vb.net - Using FileSystemObject to Export VBScript Code to Text File -
I export the part of the code below to replace the set objFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") However, I do not know how to implement it actually. Is the location and name of the outfile file to be made? I believe this is it. But then what is the purpose of Create: One Use this to create the object file you want to create ( In your case, it seems that you would like to write an HTTP response: / Li> MsgBox oXMLHttp.responseText code I am checked out the result of a text file and found the following code:
'file how to write? Set file = "c: \ test \ Autorun.inf" objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile (outfile, true) obz file. Type "test string" & amp; VbCrLf objFile.Close
objFile.Write "test string"? VbCrLf ? My main question is that I am telling FileSystemObject to process the code based on the code given below?
dim request, oXMLHttp, url url = "http: //ws.cdyne com / phoneverify / phoneverify.asmx" request = "
set objFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
CreateTextFile function):
set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile ("c: \ yourfile .txt ", this is true)
TextStream object (
objFile ):
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