Using Codeception with Laravel and subdomains -
I use codepection to handle a subdomain declared in Laravel 5 An amOnSubdomain method for Webdriver, but Laravel Not for module 4. Is there any way to integrate this functionality with coding at Laravel? I tried but it throws an error How to get a little confused on how to proceed. I set a nickname with / p> I have also sent a problem in codepection repo for this method to be added. I saw this method in progress from the second module, which is already there, but the Larrell module does some different things with its URL and history, and there is no time to give more information at this time. Hope this method works for you itemprop = "text">
$ router Was hoping to do - & gt; Group (array ('domain' = & gt; 'administrator' .config :: find ('app host')), function () {
$ I-> amOnAction ('Auth \ AuthController @ showRegistrationForm');
can not be on the action "aththought \ show controller @ showrstation form": SIM Fony \ Component \ HPPCL \ Exception \ NotFoundHttpException:
as the
index and it worked for me:
root :: post ('/ login' , ['As' = & gt; 'admin.login', 'Usage' => 'AuthController @ postLogin']); $ I-> amOnRoute ('admin.login');
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