, CURL...

javascript - PHPUnit+Selenium: 'displayed()' isn't working on popover element -

मेरे PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase परीक्षण केस में, मैं एक बूटस्ट्रैप पॉपओवर तत्व () खोलने का प्रयास करता हूं और उसके बाद एक लिंक पर क्लिक करें। मैं इसे खोलने का प्रबंधन करता हूं, लेकिन तब मैं लिंक पर क्लिक नहीं कर सकता क्योंकि PHPUnit मानता है कि यह अभी भी छिपा हुआ है मैं waitUntil समारोह का उपयोग करें, लेकिन यह समय समाप्ति, हालांकि तत्व वास्तव में दिखाई दे रहा है (मैं popover खोला जब मैं परीक्षण के मामले को देख सकते हैं)। मेरा कोड: // खुली पॉपवर $ इस- & gt; द्वारा XPath ("// कुछ") - & gt; क्लिक करें (); // रुको $ इस- & gt; प्रतीक्षाजब तक (कार्य () (वापसी $ इस- & gt; द्वारा आईडी ("myId") - & gt; प्रदर्शित ()? सच: शून्य;}, 2000); // लिंक पर क्लिक करें (कभी तक नहीं पहुंचता, पिछले फ़ंक्शन टाइमआउट) $ this- & gt; द्वारा आईआईडी ("myId") - & gt; क्लिक करें (); आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। मुझे यकीन नहीं है आपको त्रुटि क्यों मिल रही है, मेरा मानना ​​है कि समस्या आपके मार्कअप / जेएस के साथ है नवीनतम पुस्तकालयों के ...

java - Is there any annotation available for eager loading at class level when we are not using any mapping? -

When no mapping is using, is there an annotation available for curious loading at the class level? I know that this is available in XML configuration where we have (I know that in association mapping annotations there are attributes in the form of fetch = FetchType.EAGER to apply Entity objects one by one. , I am not here to use any mapping.) The need to load curious is based on the design pattern I used in my project, which is the template where I created more than one session and destroyed I have been If classes are classed from any other class Not affiliated, and method you're using session.get (), it will load the class eagerly.

matlab - Python evaluate and grade code from students -

For a class, I want to automatically evaluate the students' coding work. Students get a square skeleton, which they have to fill. Students 'uploads' Definitions of this class through a server (or web interface) The server tests a script on a specific function, such as class. Sigmoid (x ), And checks that the output of the function is correct and can suggest. This setup brings lots of problems, because you are evaluating unbelievable code. However, this would be very useful in my classes, so I am ready to spend some time thinking of it. I remember Coursera matlab / octace was something similar for the work, but I can not find the details. I have many online python interfaces (e.g.,,,; While they are right to learn or share codes with online evaluation, I do not remember the option that the evaluation script should be "hidden" (i.e. the correct reference implementation to compare the output on randomly generated data ...

web services - C# project doesnt realize the updates from WCF -

I have a WCF webservice and other C # project I I've added the WCF webservice to a process for its project But I changed the return type of a service into the webservice, again tried to update the webservice from the project, it still sees the old returns type. I removed the webservice reference to your project and then add it back to the project, it is still the old return type sees where this information is cached? the web Check the config in the webservice URL for you.

python - How can I extract an HTML form value? -

नमस्ते मुझे एक पृष्ठ में निम्न है: इनपुट id = "cu_first_name" वर्ग = "Input_text" type = "text" value = "test_name" name = "cu_name" मैं मान निकालने और अजगर में इसे प्रिंट करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। I use: username = driver.find_element_by_id ("cu_first_name") print username.text लेकिन यह काम नहीं करेगा क्योंकि वहाँ कोई वास्तविक पाठ नहीं है , मुझे मुद्रित करने के लिए "test_name" की आवश्यकता है, कृपया मेरी सहायता करें! आपने तत्व प्राप्त कर लिया है आईडी द्वारा वहां से, आपको तत्व का विशेषता प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है।

ruby - jekyll --watch not regenerating in specific repo -

Working on a github project at work, when I run jekyll serve - watch This code does not reproduce after changes. However, I stopped to check on my personal site (even on Jacqueline), and he recognizes the change, that's all right. version: jekyll 2.4.0 Ruby 2.0.0 Gem list: I have used the jekyll service - Force_polling service , which works, I always point to the actual issue, and do not need to do this every time. Here is the product of my personal site, after fireing the jacket and making some superficial changes: And after doing this work here, I am working with that project. Jekyll is running, while many changes have been made to the code: Any ideas No What to Do to Make It There is some bug in throwing a wrench in everything in the affiliate repo? Thanks in advance for your help - this is scratched my head to me. In the _config.yml file of your personal site, you have some old keys that are no longer used has gone. Auto , look for Clock and...

