shell - Javascript to load putty to a specific ssh host -
I am trying to create a website which is a link and based on those links, put it with a specific SSI connection Will load the host. (Its internal and i.e. 6)
So far I have ignored the host
What do I need you to do, succeed in doing this
& lt; Script language = "javascript" & gt; Function connection (host) {var oShell = new ActiveXObject ("Wscript.Shell"); Ohh Run ('c: \\ archive program \\ cyst \\ putty.exe "-ssh' + + host + '22');} & lt; / script> & lt; a href =" javascript: connection ( '@') "> Connection 1 I have a portability executable location (with the escape characters) as well as your code (Before EF-SST and 22 before), there is a need to include some spaces. As long as the putty can run standalone, you can put putty.exe in a network shared location all it To launch Shm and most important: a consistent location for all users. see at a glance which might be interesting for you.
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