Create new dataframe column based on other column in R -
I have looked at similar posts but I have not got anything to work with.
I have a column with 1,2,3,4,5 characters to answer the questions, I need a new column, when the reaction is 1 or 2, no new column Occurs when the reaction is 3, the new column is partially, when the reaction is 4 or 5, the rest is NA.
data.frame ': 405 of 1 variable: $ SQ023A: chr "-3" "-3" "-3" "-3" ... (this -1, - 2, -3, -4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Yes, no, partially) The new column yes, no partially answered but With numbers 4 and 5 with Yes and partially 3.
test $ sq23 & lt; - ifelse ("4" | "5", sq23 $ SQ23A), "yes", ifelse (("1" | "2", sq23 $ sq23a) , "no", ifelse Ifelse ("3", sq23 $ SQ23A, "partially", "NA")) test $ sq23 & lt; - c ("no"
, "no", "partial", "yes", "yes") in the form of. Numeric (sq23 $ sq23a)]
Your edit, I'm going to give more general solutions to such problems. First we make vectors in which we change the old values we want to change. Then, we define another vector in which the replacement is. Then we move through the match function. For example: sq23 your data &create a sample of #create; -data.frame (SQ023A = sample (c (-4: 5, "yes", "no", "partially"), size = 405, replace = TRUE) replace oldValues #define the old values for; -c (1: 5, "yes", "no", "partially") replacement (each value of newValues #define herein of oldValues) newValues & LT; -c ("no", "no", "partial", "yes", "yes", "yes", "no", "partially") for test column sq23 $ test & lt #create ; - New Price [Match (sq23 $ sq023a, old value)]
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