python - Django apps structure -

I'm learning Django but I'm hard to see how should I divide a project into the app? I have worked on some Java EE systems, almost for governmental and all the stuff, but I can not see how to design a project for this purpose? For example, if you need to do a web app to make three processes easier: the process of getting passports, process of obtaining driver licenses and the process of obtaining social numbers. There are steps in common in 3 processes: personal information, contact information, health information Do you have a project for each process, an app for each process, what will an app do for each stage? I'm sorry if I'm posting it on the wrong stack exchange site. Thank you. When you say "process" I think you are talking about pages (or Idea in Django) So I'll implement a single "app" to do this. Remember that a project is made up of apps when you create a project, a main app (with the same name as the project) is cr...

c++ - Can a base class pointer which points to an object of derived class be made to access a new member which was derclared in the derived class? -

I have written the following code, where I created a base square pointer which indicates the object class of the derived class type. I member using the inherited arrow operator from the base. But whenever I tried to use a member I defined in the derived class, I get an error. The code is below # include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Structure A {}; Structure B: A {int b; B (): B (5) {}}; Int main () {b y; A * ptr = & amp; Y; The court's & lt; & Lt; Ptr- & gt; B & lt; & Lt; Endl; No, it will not be able to access the declared member in the derived class. No, it will not be able to access the declared member in the derived class. When you use ptr-> B, the compiler sees for member B in class A because the indicator is a square A * and A is not the name of any member, resulting in an error. The compiler does not know which object can point at pointers run time.

r - Creating a factor/categorical variable from 4 dummies -

I have a data frame with four columns, let's call them V1-V4 and 10 observations. For each row there is 1 of V1-V4, and the second 0 of V1-V4. I want to create a new column named Newcoll which takes the value of 3 if V3 is 1, 4 if V4 is 1, and 0 otherwise To do this I have several variables V1-V4 To do this for sets, so that I would like to reduce the solution as little as possible so that it is easy to repeat. This makes it to add five by using the matrix multiplication for 4 columns: & gt; Cbind (mydf, newcol = data.matrix (mydf)% *% c (0,0,3,4) V1V2V3V4Nuke 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 6 0 0 1 0 3 7 0 0 0 1 4 8 0 0 0 1 4 9 0 0 1 4 10 0 0 0 1 4 This is normal for getting multiple columns ... we need the rules. You need to create a matrix with lines of the same number because the original data has columns and there is a column for each new factor necessary to create each new variable. It shows how to create a new column from 3 ...

javascript - CKEditor: Change background color of Link modal? -

I am trying to change background color of the CKEditor's link model, but I would like to do JS and do background color apparently But it is defined in bit JS: ], CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat & amp; (d =" & lt ; Html> body style = \\ 'background color: "+ E +", \\' & gt; & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt; " The output is defined as "white", not #ffffff. The question in the div class is "cke_dialog_background_cover". After You can do this with CSS override, making it easier than editing the core code. Create a rule like this: .cke_dialog_background_cover {background-color: re D! Important;} and it should work:

