How to annotate Objective-C APIs for use in Swift (e.g. return types) -

According to the Xcode release notes, Apple has "auditioning" its existing API so that they can choose alternatives without interval. This means that T! Instead of , do their APIs T or T? Where appropriate, will come back.

Where do they do this? How can I annotate / wrap my current purpose-c code (especially libraries) to use cleaner from swift?

Xcode 6.3 / swift 1.2

Xcode 6.3 Objective- Added official support to

Emptiness of value

Price zero for the keyword __Table , __elected and __not_translated ( With the default) type can be declared by interpreting the type. The properties and methods include the keyword faucet , nonnull and null_unspecified .

Examples from Xcode release notes

  - (empty) registerNib: (nonnull UINib *) cell resuentifier: (non-existent NSString *) identifier; - (nullable UITableViewCell *) cellForRowAtIndexPath: (nonnull NSIndexPath) index; @protecti (nanatomic, redrawite, raten, blank) uivuvee * background view; Change   


null_unspecified (which is translated in T! ) is the default for all existing codes . A useful feature is the ability to change the default for sections of your API.


This makes it very far because of noise, which accept the methods and handle the needle There are usually exceptions, not rules. Personally, I will use it for all Audit APIs.


null_resettable is an extraordinary annotation that is used for unusual conditions, where you can set To zero the property, but it be zero will never happen (because it resets a default value).

  @property (nonatomic, retain, Null_resettable) UIColor * tintcolor;   

Personally, I have to avoid this behavior for the new code. The hybrid nature of such properties is not suitable for swift.

Exode 7 / Swift 2 (beta)

Exode 7 adds support for general-type comments in Objective-C

Generic type annotation for the archive

NSArray , NSSet and NSDictionary (which are automatically switched to the array of swift , set and dictionaries can be annotated with their content type.

  @property NSArray & lt; NSString * & Gt; * string array; @propert NSSet & lt; NSString *> * stringSet; @ Property NSDictionary & lt; NSString *, NSString * & gt; * stringDict;   

__ type The keyword which allows less-strict and downcasting to the objective-compiler, but does not affect the swift side.

Common type annotation for custom class
  @ Interface Mayor 1 & lt; __Corporate T & gt ;: NSOJject - (zero) addObject: Object (T); @ and @ IntraMire2Lt; __Coverian TT: NSObject * & gt; : NSObject - (zero) addObject: Object (T); @ And @ interface Marayere 3 & lt; __ Saharanak T: ID & lt; Encycloping & gt; & Gt; : NSObject - (zero) addObject: Object (T); @end   

@implementation is not known about T and id / Uses NSOBE * * / id As always happens.


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