I am new to Python I am trying to parse JSON result from a URL. Basically, I was using the following: response = urllib.request.urlopen (url) json_obj = json.load (response) It should be a stroke "str 'not' bytes' in the lines of a given" JSON object, so after searching on the StackoverView Flo, I decode the response in this way: F = urllib.request.urlopen (Url) charset = f.info (). Get_param ('charset', 'utf8') data = f.read () decoded = json.loads (data.decode (charset)) If I print "decode" I is as follows: { 'link': { 'summary data': 'https: // localhost / piwebapi / streams / p0_7qHaW4UHU-RlCaz8tpasAAQAAAAU0hJTExNQU42NDIwXFNJTlVTT0lE / summary' 'value': 'https: // localhost / Piwebapi / streams / P0_7qHaW4UHU-RlCaz8tpasAAQAAAAU0hJTExNQU42NDIwXFNJTlVTT0lE / price ',' InterpolatedData ':' https: // localhost / Piwebapi / streams / P0_7qHaW4UHU-RlCaz8tpasAAQAAAAU0hJTE...
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