javascript - AngularJS Resource with relation between tables -

क्या यह AngularJS संसाधन के साथ संभव है? / api / client /: id / jobs (सभी प्राप्त करें मेरा कारखाना: .factory ('क्लाइंट', ['$ संसाधन', 'एपीआई', फ़ंक्शन ($ संसाधन, एपीआई) {var क्लाइंट = $ संसाधन (एपीआई.यूआरएल) + 'क्लाइंट /: आईडी /', {आईडी : 'आईआईडी'}, {'अपडेट': {विधि: 'पट', आईएआरआरए: झूठी}}); वापसी क्लाइंट;}]); धन्यवाद! मुझे मेरी समस्या का समाधान मिला मुझे काम करने के लिए एक और कारखाना बनाना है: .factory ('ClientJobs', ['$ संसाधन', 'एपीआई', फ़ंक्शन ($ संसाधन, एपीआई) {var ClientJobs = $ resource (Api.url) + 'client /: clientId / job /: jobId', {clientId: '@Id', नौकरी आईडी: '@ आईडी'}, {'query': {method : 'जीईटी', आईएसएआरए: सच}, 'अपडेट': {विधि: 'पुट'}}); वापसी क्लाइंटजॉब्स;}]); और, मैं इस तरह कारखाने का उपयोग कर सकता हूँ: ({clientId: clientId, jobId:}, नौकरी, फ़ंक्शन (परिणाम) {deferred.resolve (परिणा...

html - Mouse over pointer extends past div button surrounded by a tags, why? -

I have a Div button below some text and the CSS given by it is the following: & lt; Div id = "text" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Household Advertising & lt; B & gt; Dillar & lt; / B & gt; & Lt; / H1> & Lt; P & gt; It is completely an error that resolves all attempts to destroy all errors while harming all errors, and everyone realizes that they really know about incredible discoveries and they find out That architecture was described around life. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Nemoji is suitable for pneumonia, which are suitable for any type of oxygen or auditing, but as a result, Max. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; A href = "blog" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "blog_button" & gt; Blogs & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Div # blog_button {width: 90px; Height: 30px; Background color: # E31F2D; Border-radius: 2px; Text-align: center; Vertical-align: m...

c# - Send mail from application by unblocking gmail latest security technique -

I am developing a registration form in c #. When clicking on the submit button, I want to send an email to the registered Gmail account of the customer registered with my Gmail account. But when I tried, coming in the form of a security mail " Hi *****, we recently attempted sign-in for my Google account [] Sign In Trying Detail Date & Amp; Time: Friday, 10 October 2014 5:51:05 PM UTC Location: India If it was not, please review your Account Activity page ****** Whatever your attempt to sign in to your account, it will be your password. We recommend that you change it immediately. If it was you, you can switch to an app made by Google such as your account (recommended) to Gmail, so that your account is now equipped with modern security Sincerely, The Google Accounts Team "My code is as follows: MailMessage MyMailMessage = new MailMessage (); SmtpClient SMTPServer = New SmtpClient (""); SMTPServer.Credentia...

How to create a static build for a project in c++ XE5 embacadero -

Does anyone know that C ++ I go through the options of the project and it does not seem that much is clear. You must disable the following on the project options: Dynamic Link with Delphi Runtime Library (C + + Linker) Link with Runtime Packages (Package, Runtime Package) with RTL (C + + Linker)

android - get the name of text view when we long press in text view -

I'm trying to get the title and status of TextView Press adapters view. Adapter Contain MenuInfo Info = (Adapterview Adapter Contain MenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo (); Throw an empty indicator exception. Finally, if I think your question, maybe you want something like this @contentContactItem selected on public Boolean (menu item) {AdapterContainsMenufo Info = (AdapterContainsMenuFFO) item.getMenuInfo (); Int pos = info.position; }

c# - sqlexception unhandled by user code -

When I try to load my web page, I experience this error, can anyone recommend this What is the reason for this and what is the solution? A network related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the example name is correct and SQL Server is configured to allow remote connection. (Provider: Named Pipes Provider, Error: 40 - Can not open connection to SQL Server This is the C # code string conStr = ConfigurationManager " Username, userpage, email, address, mobile no, first name, last name, date of birth, time of birth, time of birth, time of birth, time of birth, NRIC, gender) "; StrSqlCmd + = "values ​​(@ Username, @Userpwd, @email, @address, @mobileNo, @firstName, @lastName, @DateOfBirth, @nric, @gender)"; StrSqlCmd2 = "putting in the patient" + "(Allergy, Childhoodillness)"; StrSqlCmd2 + = "values ​​(@allergies, @Childhood_ill...

