ios - ABNewPersonViewController to save contact locally -

I have seen everyone else somewhere else and I think what I am trying to do is not possible. I am thinking that it is possible to use ABNewPersonViewController to make any person and save it locally (either in the address book or not as a file). Or anyone else is also aware of an open source library.

That's the manual I've created manually for filling a person object currently I'm writing it to a similar class from scratch ... but if I am thinking I'm rebuilding the wheel

  - (zero) newPersonViewController:. (ABNewPersonViewController *) newPersonView didCompleteWithNewPerson: (ABRecordRef) person; {If (person) {ABAddressBookRef Address Book = RF = ABRendresBook with option (zero, zero); BOOL result = ABAddressBookRemoveRecord (addressBookRef, person, NULL); If (result) {BOOL SAVE = ABDressbook alert (address book, RF, tap); If (Save) {NSLog (@ "Successfully Delete"); }}} [Self. Navigation Controller PopWebControllerUnited: Yes]; }   

and extract information from the person and save them as NSStrings, so you have to save the dictionary to a file as it is a property list object Are able to do an NSDictionary.


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