- How to reset this span's text generated from a regularExpressionValidator at asp with javascript -
I block this HTML on an aspx page: I tried to restore it with "*". but still "*"! How can I reset this period of validation? Thanks in advance! You have two problems here at the first The other problem you can face is that ensures that On the basis of the browser you need to support, your best bet can be to use the CSS to match the end of the ID within a
document.getElementById ('txtSendaryValidEmail') value = "";
span > Value is not , so you will need to use
innerText instead:
document.getElementById ('txtSendaryValidEmail'). InnerText = "";
id attributes on such elements are prefixing them unique Announcing your ID as
txtSendSummaryValidEmail , the end result looks something like
c001_c001_txtSendSummaryValidEmail .
querySelector method: < / P>
document.querySelector ('[id $ = "txtSendSummaryValidEmail"]'). InnerText = "";
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