jquery - Ajax Error Function Not Firing -

My function is fully executed while being displayed, however, when there are no results or, in my case To display program host records, I want to display a message for "No results". However, nothing happens. any idea? Thanks for the help! $ ('#search'). Click (function () {var form_data = $ ('# verification-form'). SerializeArray (); $ .ajax ({Url: "& lt ;? php echo site_url ('opportunity / search_existing_program_host') ;? & Gt ; ", Type: 'post', data: form_data, cache: wrong, success: function (server_proc) {var data = $ .parseJSON (server_response); html = '', program_host; html + '' TR & gt; & lt; th & gt; Program host name & lt; / or & gt; & lt; th & gt; location & lt; / th & gt; & lt; th & gt; session prefix & lt; / Var / i & lt; th & gt; Agency no. & Lt; / th> & lt; / tr & gt; '; var i = 0; i & lt; data lamps; i ++) {pr...

python - Why does mean() have different behavior on empty DataFrames? -

अगर मेरे पास पांडा में एक खाली डेटाफ्रेम है: df = pandas.DataFrame (स्तंभ = ['ए', 'बी', 'सी'])> gt; & gt; & gt; डीएफ खाली डाटाफ्रेम कॉलम: [ए, बी, सी] अनुक्रमणिका: [] और मैं समूहों पर कुल मिलाकर, आउटपुट को आमतौर पर एक खाली डाटाफ्रेम होगा & gt; & gt; & gt; Df.groupby ('a', as_index = False) .sum () खाली डेटाफ़्रेम कॉलम: [a, b, c] अनुक्रमणिका: [] मैं कहता हूं आमतौर पर क्योंकि यह हमेशा मामला नहीं होता है यह मिनट () , अधिकतम () , योग ( , count () , और इस तरह से काम करता है मात्रा () लेकिन अर्थ () के लिए नहीं, वह एक अपवाद उठाता है: & gt; & gt; & gt; Df.groupby ('a', as_index = False) .mean () ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल का कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल "& lt; stdin & gt;", पंक्ति 1, & lt; मॉड्यूल & gt; फ़ाइल "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", पंक्ति 666, मतलब रिटर्न में self._cython_agg_general ('मतलब') फ़ाइल "/ usr / local / lib ...

c++ - Test for equivalence with only less than operator? -

Say I have two types of type 'T'. I want to test whether they are equivalent, but type 't 'Only' less' operator has been implemented in how can I test it in C ++? You can simulate equality operator with two "less than comparisons" and a rejection : if (! T1 and LT; T2) & amp; (T2 and LT; T1)) (printf ("t1 and t2 equivalent");}

python 3.x - How to give three letters individual tasks -

Import a random print ('Please enter one of three letters \ nfor easy \ nExchange \ n normal ('E'): Print ('E was selected') Alif input (). Starts with '(' n '): print (' h was selected ') otherwise: Print (Enter 'E, N or H') / Pre> I want the user to be able to enter E, N or H, and then print it for its What to choose later. difficulty = input (\ 'please enter one of three letters \ n for easy to enter \ n \ N 'Hard to be' for general '') if (difficulty) (at) = ('E'): #Do "E" print things ('E was selected') Alif (difficulty. () == 'N'): #Do "N" things print ('n selected') alif (difficulty. Para () == 'h'): # dow "h" things were printed ('h was selected ') And: Enter the print (' E, N or H ') REPL:

Pairing data in python pandas -

For example, if the data in ponds is low: import pandas as pd Data = {'Type': ['Cat 2', 'Cat 1', 'Cat 2', 'Cat 1', 'Cat 2', 'Cat 1', 'Cat 2', 'Cat 1', 'Cat 1 ',' cat 2 '], value': [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,5], 'experiment': [0,1,1,1,2,2 , 3,3,4,4]} My_data = pd.DataFrame (data) According to 'experiment', between 'Cat 1' vs 'Cat 2' Perry testing is required. What is the proper way to do this in Pandas? I am new to Pandas and have not fully adjusted to think about the data there. Do you want it?: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; My_data.pivot (index = 'experiment', column = 'type', value = 'value') type cat1 cat2 using 0 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 4 3 5

socrata ny data service not taking $where? -

$ limit = 1 काम करता है लेकिन ? $ Where = hospital_county = सफ़ोक नहीं करता है ऐसा क्यों है ? क्योंकि $ की सीमा काम कर रही है, इसलिए $ $ कहां है? उद्धरण चिह्नों के साथ स्ट्रिंग मानों को चारों ओर से लगाएं तो सही प्रश्न होगा:? $ जहां = hospital_county = 'Suffolk'

