Haskell function patterns 'otherwise' -
Is there any way that I can create a function with different definitions for different methods, including the < SomeFunc (pattern2) = def2 someFunc (& lt; otherwise / all other possible values & gt;) = def3
Or if this is not possible, how can it be obtained?
Thanks in advance!
Best, Skyfather
You can use the wildcard match For clarification, the pattern is tried in the order defined by you, so the above mentioned task is not because the And as we know from every other programming language, which is in existence, case statement is tried. _ :
is just :: probably one - & gt; Bull - Here we do not care what is inside just `Just '(bus _) = true - here we do not care what this is, this is not right, so' returned 'is wrong _ = wrong
isJust _ = Is false (only _) = true
_ pattern is the first match. What the compiler is actually doing is turning it internally into a case statement, so the first task
would be required x = x = x's case x - & gt; True _ - & gt; False
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