objective c - Sort the Main NSArray using the SubArray key value pair -
I want to sort my main array based on first_name in swap self.contacts The code that is used to sort the array MyData Try with this sort descriptor Do: parameter
- (zero) Sort {NSSortDescriptor * sdName = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] InitWithKey: @ "first_name" ascending: yes]; Self.contacts = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [Contacted with your own word descriptor: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: sdName, zero]]]; }
self.contacts = ({contact = {"first_name" = "test r";}; "Last_met" = ({"last_met_date" = "2014-10-09";});}, {contact = {"first_name" = "test of";}; "last_met" = ({"last_met_date" = "2014 -10-09 ";}};})
Descriptor = [[NSSSort Descriptor Alok] initWithKey: @ "contact.first_name" ascending: Yes];
key is actually a key path , and
nsDictionary is compliant as you like stuff You can write:
[Contact [0] valueForKeyPath: @ "contact.first_name"] .
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