Undeclared Identifiers when using C code in a Go Program -

I am trying to use a library downloaded from the IRIS website. There are options to create a dynamic and static library in Messeile. I have tried both topology with both types of library with CGO and I have failed. This is my go code package main / * #cgo CFLAGS: -I #Cago LDFALGS: -L. -libslink #include & lt; Libslink.h> * / Import ("c") func main () {C.sl_newslcd ()} and I have the following files in the directory: ChangeLog config.o globmatch.o logging.c slplatform.c strutils.c Mekfail Dock gswap.c logging.o slplatform.h strutils.o Makefile.wat example gswap.o main.go slplatform.o unpack.c genutils. A Libslinkk2k4kdilib Msrekordkk Slutilskk Anpakkh Redme Ganutilsko Libslinkka Msrekordko Slutilsko Anpakko Reedmikmd Globmckk Libslinkkdilib Netvrkkk Sttefilekk Configkk Globmc .h libslink.h network.o statefile.o Here are my error messages: go build -v main.go import "C" Is not recommended before: if "C" is i...

Mounting Azure drive on outside server -

I'm asking here that if someone had to increase the blue file storage on an Ubuntu server which is not part of blue . I have created azure storage account and placed my Ubuntu Saver as a folder which is hosted in Ezur but I would like to mount on another Ubuntu server which is not part of the ezuir network is. Any idea how this can be done. Blue storage allows only to mount Blue VM in the same area as storage account. You can access files anywhere through from the rest interface

MySQL won't configure, incorrect root password? -

After "itemprop =" text "> I have installed MySQL server 5.6, and it will not let me go in as it tells me I got It keeps the root password wrong on the installer I can not use another MySQL server before or after, but it has been removed for a long time and after installing this new server the new root You can set the password. Since it was not giving up in me, I see if there was not another way to find out its password (which is not there) or change it (there is) I have decided to do it, but it is not, or it worked, this is the document I was using. I changed my password multiple times now, it has accepted it according to the command prompt, and so far it will not let me use the SQL server yet. . Oh and I'm on the account of the administrator. How do I detect it, or fix the root password permanently? After the Is that the key link to say run it as an administrator is meant to do all this work in Windows sense, but when you exit, it changes it...

python 3.x - How should I fix my infinite while loop that takes in 3 conditions? Also stylistic questions for novice -

Write a code to test the Halston sequence, also called the Bohol Estimate. The code will print the number of iterations of the halestone sequence. End_num = eval (input ("eliminate the number of the range:")) def main (): start_num = eval (input (Enter the starting number of the range: ")) end_num = eval / Code> The main problem is that my code gives an infinite loop. I want to see all of these conditions in a statement while (start_num> 0 more End_num & gt; 0 and end_num & gt; start_num): cycle_length = 0 max_length = 0 max_number = 0 My code looks disabled, possibly in this category (i_num, (end_num + 1)) In the category I contact the problem There is a better way of: cycle_length = 0 while (i! = 1): if (i% 2 == 0): i = i // 2 cycles_long + = 1 if (i% 2 == 1): i = ( (3 * i) + 1) Cycle_length + = 1 print (cycle_length) I have just started coding, and I always know that to face these problems, one more Efficient way Any suggestions on m...

html - What causes this (b+w and blurred) effect? -

I wonder if someone gives me an idea on this site that Blur / B + Y is causing the effect When the menu is on the menu bar, the main slider is B + W and focus. Is this CSS animation used? Thanks for input I was interested when I saw the link and dug it . Nothing fancy @ - WebKit-keyframe blur {100% {-webkit-filter: blur (2px) grayscale (0.8); }} @ -webkit-keyframe unblock {100% {-webkit-filter: blur (0px) grayscale (0); }} #hero_carousel .slide, #hero_carousel .slide .slide_copy {-webkit- animation: blurred 1s ease; Webkit-animation-filled-mode: forward; } .no-touch #hero_carousel .slide, .no-touch #hero_carousel .slide .slide_copy {-webkit- animation: unbound 1s ease; Webkit-animation-filled-mode: forward; } I knew that in existence but in reality it was not known that you can use them. Be warned that they have lots of resources, so you will need to use them moderately