jquery - ASP.NET MVC kendo grid -
I can directly model the grid when I pass directly to the model if I try to get Jason data I can not do it, I can not
Here's my controller:
Namespace MVC_Test1.Controllers {Public class student controller: controller {Private ContosoUniversityEntities DB = New ContosoUniversityEntities (); Public Performance Index () {db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; See Return (db.students.ToList ()); } Read public functions ([DataSourceRquoteState] DatasourceRequest Request) {Use (var Northwinds = New Consumers University) (IQueryable & lt; student & gt; Students = Northwind Student; Data source Resource result = students. TODataSourceResult (request); Return Jason (Result);}}}} If I have this grid works and shows all the items:
@model MVC_Test1.Models.student @ {ViewBag. Title = "Index";} & lt; h2 & gt; Index & lt; / h2 & gt; @ * @ (HT ML.Cendo (.) Grid (model) .name ("grid") .datasource (datasource = & gt; datasource.jax) .service operation (false)) column (column = & gt; {columns.Bound (P = & Gt; p.FirstName); Bound column (P => P. Listname);})) * @ But if I try to read from Jason then 'T work shows it a blank grid.
@ (Html.Kendo (.) Grid & lt; MVC_Test1.Models.student & gt; () .Name ("Grid"). Column (column = & gt; {column Bound (P = & gt; P. Fostnam); Column. Bound (P => P. ListName);}). Datasource (Datasource = & gt; Datasource A.jax). Read (read = & gt; read.action "Read", "student"))) I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I can not understand it. Thanks for helping. Finally, after trying to do everything (thanks to all of you) I got a new one Proyect and it worked, I did not know what was wrong, but now it's working. Thanks
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