css - How to create a data:application link for a web font? -
Since web fonts have some in-in-out connection with crow-domain hosting, a developer for a crowd Code provides clients who want to use such web fonts to take advantage of the beauty of their beauty, especially when trying to expand the technical steps to host a file can be challenging And make sure that Uarel path is pointing correctly on the
Recently, I came across a Vebfont which
data: application / font-Vif; Charset = UTF-8; Base 64 uses "Lambhash" Naming and I'm not aware of this.
One of the major advantages of this is that it seems that it does not have the cross-domain loss to use the URL for the URL. Font, example here:
If you can see this link, then you can see that it is a series of Alphanumeric characters, where the length is quite long.
I wonder, how does one make such a way?
Help is always appreciated!
There is an encoding scheme for base 64 binary. You can use a decoder to get binary content of alphanumeric text coming after base64, . The whole process is called Data URI Scheme and it is a list of professionals and the opposition to use it.
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