java - Is correct my architecture of test engine? -
I'm learning a test engine.1 question, 4 possible exploration I have 107 questions. To change the question I clearly intend for another activity. Is It Normal Have I Made 107 Activities? What is right? Is there a simple and effective way? Package com.example.examtest; Import; Import android.content.Intent; Import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.view.Menu; Import android.view.MenuInflater; Import android.view.MenuItem; Import android.view.View; Import android.view.ViewGroup; Import android.widget.Button; Import android.widget.RadioButton; Import android.widget.RadioGroup; Import android.widget.TextView; Import android.widget.Toast; / ** * @ Author Joan Elmo * * / Public Class enhances main activity activity {@ override protected zero on crate (bundled saved instenstate) {super. Nc (saved instenstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); / ** SI Recife false cara La app * / if (getIntent (). GetBooleanExtra ("XIT", false)) {Finnish (); }} / ** * By checking a radio, there is an error for a radio button; * Radiococtal on a correct variable "anto *", 1 entero * / public record (see view) {radio group RGopscence = (radio Group) Search VVIBID (RID. Radio Group); Int selectID = rgOpciones.getCheckedRadioButtonId (); If (Selected IDs == R.Did.Video_Too) {Main Gates. Incinerator Punto (); }} @ Override Public Boolean On Crate Option Menu (menu menu) {MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater (); Inflater.inflate (R.Menu.points_menu, menu); See item = (see) findViewById (; Back true; } / ** * Clockable Loss items from the Del menu, click on the "L" ID * You can click on the radio button "Radiubutons", one of which is the word "Extreme". ** / @ Override Public Boolean On Option Etym Selected (Menu Item) {Switch (ITAT. ITMID) • Case R. Definition: Radiogroup RGOPCIENS = (Radiogroup) Search VVIBiID (RID.Radio Group); Int selectID = rgOpciones.getCheckedRadioButtonId (); If (chosen ID == Rd.Dr_Rio_T2) {int num = MainGetSet.getPunto (); Intentions = new intent (main activity, it is class of classics); Intent.putExtra ("text", "correct answer:"); Intent.putExtra ("number", number); StartActivity; MainGetSet.clean (); } / ** * Eli Deed Groupo D Radiobutton SET has been correctly separated: From: * The attribute has got a text variable punto, which is not with variance * We can change them while changing. . * / If (! (SelectedID == Rd.Dr. radio_tivo)) {int punto = MainGetSet.getPunto (); Intentions = new intent (main activity, it is class of classics); Intent.putExtra ("text", "correct answer:"); Intent.putExtra ("number", panto); StartActivity; } Back true; / ** * Acer from Sierra La Appolier por SER Activity Launcher SAOLO * Tamper user finish (); * Dia a serio la variable "panto" * * / case R.ID Canal XM: Finnish (); MainGetSet.clean (); Back true; / ** * Click on the menu to see the color of an item in the color of an item. Not to see this lesson * Podrae Cluster A Clock Una Segunda Viez * / Case R. Id.Net: TextView Re = (TextView) Find VViBiID (RID. Radio_TVO); Re.setBackgroundColor (Color.LTGRAY); Re.setEnabled (false); Back true; Default: Return Super.Options item selected (item); }} Public Zero Clickcount - Next (View View) {Intent Intention = New Intention (Main Activity., Second Activity Category); StartActivity; }}
One way to create a layout for better questions (if possible) And click again with the data of
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