Highcharts Stacked Bar: How to remove spacing between bars -

I am working with the highlights of the strike bar and want to take some space between the bars so that I can read some I am rendering I can make the place.

I have tried Point Padding and Group Padding but they are not working. I tried Min Padding / Max Padding on XXIS and did not do anything.

It seems that the only way to get rid of that place is to change the width of the whole chart which I actually do not

  $ ("# Profit-chart"). High Chart ({lung: {Thousands Sep: {Text: ""}, xAxis: "", ","}, chart: {type: "column", style: {fontFamily: "open suns, without-serif"}} , Legend: {Enabled: False}, Title: {// Minpading: 20, do not work here // Maximum Padding: 1, is not working in either categories here: ["Other business", "Business Benefits Some type "], label: {style: {color:" # 333333 ", font size:" 15px "}}, yAxis: {gridLineDashStyle:" longdash ", title: {text:" Dollars "}, Labels: {Enabled : Correct, Formattor: Function () {Return "$" + Highcharts.numberForm At (this (column): {stacking: "normal", data labels: {enable: true, color: "white", inside: true, use html: true, style: {font size: "18px ", FontWeight:" 600 "}}}, series: {// dot padding: 0, // group padding: 0, this animation does not work: {complete: function () {}}, dot-point: 145}}, series Data: Labels: {Enabled: true, formattor: function () {if (0! = This.y) "$": [{Color: "# 327631", data: [0, 850], stack: "female" + Highchartes number format (this., 0); and returning tap;}}}, {color: "# ADC 9AD", date [10000, 10000] Stack: "female", data labels: {enable true Formetr: function () {return "$" + Haicharts. Number format (it, Y, 0); }}}}, Function on full chart (chart) {// full chart.andre.txt ('& lt; span class = "bracketed" & gt;} & lt; / span & gt; & lt; em & Gt; Benefits & lt; / em & gt; ', 870, 85). CSS ({color: 'green', fontSize: '24px', x: 200}) .add (); Thanks in advance!   

P> It looks like point width setting group padding and If you remove PointWidth: 145 in the series and add the group and add points, then adding to the column will remove the interval you will be interrupted with the point padding. While on FlipSide the bar will take the entire available width of your chart.
  Column: {Stacking: "normal", group padding: 0, // add point here Padding: 0, // Add to ...}   


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