web services - web.config vs. text file for storing a comma-separated value -
We have a collection of VB.NET / IIS web services on some of our servers, and they have web. The config file is the original directory of the website from which they are already reading the configuration, there is a new configuration that must be added, which will be quite a bit more than the others, and it will only stand up to grow; it is essentially comma The price is, and I want to put it in some type of configuration file specifically.
At first I had started doing this with a text file, but there was a problem in it. Web file threads and processes are underway, while the contents of the text file can change, so they must read the file again every time to reach their values. I had thought of using any type of caching, but until the file is updated, until the web services are completely restarted, prevent the update from being used immediately in the caching file. But every time reading from a text file is slow ...
Then the web The idea of inserting that value into config, along with other configurations, is already using the services. When web.config is changed, the changes are able to cache in the code, at the top of the game immediately, though web.config is well, web.config, and it's a completely There is no trivial file that is read from the code. IIS treats web.config in a particular way.
I think there will be any negative result of inserting values separated by comma in web.config, compared to storing them in a text file (or a database, which may be possible for it anyway Can not be used), but I think I want to ask better.
What are the implications of accumulating a long, comma-separated value in web.config, instead of in your small text file? Is there a particularly good or bad idea? For me, it looks like the web. The config file can be easier and easier to read, but there is definitely more information about this common user about thanks!
I recommend using the application cache for this:
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