Full uninstall of Postgresql 9.3.5 -
I have installed PostgreSQL 9.3.5 on OS X 10.9.4. I also used the Error in the postgresql now does not work where some issues ran: So I uninstall This should work if you had used Brava first to install postgres: Double check Edit: After further review, it seems that this is more of a problem with Postgres in OSG default for local installation instead of your installation: psql postgrace to create the database etc.
Could not connect to the server: There is no such file or directory that is local to the server Is running and is accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
Broad postgrace . Tried to reinstall, but keep getting the same error. I saw in the library ... and removed the Postgrascape folder. Is there a way to completely delete this thing? I am trying to re-establish this mac but it is not a way to find a long way to solve this problem.
brew uninstall
/ usr / local / var / postgres has also been moved if installed with EnterpriseDB , Then use the second answer. You can also try it because it is uninstalling a full manual.
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