jquery - How can access the control that we have it's id -
I have a hidden input in my web page in which it has another input control ID, now how to the specific input controls Can I access this code to cache JQuery in my hidden input value?
& lt; Input type = "hidden" id = "edBuyMeal" runat = "server" value = "btnid" enabled viewstate = "wrong" />
function setbuyert (s) {debugger wher etter = es. s. Lit ('^'); Var btn = "'#'" + $ ("#" + $ ("# edBuyMeal"). Val ()); $ (Btn) .css ("color", "red"); } I am starting in junkery.
.NET and standard JavaScript in ASP will give you hidden fields like this:
var btn = document.getElementById ("& lt;%: edBuyMeal.ClientID%>"); Your code is unclear, but it appears that you are getting a value from the hidden field, the value is the ID of a button, then setting the CSS class of that button.
It will look like this:
var hidden = document.getElementById ("& lt;%: edBuyMeal.ClientID%>"); Var btnId = hidden.val (); ASP.NET Anything with the Elements ID varies runat = "server" will require you to ensure that ClientIDMode = "static" is < Code> BtnId . This will allow you to like it:
$ (btnId) .addClass ("myRedClass"); While JavaScript will be fast, if you want to do it in JQuery, it will look like this:
var hidden = $ ("# & lt ;%: EdBuyMeal.ClientID%> & quot;);
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