- Send emails from IOS App -
Hello I have to know how to send emails from your iOS app. I am using paras and they have cloud modules to interface for mailguns, cendrids etc. But there is no example code for iOS which I can see.
I have created an account with Sendgrid and need to know how to execute it with pars. I have tried to add a cloud code with a pars guide, but I am not getting this right.
Does anyone help me push me in the right direction to get this function in this app, a tutorial or a sample code or any advice that I really appreciate it
One way to send e-mail is to integrate the mandrel with parse, you will get a parsed cloud function Can use the Mandril API to send email. You have to trigger the cloud function via the OS code. You can even create templates in the Mandrille and fill out the template specific places based on specified input value. Just search on parse tutorials. You can find examples related to cloud function and mandrel. If you have not received any material, please notify me so that I can provide code and link.
Hope it helps, Regards
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