sql - The multi-part identifier could not be bound. Any solution -

When I run down the query, I get an error: multi-part not bound identifier "Karmcharikmel" Could have been. [Employee] [dbro]. [Staff]. [Employee] SET employee. Mail = empad.mail [dbistore] [DBO]. [Employee] AS employee (select employee, IID, match OPENROWSET ( 'Adisdioobsjekt' Addatasor ',' Select Employee ID 'LDAP: // DC = domain, DC = comp, DC = local' ')) AS Empad where employees A collated databaseEditFelt = Employed employee ID calllet database or employee. I have compiled DATABASE_DEFAULT = substring (empad.employeeID, Charindeks ( '-', empad.employeeID) + 2, Lane (empad.employeeID)) COLATATE DATABASE_DEFAULT

Any solution: < / P>

I think the problem is in the above statement: try below

 Update the  Employee SET employee. Mail = empAD.mail    


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