php - Laravel Get all realated models with scope -

I've been stuck for some days trying to get something I think should really be simple, but I I am not able to find the right solution,

I have the following models (just printing important methods)



I have an opportunity in order

  scopeByRange ( $ Query, $ d1, $ D2) {return $ query- & gt; Where between ('created', [$ d1, $ d2])}   

which works perfectly, what do I have to achieve

$ OrderContents = order :: byRange ($ d1, $ d2) - & gt; AllOrderContents;

So I do not have to make an attempt to merge and merge the collections

Is there any way?

Thanks to @Jarek Tuckzezky for pointing me in the right direction, my last job is the following, Just do something extra calculation for the report

  Public stable work by datrerence ($ d1, $ d2) {$ orderContents = null; Order :: By Date Rate ($ d1, $ d2) - & gt; (Use the ['contents' = & gt; function ($ q) (& amp; $ order content) {$ orderContents = $ q- & gt; select ('*' db :: raw ('amount' quantity ('Total_sum', 'dexc') - (in the form of total sum) '-' ('total_sum') - & gt; groupB ('item_id') - & gt; & Gt; Received () - & gt; Unique ();}, 'contents.item']) - & gt; get (); Return $ order; }    


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