node.js - npm install connect-redis errors finding debug@ ^1.0.4 ... but I have version 2.0.0... why? -
I hope the symbol '^' indicates the need for debug version 1.0.4 or greater. If I am correct, then install NPMM - redis should get debug @ 02.0.0 which is installed globally on my system. I have node version 0.6.12 installed and NPM-V 1.1.4.
Here is the error message:
npm ERR! Message no compatible version was found: debug@'^1.0.4 ' Here is a list of packages installed globally:
A ???? One ???? One ???? Async@0.9.0 a ???? Line Line Debug @ 02.0.0 a ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? Ms@0.6.2 A "????" Line Passport-local @ 1.0.0 a ???? One ???? One ???? Passport -strotex @ 1.0.0 a "????" Formula ¬ restify@1.4.4 a ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? Async@0.1.22 a ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? Tunan @ 0.10.0 a ???? One ???? One ???? Byline@2.0.2 a ???? One ???? One ???? Dtrace-provider@0.0.9 a ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? Formidable@1.0.11 a ???? One ???? One ???? One ?? Http-signature@0.9.9 a ???? a???? One ???? One ???? One ???? Asn1@0.1.11 a ???? a???? One ???? One ???? One ???? Ctype@0.5.0 a single ???? One ???? One ???? Lru-cache@1.1.0 a ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? Mime@1.2.5 a ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? Node-pulp @ 1.3.3 a ???? One ???? One ???? Qs@0.5.0 a single ???? One ???? One ???? Retry@0.6.0 a ???? One ???? One ???? One ???? Semver@1.0.14 A "????" Line ¬ ws@0.4.32 A "????" Commander @ 02.1.0 A "????" Line Nan@1.0.0 a ???? Line Line ??? Options@0.0.6 a ???? One ???? Line Tinycolor@0.0.1 I really do not want to install an older version of debug, if not necessary, please consult :)
< The problem is that your version of NPM does not understand the ^ module for matching the module version operator to get you the newest of nodes. The stable version (v0.10.32) should be considered for upgrading this written form and you should consider the NMP, which supports the operator. The latest stable version will be.
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