php - creating multiple onetoMany relations in Sumfony 2.5 -
I'm really new to Symphony so that I can apologize in advanced if it looks stupid and I really appreciate it I am someone to remove my understanding.
I am studying and while reading, I thought why not make Dummy blog app to practice.
The dummy blog app that I'm working on is very easy, just three tables and its
unit unit / comments. Php Category (where post categories go) its unit unit / category.php. I am working to save, show, update, delete all posts / categories / comments.
What I am working after appearing on the blog, its range appears as a number (category id), so I was trying to link the post table with category table
Question 1 , since the post is linked to the comment table and I need to link the same table of posts with the category table. We will call it the Entity / Post.php inside the class {/ ** * @ORM \ O neToMany (target mapped Antiti = "comments" = "post") * / / ** ** @ORM \ ManyToOne (targetEntity = "class", inversedBy = "post") * @ORM \ JoinColumn (name = " Category ", referenced column name =" id ") * / protected $ comment; Protected $ categories; If not, what is the right way to handle these relationships?
Question 2 , while reading "It seems that I should be able to get the name name range $ Posts = $ this- & gt; getDoctrine () - & gt; getRepository ('blogbundle: post') - & gt; findBy (array ('category' = & gt; $ id), array ('id' = & gt ; 'DESC')); $ category_name = $ posts- & gt; Matching-category (); But this is an error to me
Error: Call a member function at getCategory () on a non-object, I can confirm that this getCategory ( - Text "itemprop =" text "> < P> Question 1 Annotations are fine, but you have to type them at the top of those properties, which they are related to, otherwise they are ignored:
class post {/ ** * @ORM \ OneToMany (targetEntity = "Comment", map PedBy = "post") * / protected $ comments; / ** * @ORM \ ManyToOne (targetEntity = "category ", InversedBy =" posts ") * @ORM \ JoinColumn (name =" category ", referenced column name =" id ") * / protected $ category; Public Function __constructor () {$ this- & gt; Comments = new ArrayCollection (); } // ...} Be sure that you have the right equivalent set in other organizations:
class category {/ ** * @ORM \ OneToMany (targetEntity = "Post", mapped = "category") * / protected $ posts; Public Function __constructor () {$ this- & gt; Post = new ArrayCollection (); } // comment} {/ ** * @ORM \ ManyToOne (targetEntity = "post", inversedBy = "comments") * @ORM \ JoinColumn (name = "post", referenced column name = "id") * $ Protected / post; // ...} Note that I have changed the name of some unique / plural properties and comments class. This way should be more intuitive. Question 2 findBy returns an array of objects, even if only one object was found. Use either findOneBy or foreach through your results.
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